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Collapse 00048 - PARISH OF ST JAMES, BULKINGTON - 1606-200600048 - PARISH OF ST JAMES, BULKINGTON - 1606-2006
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Expand 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 5 - Auxiliary Organisations5 - Auxiliary Organisations
Expand 7 - Overseers of the Poor7 - Overseers of the Poor
Expand 8 - Highway Surveyors8 - Highway Surveyors
Expand 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Expand 11 - Schools11 - Schools
Expand 12 - Statutory deposits12 - Statutory deposits
Expand 14 - Printed14 - Printed
Collapse 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous
1 - Case of Mary Hopkins on trial at Warwick Assize for Polygamy - 1822
2 - Opinion as to rating of a stone quarry at Marston. Decision as to whether it is legally a quarry or a mine - 1832
3 - Plan of the hamlet of Bulkington marking only a few houses and two spots one marked `Chest found' and the other referred to as `Ricketts alias Ricklings cap found' - 1835
4 - Solicitors' copy of the receipts and payments concerned in Miss Emma French's will whereby she left the residue to the incumbent and churchwardens for the maintenance and repair of the church. With covering letter - 1927
5 - Provisions laid out by statute covering the employment of children as chimney sweeps (handwritten) - nd
6 - Pedigree of the du Bois, Boys, Boyce etc. family, 1100-c.1900 prepared by Henry S. Boys and edited by Guy P. Boys - 1939
7 - Orton family tree, 1704-1949 - 20th century
8 - Fragments of documents with ?mouse's nest, in box - nd
Collapse 9 - Deeds9 - Deeds
1 - Agreement between inhabitants to provide four horses and four cows on the Common Land - 1723
2 - Release (following lease for a year) by Francis Casmore of Starton in the parish of Stoneleigh to Samuell Jenkins of Bulkington of a messuage etc. and several pieces of arable land, giving abuttals. - 18 Sep 1717
3 - Abstract of Title of Francis Casmore with reference to above, 1689-1710 - 18th century
4 - Lease by Jonathan Reeve, yeoman of Bulkington to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the parish of a messuage etc. and a fourth part of a yard land for the inhabitants of Bulkington, at a yearly rent of one pepper corn - 1 Feb 1726
5 - Lease by Joseph Sharpe, yeoman of Bulkington and John Stanton his trustee to Thomas Lee, farmer of Bulkington of a messuage etc. at a yearly rent of one pepper corn - 3 Jul 1783
6 - Release (following lease for a year) by Martha Herbert and William Herbert of Napton-on-the-Hill to Thomas Warner and John Warner of Bulkington of a messuage in Bulkington erected by Humphrey Taylor, with the barn and buildings belonging and the garden now used as two orchards - 14 May 1805
7 - Release by Thomas Warner, farmer and grazier to Mary Witherington, formerly Mary Warner, of an undivided moiety left by William Warner dec., comprising a messuage erected by Humphrey Taylor with the bakehouse, stabling, outbuildings, gardens and orchard situated in Bulkington - 30 Dec 1859
8 - Abstract of Title of John and Mary Witherington to a messuage or tenement land and premises at Bulkington, 1805-1860 - 1860
9 - Release (following lease for a year) by John Ashburn, weaver and labourer and Elizabeth Ashburn, his daughter, silk winder of Bulkington to Joseph Nutting, ribbon weaver of Bulkington of a messuage with garden ground etc. in Bulkington, giving abuttals, which has been in the possession of John Ashburn and his father for forty years and is commonly called Ashburns House - 6 Sep 1823
10 - Release (following lease for a year) by Joseph Nutting, ribbon weaver of Bulkington and Thomas Nixon his trustee to Richard Orton, William Orton, John Orton, Richard Johnson, William Johnson, Thomas Brooks, John Gilbert, Joseph Orton, John Warner, William Warner, Thomas Rogers and John Atkins all farmers and graziers of Bulkington of a messuage and garden etc. in Bulkington giving abuttals - ?1825
11 - Release by the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of Bulkington of the yearly sum of £10 charged upon an estate devised to Richard Perkins by Richard Johnson's will in consideration of £200 to be kept by the Churchwardens and Overseers, the interest and dividends from which to be divided amongst the industrious poor - 7 Nov 1834
12 - Conveyance of a messuage at Ryton, late of Thomas Nixon, close now used as garden ground (1 acre about). Conveyance of this property (which was sold for £200) to trustees: the profits of the property to be given to the industrious poor of Bulkington - 25 Mar 1835

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