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Collapse 00077 - PARISH OF HOLY TRINITY, COVENTRY - 13th cent-198700077 - PARISH OF HOLY TRINITY, COVENTRY - 13th cent-1987
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1 - Translation and transcription by Mary Dormer Harris of a grant from James I to Henry Sewell and others of property in Brinklow, Allesley, Coundon etc. dated 6th Dec 1609 (Bound) - 1910
2 - Rental of the lands and tenements of Holy Trinity church - late 18th cent
3 - Photostat copies of deed conveying church property to new trustees, with schedule of properties, 31 July 1931. - 1931-1959
Collapse 4 - A Calendar of the Deeds relating to the Church Properties: Documents in Trinity Vestry4 - A Calendar of the Deeds relating to the Church Properties: Documents in Trinity Vestry
1 - Grant by Master Ric. de Burton and Petronilla, his wife, to Geof. le Lef of a curtilage which Ralph le Rasurer (barber) held in "Le Dedelone" under the Park, betw. land of said Geof. and that of Matilda de Pinnerley for 14d. of silver paid at quarter-days. - nd
2 - Grant by Geof. le Lef to Ric. le Hodere (hoodmaker) of a curtilage in "le Dedelone" betw. lands of Rob. de Elsteby and Matilda Wale, and stretching to Park ditch. - nd
3 - Grant by Geof. le Lef to Ric., son of (?) Richer de Weston, and Alice, his wife, of half a curtilage in Dead Lane, formerly of Tho. le (?) Hennemonger, betw. land of Geof. and that of Tho. de Merston, baker. - nd
4 - Grant by Joh. Scot and Margerie, his wife, to Hen. de Wytinton, merchant, and Agnes, his wife, of a tenement in Lower (sic) Park St. betw. land of Ad. Russel and of Will, the Smith, stretching from King's highway to land of Richer de Weston, for a silver ½d. at Xmas and Midsummer. - nd
5 - Grant by Ric. Hakim, called Broun, to Will. le Parkere and Matilda, his wife, of his chief dwelling in Stoke (quoted in full, see description) - nd
6 - Agreement between Ric., son of Will. de Wilesgrave, and Emma, formerly wife of Rob. Beufys (quoted in full, see description) - 1259
7 - Grant of Ric. de Dunnestable "le Hodere" to Tho. de Grantham, "le Sauonner" (soapmaker) of a curtilage in "le Dede lone" betw. lands of Ric. son of Richer de Weston and Hugh le Hoser, for services due and accustomed. Fine, a certain sum of money. Witn. Anketil de Coleshul, bf., Ad. de Russell, Pet. Barun, Ric. son of Richer, Hugh le Hoser, Will. de Wytele, Rog. le Brugge wrthe (? bridgewright or bridge-builder) Rob. the Smith. Rog. the clerk, and others. Seal, S. Ricardi le hodere. - [1299-1300]
8 - Grant of Ric. son of Richer of Weston to Tho. de Grantham of a curtilage in Dead Lane towards Lord Rob. de Mohaut's park, betw. the lands of Thomas and of Tho. de Meryston, baker. Fine, a certain sum of money. Witnesses, Ank. de Coleshill, bailiff, Joh. Leofwyne, coroner, Ad. Russel, Will. Grauntpe, Geof. de Donchirche, Ric. de Weston, sen., Hug. le Hoser, Will. de Wytele, Rog. clerk, and others. At Coventry. Seal, S. Ricard' fil' Richi? - [1300]
9 - To all Christ's faithful seeing or hearing this present writing, Walter de Newerk of Coventry and Isabella, my wife, greeting in the Lord everlasting. Know all ye that we are held and bound to Thomas de Grantham in 44s. sterling for many wares sold to us, to pay to the same Thomas or his certain attorney bearing this letter at Coventry on Sunday next before the Lord's birth (Christmas) A.D. the 30th year of the Lord Edward, son of King Henry, 4s., and on Sunday next after the Purification of the Blessed Mary next following in the above-said year 6d.; and thus from Sunday to Sunday in every week 6d., without any default or gainsaying until the aforesaid debt shall be fully paid. And if it happen - which God forbid! - that we, the said Walter and Isabella, my wife, from any day abovesaid fail in part or wholly in the payment of the said debt, then it shall be well allowed that the bailiffs of the lord Prior of Coventry for the time being destrain on us by all our goods (here follow a few words so faded as to be illegible) as well in our chamber (camera) as in the house, and to retain them until satisfaction (is made) to the aforesaid Thomas or his attorney as aforesaid. And nevertheless we bind ourselves in 40s. to a payment to the Holy Land for violation or infraction of this covenant. In testimony of which thing we have affixed our seals to this present writing. These being witnesses, Elias de Lynne, Hugo le Hosier, and others. Given at Coventry on Tuesday before the feast of S. Nicholas, in the year of the Lord of the Lord Edward above-said. - 1301
10 - (Imperfect) Grant of Peter, son of Tho. Haldeyn to Steph. le Mareschal (marescallus farrier) of a piece of land in Coventry lying between Stephen's and that of Ric. de S. Jacobo, and stretching from the land of Alice, the grantor's mother to that of Will. de Coundulm (Coundon). Witn. Ank. de Colleshull, bailiff, Alex. de Stonleye, Joh. le (?) Goner, Rob. ffaccon, Walt. le Whyte-webbe, Hug. de Copton, Sim. le Pasteymaker, Tho. de Celer. At Coventry. - 1311
11 - Quitclaim of Alice, grantor's mother, of all her right in the land (as in DR0429/10B) to the grantee. - nd
12 - Lease for lives in survivorship by Hugo de Grantham to Joh. de Wodecote and Agnes his wife of a piece of land in "le Deddelon" betw. land of Hugo le Hosier and of Tho. de Marston, baker, and stretching from the King's highway to "Chelismor" Park To pay after the end of ten years half a mark yearly. Witn. Joh. de Clifton, bailiff, Rog. de Pacwod, coroner, Hug. le Hosier, Tho. de Marston, Ric. Blount, clerk, and others - 1317
13 - Quit claim of Will. le Grasyere, Philip, his brother and John his servant to Geof. de Derby, Elias, son of Joh. de Derby, and Nicholas, brother of Elias, of all action, claim, or plea which they had against them by reason of any trespass, covenant, contract, damage, injury, or grievance from the beginning of the world until the day of the making of these presents. - 1327
14 - Grant of Joh. le Redeclerk de Erbury (Arbury), merchant in Coventry, to Joh. de Schipton, merchant, of a messuage in Much Park Street, which he had of the gift of Hen. Atte Boredstan of ffilongleye, lying between Rob. Russel the chaplain's tenement and that of Felicia Clement, to hold of chief lords for services due. Witn. Joh. de Clifton, bailiff, Rob. de Baresworth, Nic. de Meriton, Hen. Attennyre, Joh. de Newerk, Gal. ffrebern, and others - [1330]
15 - Release and quitelaim of Ric. de Schipton to Joh. le Redeclerk of the house mentioned in 13 to hold on same terms. - [1330]
16 - Lease for the term of her minority by Agnes, daughter of Will. de Wedon with consent of her guardian, Joh. le Chaloner (Blanket-maker), to Joh. le Redeclerk and Elena his wife of half a messuage in Much Park Street, by (iuxta) the tenement of Rob. Russel, chaplain, containing 106 feet, for the service of 8s. yearly paid to Agnes or her guardian, and performance in her stead of services to chief lord of fee. Any additional easement erected by John during the term to be taken away when lease expires unless he receive satisfaction. - [1330]
17 - Grant "in her virginity" by the same to the same (see DR0429/15) of a messuage in Much Park Street betw. Redeclerk's tenement and that of Rob. le Keu (cook) in perpetuity, for services due to lords. of fee. - 1331-[1332]
18 - Grant of Joh. le Redeclerk to Agnes d. of Will. de Wedon of 6s. 8d. yearly rent issuing from a house in Much Park Street that he had of her gift and feoffment (see DR0429/16) - 1332
19 - Grant of Agnes d. of W. de Wedon to Will. de Passenham, clerk, of a yearly rent of 6s. 8d., issuing from a house which Joh. de Redeclerk had of her gift (see DR0429/16, 17) - [1332]
20 - Quitclaim of the same to the same by the same (see DR0429/18) - 1335
21 - Quit claim of Will of Passenham, clerk, to Joh. le Redeclerk, merchant, of 6s. 8d. yearly rent, which he had of the gift of Agnes (see DR0429/18) issuing from a house in Much Park Street, betw. Redeclerk's and that of Rob. the Cook - [1338]
22 - Grant of Joh. le Redeclerk to Will. de Happesford of a messuage in Much Park Street betw. the tenement of Rob. Russel and that of Hug. de. Leycestre. - [1339]
23 - Grant of W. de Happesforde to J. le Redeclerk, sen, and Elena his wife of a messuage in Much Park Street (see DR0429/21) which he had of the gift of John - [1339]
24 - Grant of Rob. de Shepeye, merchant of Coventry, for his (Robert's) life to Joh. de Badyngton 1/3 a mark of silver of yearly rent issuing from tenements in Coventry, with power of distraint when rent is in arrears - [1342]
25 - Defeasance of a bond, wherein Geof. de Derby is obliged to pay £4 14s. to Will. de Bernangle (Barnacle). For this sum half (£2 7s) is substituted, payable at the four succeeding quarter days in sums of 12s., or, in the case of the last payment of 11s. - [1343]
26 - Letter of Pet. de Grenborouwe, merchant, constituting Will. de Burton his attorney to deliver seizen to Elena, formerly wife of Joh. le Redeclerk, sen., of a tenement with all utensils within and without the house, all which he (Grenborouwe) had of the gift and feofment of the attorney of Elena. - [1351]
27 - Joh. Vnderwode de la Greve (now Grove Park) to Joh. de Badyngton of Coventry and Elena his wife of all right in a messuage in Much Park Street, formerly of Joh. le Redeclerk, betw. Rob Russell, the Chaplain's, tenement, and that of Hen. le Cutteller, stretching from the street to Joh. de Weston's land - [1355]
28 - Grant from Joh. de Badyngton to Ad. Walsheman and Rog. Sherman of Coventry of a messuage in Much Park Street betw. Alex, Damet's tenement on one side and Hen. le Cutteller's on the other, to be held of lords of the fee for services due - [1361]
29 - Letter of attorney from Joh. de Badyngton appointing his beloved in Christ Joh. de Manby clerk, to deliver seizin of messuage in Much Park Street (see DR0429/27) to Ad. Walsheman and Rog. Sherman. - [1361]
30 - Grant from Ad. Walsheman and Rog. Sherman to Ric. Wilgrys, of Coventry, hosier, and Agnes his wife and heirs of their bodies of a messuage in Much Park Street (see DR0429/27) for services to chief lords of fee with remainder to Tho. Bertevill, vicar of St. Michael's, Ran. Palmere, Hen. Dilcok, Will. do (?) Bocheford of Coventry, merchants. - [1361]
31 - Letter of Jas. de Benyngton, merchant, constituting his attorneys Joh. Whytchirche and Ric. his servant to receive 6s rent issuing from a tenement in Gosford Street which Joh. Sexsteyn holds. - [1368]
32 - Defeasance of a bond in £12 which Will. de Pysford, tanner, had as a loan (ex mutuo) from Will. Palmere, draper, whereby it is agreed that Pysford shall pay 40s. at the next ensuing dates of Candlemas. Lady Day, and Pentecost respectively, if he fulfils this condition the former bond to be cancelled, if not to stand in effect. - [1374]
33 - Grant by Rich. Wyldgrys of Coventry, hosier, to Tho. de Nassyngton, Will. de Corby, Joh. Lyberd, all of Coventry, of a messuage in Much Park Street (see DR0429/27). - [1376]
34 - Grant by Will. Hull, "Iremonger," to Joh. Styward, merchant, of a tenement in "le ffrerelane," betw. that of the said John on one side and Joh. Botener's on the other, and stretching from the street to the tenement of Will. Cutteler. To hold of chief lords of fee for services due, paying yearly to Wilbiam and Matilda, his wife, 20s. rent - [1384]
35 - Suit in the King's Bench (Roll C C III), at Westminster, before Ric. de Cherlton, between Will. Colyns of Coundull (Coundon) and Sim. Burwell of Coventry and Matilda his wife concerning 10s. rent and the half of four messuages. - [1392-1393]
36 - Grant in perpetuity by Joh. de Wedon to Joh. Heydon, Joh. Godfrey and Rob. Hardwyk, of all lands, tenements, rents and services he holds in Coventry, of lords of fee for services due. - [1404]
37 - Quit claim from Rob. Herdewyk to Joh. Heydon and Joh. Godefrey, chaplains, of all his right in the tenements, etc., which he had as part-owner with them of the gift and feoffment of Joh. de Wedon (see DR0429/35). - [1412]
38 - Grant in perpetuity from Lau. Waldegrave to Rob. Broddesworth and Tho. Dysshere of all his lands, tenements, meadows, feedings, pastures, with woods, hedges, and ditches in Coventry and Warwickshire. - [1412-1413]
39 - Letter of attorney from Rob. Broddesworth impowering Joh. Moweton to deliver seizin of all tenements, which Broddesworth and Tho. Dissher have of Lau. Waldegrave gift and feoffment to Will. Donyngton of Coventry and Joh. Colshull, weaver. - [1415]
40 - Will. Byfield, mayor, Joh. Lychfeld, Will. Kervar, bailiffs to the sub-bailiff. Whereas the Master of Corpus Christi gild has recovered a rent of 20s. issuing from a messuage in Coventry against Beatrice Styward and Ric. Styward as it appears by assize of Novel Disseizin taken between them, they command him to deliver seizin of the said rent by view of the jury of the assize. - [1427-1428]
41 - Grant from Joh. Bridde to Margery Ive and Will. Ive of the remainder of his term in a life or 90 years' lease - demised Jan. 5, 1411-2 by Rog. Benet and Tho. Green, churchwardens, and Joh. Heydon, chaplain (Allesley's chantry, v. Sharp, 89) of a ½ messuage in Cross Cheaping betw. Joh. Bykenhull's tenement on s. and that of Rob. Sklatier on n. at a 40s. annual rent for the remainder of the 90 years payable to chw. and £4 annual rent after expiry of term should Bridde survive, with power to chw. of re-entry should messuage be unrepaired or rent in arrears - [1432]
42 - Grant of Tho. Ive, ex'r. of the will of Will Ive, to Tho. Daye, mercer, of the remainder of the term. - [1448-1489]
43 - Grant from Will. Pratt of Coventry, dyer, to Will. Babthorp, one of the Barons of the King's Exchequer, Joh. Bryscowe, of Coventry, merchant, Will. Wetenhale, citizen and grocer of London; Rob. Bukley, baker; Joh. Pratt and Giles Corbrond, of all lands; tenements, meadows, etc., in the towns and fields of Coventry, "Stonley," and within the Duchy of Lancaster and in the county of Warwick which he had of the feoffment of Rob. Munnyng, of Coventry, cutler. - 1432-1433
44 - Grant (charter) of David Dun and Agnes his wife to Joh. Savey, sen., parker, of "Calawdon," Joh. Savey, his elder son, and Tho. Clement of Stoke of all lands and tenements in the town and fields of Coventry, to hold of lords of fee for services due. Witnesses, Joh. Everdon, mayor; Will. ffrisby and Joh. Doughty, bailiffs; Will. Dorset, Edw. Dilcok, Rad. Chaundler, and others. - [1435]
45 - Release and quit claim of Agnes, widow of David Dun, to Joh. Savey, sen., and Joh. Savey, his son, of all lands, etc., which they and Clement de Stoke, deceased had of the gift and feoffment of her late husband. - [1438-1439]
46 - Alice Dyrant, of Coventry, widow, releases Hen. Warmyngton, barber, from all legal demands, suits, etc., that she has against him from the beginning of the world until the date of this document. - [1458-1459]
47 - Agreement (Indenture) betw. Joh. Ruyton, draper, and Giles Corbrond, whereby John agrees to bear all rents, etc., belonging to the lands, etc. in Coventry and "Coventry Shire" which he bought of Giles, who is discharged of everything save the dower of Margery, his wife. - [1464-1465]
48 - Grant (charter) of Hen. Grey Esq. "ex magna devocione et in honore sancte Trinitatis," to Will. Marchall, fishmonger. Hen. Meryngton. barber, Tho. Bagot, dyer, and Tho. Ruyton, churchwardens, of a parcel of land to the south of Trinity Church, 2½ feet in breadth and 40 feet in length, whereon a stone wall now stands, to hold of chief lords of fee, etc. to them and their successors for ever. - [1464-1465]
49 - Letter of attorney fr. Will Whyte, of Bustby, in parish of Thyrnby (Thurnby), Leic., husband man and Beatrice, his wife, kinswoman, and heiress of Rob. Faukus, of Coventry, chaplain, deceased, impowering Will. Goloffur and Ric. Raye to deliver seizin of 5 cottages in Coventry, lately the property of Faukus, to Joh. Thorp, weaver, and Alice, his wife, formerly wife of Hugh Shawe, - [1468]
50 - Release and quit claim fr. Hen. Horsley, tailor, to Margery Derby, formerly wife of Tho. Derby, of Coventry, esq., of all his title in the lands, tenements etc. in Coventry county or Warwickshire which were Joh. Lusterley's, late of Coventry, fishmonger. Witn. Ric Cokkes, baker: Joh. Yale, pewterer; Rog. Brown, cutler; all of Coventry, and others. - [1474]
51 - Grant (charter) from Margery Darby, widow, late wife of Joh. Lusterley, to Ric. Walker and Joh. Webster, chaplains, and Joh. Boteler, of all lands, tenements, etc., in Coventry and Wykin or elsewhere in the county of Coventry, to hold of lords of fee, etc. Witnesses, Ric. Braytoft, mayor, Will. Stafford, Joh. Wilgrys, Joh. Hadley, Ric Colyns, and others. - [1474-1475]
52 - Grant (charter) fr. Joh. Ruyton, draper, to Rob. Crosse, "masson", Agnes, his wife, and Tho. Copeland, chaplain, of a messuage in Much Park Street, betw. the ten. of Hen. Dylcok on one part, and that belonging to Merynton Chantry on the other, which he had together with Edm. Brogrove, draper, deceased, of the demise and feoffment of Will. Haddon, chaplain, and Sim. Birches, now deceased, to hold of lords of fee, etc. Attorney, Rob. Smyth, draper. Witn. Will. Shore, mayor, Ric. Cooke, Ric. Pulton, sheriffs; Ric. Braytoft, jun., Joh. Bardull, Rob. Bretford, Joh. Pratte, Joh. Wood, barbour, and others. - [1480]
53 - Grant of Rob. Crosse, "marboler", and Tho. Copland, chaplain, to Will. Glasier, chaplain, Joh. Boteler, gent., Rob. Smyth, draper, Tho. Hunter, mason, of a messuage in Much Park Street betw. a ten. of Hen. Dilcok and one belonging to "Merynton his chauntery" (see DR0429/50). Joh. Pachet, attorney. - [1490]
54 - Duplicate in Lat. with name of Crosse's wife, Agnes, included among grantors. - [1490]
55 - Grant of Tho. Grey, Marquis Dorset, to Tho. Bowde, vicar, Hen. Marler, Rob. Colman, Joh. Wygston, Joh. Padland, Tho. Maydeford, Tho. Turnour, Tho. Wardlowe, Tho. Padland, Will. Deyster, Ric Marler, Joh. Clerk, and Joh. Boteler, of a parcel of land on the s. side the church with an entry into the "Spycerstok," and buildings thereupon, betw. a vacant ground called "the Erber," the tenement of Joh. Norwode, esq., and the entry aforesaid. Attorneys, Will. Banwell and Tho. Mayowe. Witnesses, Will. Hopkyns, mayor; Joh. Whithed, and Joh. Reynold, bailiffs. - [1499]
56 - This indenture ... betwixt Tho. Grey, Markeys Dorset, and Tho. Bowde, Clerk ... witnesseth that the seid Markeys hath sold vnto the seid Tho. Bowde a parcell of grounde lying in Coventree besides the parish church of the holy Trinite ... with the housyng thereuppon sette. ... In witnesse of which sale the said Markeys to the one partie of this writtyng ... his seall hath lette sett and to the other partie of this seid writtyng ... the seid Tho. Bowde his seale hath sett. At Grobye the day and yere aboueseid. - [1499]
57 - Tho. Grey, Marq. Dorset to Joh. Vavasour, Tho. Wode, Justices of the Common Pleas, Will. Cutler and Joh. Leke, mentioning Hen. Grey's enfeoffment to them of the land he has sold to Bowde (v. 52 and 53) and begging them to let Bowde have a deed granting a sufficient release for the same. At Groby. - [1499]
58 - Quit claim by Joh. Vavasour, Tho. Wode, Justices of the Common Bench, Will Cutlerd and Joh. Leeke to Tho. Bowde, etc. (DR0429/52) of all title in the land, etc., sold by Marquis of Dorset. Extent, etc. given. - [1499]
59 - Grant of Agnes Crosse, widow, and executrix of the will of her husband, Rob. Crosse, "marbular," to Joh. Wardlowe, butcher, and Agnes, his wife, of a messuage in "Misparte" Street (See DR0429/50) - [1506]
60 - Indenture betw. Tho. Wode, draper, of London, and Joh. Wyldgroe, mercer, of the same, concerning the sale by Thomas to John of a messuage in Much Park Street abutting on the Whitefriars' wall and adjoining a tenement of the Trinity Guild, held by Will. Holm. glasier, and after by Tho. Awsten, capper. Thomas acknowledges a payment of 5 marks, and is bound in 40 marks to give before Easter a "lawful estate in the law" by deed, fine, or feoffment, with warranty, recovery or otherwise, and discharge the tenement of all statutes-merchant, dowers, jointures, etc. - [1506-1507]
61 - Release and quit claim from Tho. Wode (see DR0429/57) to Joh. Wyldegrys, Ric. Halsall, draper, Rob. Orton, "Gentilman," Clem. Chare, "Gentilman," Will Godewyn, draper, and Will. Bedyll, parish clerk, for the use of the said Joh. Wyldegrys of a tenement in Much Park Street. - nd
62 - Release and quit claim of Will. Hardy, chaplain, to Laur. Walgrave of all his title and interest in all lands, tenements, etc., in the counties of Coventry, Warw. and Leic., wherein he (Hardy) was enfeoffed jointly with Rob. Umfrey, Ric. Sampson, Joh. fforde, dyers, now deceased, by Laur. Walgrave, dyer, son of Laur. Walgrave, "honyman," deceased, by a feoffment dated Feb. 2, 1 Hen. VII (1485-[1486]) for the use of the first-named Laurence. - [1507]
63 - Grant (charter) for Rob. Person, and Anna, his wife, kinswoman and heir of Joh. Wylgryse, late of London, to Will. Bedell (see DR0429/58) and Agness, his wife, of a tenement and garden in Much Park Street betw. land of Trinity Guild and that of Preston's Chantry to hold of lords of fee. Attorney, Joh. Cosyn, dyer. (Preston's Chantry in S. Michael's nr. Sharp, antiquities, 37) - [1508]
64 - Grant for a certain sum paid in hand by Rob. Rawlyns, draper, and Johanna, his wife, one of the d. and h. of Will. Betley, esq., to Joh. Clerk, grocer, of a rent of 6s. a year from "Comptons Tenement" in Much Park Street, now in decay and unbuilt on, betw. tenement of Tho. ffoorth and that of the Wardens of Coventry in breadth and betw. the king's way and the city wall in length, which waste piece of land Joh. Clerk now occupies on the demise of Will Clopton, esq., cousin and heir of Joh. Ruyton, draper, formerly of Coventry. - [1509]
65 - The same with addition of "allias dictus Rob. Couper." (See DR0429/61A) - 1509
66 - Grant fr. Joh. Wardlowe, butcher, and Agnes, his wife, to Joh. Ludford, gent., and Agnes, his wife, of a messuage in "Mich parke strete" (see DR0429/50) which they had of the feoffment of Agnes Crosse, widow, to hold, etc., for services due - [1509]
67 - Release and quit claim of Agnes Crosse, widow, of tenement (see DR0429/50) to Joh. Ludford and Agnes, his wife. - [1509]
68 - Grant (charter) of Will. Cooke, s. of Ric. Cooke, to Will. Parker, "peauterer," of a messuage in Derby Lane, betw. Cooke's land on the S. and that of the Chantry of Tho. Hollys, chaplain (Merynton's Chantry) on the N., which messuage Will, fforthe and Will. Pysseforthe in the King's Court, 21 Hen. VII., roll CCCLIX recovered against Tho. Marquis Dorset for the use of Ric. Cooke. - [1519]
69 - A release from the same to the same of the same. - [1519]
70 - Letter testimonial of Tho. Grene, notary, dated at his house in the Bull-ring concerning the evidence of Alicia ffrankelen, widow, aged 91 years, who declared on oath in the presence of the notarv. of Tho. Grene, chaplain, Joh. Porter, and Ric. Cokkes, "litterati," that Agn. Chambers, sister of Joh. Castyll, sen., was mother of Joyce Crowe and Margaret Brownn, who were respectively mothers of Tho. Crowe and Will Brown. - 1521
71 - Grant (charter) of Will. Parker, pewterer, to Jas. Hobson, butcher, Edw. Laxson, of Burbage, Leic., husbandman, Joh. Tolesse, of Belgrave, in Leic., and Hen. Davy, of Coventry, butcher, of a messuage in Derby Lane betw. land of Will. Coke and that of the chautry of Tho. Hollys, chaplain, to fulfil the last will of Will. Parker, grantor. Attorney, Will. Hawe - [1522]
72 - Grant from Joan, widow of Will. Parker, executrix of her late husband's will, in fulfilment thereof and in consideration of £21.6s.8d. paid to her, to Tho. Waren, dyer, Hen. Wall, weaver, Will. Rogers, cardmaker, of a tenement in Derby Lane between the house late of Will, Coke, now of Tho. White, merchant, and that of the chantry (see DR0429/65). Attorney, Tho. Davy, butcher. - [1524]
73 - Confirmation of Joan Parker's bargain and sale (see DR0429/66) by the feoffees named in DR0429/65, with exception of Jas. Hobson, who is dead. - [1526]
74 - Grant in fulfilment of the last will of Joh. Clerke, alderman and grocer, by Isabella, his widow and executrix to Tho. Waren, Hen. Wall, Ric. Heryng, aldermen, Will. Rogers, Rob. Kryvyn, Will. Colman, Tho. Heryng, Ric. Niklyng, Tho, Waren, jun., and Joh. Wall, of a tenement called Compton's Tenement, now in decay and unbuilt in Much Park Street (see DR0429/61), betw. tenement lately of Tho. fforthe on the e. and land of mayor and bailiffs on the w., which Joh. Clerke had of the gift and feoffment of Will. Clopton, esq., kinsman and heir of Joh. Ruyton, of Coventry, draper. Attorney, Rob. Isham - [1527]
75 - Lease fr. Hen. Polter, Edw. Damport, pewterer, Joh. Castell, Will. Andrewes, chw. to Oliver Forest, `poticary' of a tent in Derby Lane, for 21 years at 20/- a year, lessee to find tiles for repairs, but "lathe, naile & lyme," timber & other repairs to be found or undertaken by chw. who are to discharge lessee of murage. £5 fine in default of payment of rent. - [1532-1533]
76 - Indenture betw. Sir Will. Benet, parson, of Lighthorne, and Joh. Walwyn, gent., wherein the yearly rent of Lighthorne parsonage and tithe leased to Rafe Townsend, viz., £10 a year, is in consideration of certain money made over by Walwyn to Benet, to be paid to the former during the remainder of Townsend's seven years' lease, and for 21 years after the expiration thereof; Benet to forfeit £100 by bond of the statute of the Staple for non-fulfilment of any article of this covenant. - 5 Oct [1544]
77 - Indenture wherein Joh. Talontes, goldsmith, S. Parker, grazier, Will. Rogers, cardmaker, Ric. Niclyn, grazier, Joh. Herford, tanner, Edw. Damport, pewterer, Ric. Hurt, mercer, Hug. Dalaway, Ric. Warner, barber, Tho. Wheteley, cardmaker, Nic. Hobson, draper, all of Trinity parish, do, with consent of all the parish, bargain and sell to Rob. Sylvester, of Offchurch, yeoman, a messuage in Offchurch at w. end of the town, in occupation of Joh. Bailie, smith, and also the half yard of arable land lying in the fields of Offchurch and Cubbington (Of churche and Cobington), in occupation of same, with all other lands, tenements, meadows, "lesues," commons, etc., together with all manner of escripts, etc., confirming the possession of the premises, and further they convenant to make to grantee a sufficient and lawful estate in fee simple; and if grantee of his heirs should be evicted by reason of any Act of Parliament or otherwise the grantors agree to refund the purchase money £16 to grantee and repay him any outlay not exceeding £6.13s.4d. on the buildings, etc., the yearly value of the occupation, viz., 12s., shall be taken in consideration and deducted from the £16 repaid in case of eviction. - 10 Sep [1545]
78 - Grant from Ric. Humfrey for £22 to Ric. Nyclyne, grazier, and Ric. Hurte, mercer, of a parcell of ground called "Medelborowe," with a barn of four bays on it, and of a quarry called Stonydelfes and a field called a "Stripe," lying next the churchyard of S. Nicholas, with a meadow in Radford, called "Lockears-more," to their use and behoof. Tho. Spenser, attorney - 15 Dec [1545]
79 - Demise from Joh. Herford, tanner, Tho. Wheteley, cardmaker, Ric. Hurte, mercer, Ric. Nundy, mercer, Joh. Parker, butcher, Tho. Niclyn, butcher, Hen. Kyrvyne, fishmonger, Julynes Herryng, mercer, to Ric. Shawe in return for a fine of £4 of five crofts called "Wetherfeldes" beside "Hethsale" for 21 years at 40s. rent. - 16 Dec [1549]
80 - Demise by Will. Bennet, vicar, to Joh. Talontes, goldsmith, and Joh. Farmour, clerk, in return for 20 marks' fine, of Trinity Vicarage, a close or pasture called S. Nicholas' Church-yard, and another messuage with a garden called "Saynete Margetts Chapell," with all tithes and oblations for 7 years, at a rent of £6 13s.4d. a year. Talontes and Farmour agree to find and pay at their own cost a curate to serve the cure in discharge of Bennet. - 20 Apr [1550]
81 - Grant by Will. Saunders, capper, to Joh. Saunders, grazier, of a messuage, etc., occupied by Joyce Thomur, M.D., in "Dogge Lane," stretching from the said lane to the land of Tho. Bond, gent., on the north, and also of a pasture adjoining called "le quarrye," in the same occupation, stretching from Dog Lane on S. to Swans croft, late of Joh. Hales, Esq., now occupied by Ed. Damport, which land, etc., belonged formerly to St. John's Hospital, and was purchased by W. Saunders from J. Hales; and also of a messuage in Dog Lane, in the occupation of Joyce, next to a tenement lately belonging to the Trinity Guild, and purchased by W. Saunders from the mayor and community. - 4 Nov [1553]
82 - Demise for 21 years at 3s. 4d. rent from Will. Slade, Joh. parker, Joh. Harfforde, jun., and Rob. Claughton, chw. of the ch. of the "blessyd and glorious Trinite," to Eus. Beysacre, "cordiner," with assent of all the parishioners, esp. of the headmasters of the parish; Joh. Talans, Joh. Harfforde, sen., Ric. Niclyn, Edw. Damporte, Ric. Hurte, and Will. Hindman, of a grass pleck of ground with a sawpit in it in "Mycheford" Street. Lesses pays 10s. fine. - 20 Dec [1554]
83 - Lease by Rob. Pulton, goldsmith, Joh. Greskam, butcher, Joh. Whartoppe, chw., to Will.Burton, cardmaker, with consent of "chief and head" men of the parish, viz., Master Tho. Whateley, mayor, Joh. Tallans, Joh. Harfforde, sen., Ric. Nyckelen, Edw. Damporte, Ric. Hurte, Will. Hyndman, of a close called Harpars Grove, agst. "Chapelle ffylde," in Hen. Over, grocer's, occupation, for 21 years, at 10s. annul rent. - 26 Dec [1556]
84 - Lease by Will. Sewelle, yeoman, Julynes-Alshoppe, Will.Randull, butcher, Tho. Pryse, cardmaker, chw., with parishioners' consent, to Tho. Smythe, tailor, of a tenement in Earl Street, and two others, and two gardens on s. side Cow Lane betw. holdings of Ric. Robysone, shermon, and of Ric. Ingram, belonging to Girdlers' Fellowship, for 21 years, for 16s. for one and 12s. for the other. - 16 Jan [1556-1557]
85 - Lease from chw. (see DR0429/78) to Joh. Nethermyll, draper, with assent of (see DR0429/77 for names, omitting, however, Damporte's) and all other "parochians", of a garden place in Little Park Street, in occupation of Ant. Lawton, shermon, for 21 years, at 6s. 8d. rent. - 10 Dec [1557]
86 - Lease by chw. (see DR0429/78) to Ric. Hurte, mercer, with consent of Joh. Tallonts, Joh. Harforde, sen., Ric. Nycklyne, Edw. Damporte, and all other "parishians", of a tenement in "Broideyaite", and also a meadow called Lockears-more, near Whitmore Park, for 21 years at 6s. 8d. a year. per me Rychard Hurt. - 31 Dec [1557]
87 - Lease by Will Clarke, Will Thomsone. Tho. Nyckelyn, and Tho. Golston, chw., with consent of (see DR0429/77) and all other the "parochians" and inhabitants in return for a fine of £3 of a close in "Horewell" for 21 years at 24s. a year. - 31 Mar [1558]
88 - Will of Will Hyndeman - 25 Aug
89 - Grant fr. Will. Hyndeman, alais Joigner, to Hen. Collyns, butcher, Henry, his son, Joh. Saunders, butcher, and Richard, his son, of lands, etc., in Coventry, to use and behoof of grantor and Sybelle, his wife, and the survivor of either, and at their decease to be employed for the purposes named in grantor's will. Ric. Sutton, Attorney. Seal crushed. Dorse, Tho. Wotton, Hen. Webb, Rob. Hopson, Joh. Greskam, Tho. Power, "and other moo," witnesses. - 29 Aug [1558]
90 - Lease fr. Ric. Barker, Humf. Sewall, Joh, Alen, and Tho. Edge, now chw., to Tho. Kirvyne, ald., with consent of all parishioners, of 2 barns and 2 closes in occupation of Will. Joynour, butcher, in "Medelborowe Wey," betw. land of Joh. Talontes, ald., and that of Mayor and community for 31 years at 24 a year. - 16 Dec [1580]
91 - Lease from Will. Wenlock, Gil. Burrowe, Tho. Humber, Will Colyns, chw., to Nic. Taylour, labourer, of a cottage, etc., in Hill Street, on n. side, betw. a tenement late of Ric. Hurte, mercer, and another belonging to Trinity Church, for 21 years, at 6s. yearly rent. - 28 Oct [1563]
92 - Lease fr. Humf. Randle, Will Clerke, Tho. Sewell, and Hugh Hobson, chw., to John Judd, of Foleshill, yeoman, with consent of parishioners, of a tenement and pasture called Holbrookes, in parishes of Foleshill and Exhall, in occupation of Chr. Tillyng, weaver, and a tenement in Well Street, late in same occupation, for 21 years, at £15 yearly rent - 16 Feb [1566-1567]
93 - Lease from Hum. Randoll, innholder; Tho. Sewell, butcher; Will. Clerke, of Coundon, yeoman; Hugh Hobson, smith, chw., to Rob. Tym, of "Allisley," husbondman, with consent of Edm. Damport, Tho. Kyrvyn, Ric. Smyth, Hen. Kyrven, Joh. Harford. Joh. Saunders, Joh. Sneyde, Rauffe Bowne, Tho. Nyckelyn, Jul. Heyrynge, of a tenement, etc., with a "coppye" of wood near house of Tho. Hauses, gent., and 28 butts, "shooting upon" the Windmill-hill, with a hadland and 8 lands "shooting", upon the Red-hill betw. "Austen's lands" and the lord's demesne land, also 12 lands on the Church-hill, betwn. the demesne lands, those of Tho. fflynt, a hadland of Rob. Hills near Coundon brooke and the lord's lands in the town fields of Allesley, for 21 years, at 33s. 4d. yearly rent. Tym covenants to fence the grove and save the spring from cattle, and to allow Chr. Banester, gent., tenant of Tho. Hawes, to continue his tenancy of one little croft, paying 4s. to lesses. Seal - 31 Mar [1567]
94 - Lease from chw. (see DR0429/87) to Tho. Dawson, mercer, with consent of Henry Kyrvyne, mayor (see list DR0429/87, but substitute "Will Thompson" for Jul. Heyrynge,") of a messuage in "Iarnemongere rowe" (Ironmonger Row) on the n. corner of a strete there called the "Weste-Orcharde", for 21 years at 6s. 8d. yearly rent, and £4 at the termination of the lease. - 26 Dec [1567]
95 - Lease for Tho. Arnoll, Joh. Wylldye, Edw. Gravener, Rob. Burrowes, chw., to Geo. Chesten, clerk, Vicar of Trinity, of a "chamber with a chymneye on the northe syde of the churche over a chappell there sometyme called St. Thomas Chappell," for 21 years at 12d. rent; lessee to keep chamber in repair. - 10 Nov [1570]
96 - Lease fr Tho. Arnolde, "corviser"; Joh. Wildye, cardmaker; Edw. Gravener, bocher; Rob. Borxowes, pewterer, chw. to Hum. Byllye, yoman, with consent of Edw. Damport, pewterer; Tho. Kyrvyne, mercer; Ric. Smythe, vintner; Hen. Kyrvyne, mercer; Joh. Saunders, graysyer; and Raffe Bowne, copper, six aldermen and parishioners, and with advise and consent of all other the parishioners, of 5 crofts called "Wetherfeyldes," beside Heathesale, for 8 years, for 23.6s.8d. rent. - 15 Dec [1570]
97 - Lease fr. Tho. Greene, Art. Symons, Ric. Hyndeman, alias Joyner, Pet. Bromiche, chw., to Tho. Healder, of Coundon, and Agnes, his wife, citing a former lease of 21 years, dated Nov. 30, 6 Ed. VI., to Raf. Grenenaughe, weaver, by former chw., Chr. Tylynge, Ric. Tarner, Hen. Kyrvyne, Ric. Denton, of land etc., in Coundon, which has come by conveyance to Healder, and which on his surrender, the present grantors, with the consent of Edw. Damporte, Ric. Smythe, Hen. Kyrvyne, Joh. Saunders, Joh. Sneade, Sim. Cotton, Raf. Bowne, Tho. Nyckelyn, Will Tompson, Rog. Kyrvyne, Tho. Saunders, and "all other the parochians," lease to him for 21 years at 20s. a year. Chw. are to pay chief rent to the lords of the fee. On the death of the longer liver the deed is to be void. - 12 Jan 1571-1572]
98 - Charter from Joh. Wade, gent., and Ric. - 10 Mar [1573-1574]
99 - Indenture between Tho. Saunders (see 10 feoffees in DR0429/92) and Joh. Gorton, baker; Amb. Rowse, baker; Tho. Edge, smith; Ric. Hurts, butcher; Will. Packer, plumber; Tho. Ambrose, baker; Ran. Smythe, baker; Hen. Gravener, butcher; Zacharye Bennett, butcher; Pet. Smyth, butcher; Jas. Eyborne, butcher; Tho. Kyllyngley, butcher; Tho. Dowson, mercer; Pet. Bromyche, baker - 14 Mar [1573-1574]
100 - Counterpart with 14 seals of grantees.
101 - Will of Will. Tompson - 1 Mar [1574-[1575]]
102 - Lease from Chr. Waren, Will. Whartopp, Tho. Hardys and Tho. Bowche, churchwardens, with consent of Edw. Damporte, Rie. Smythe, Hen. Kyrvyn, Joh. Saunders, Raffe Bowne, Sim. Cotton, and Tho. Hyckelyn, aldermen and parishioners, to Tho. Sharrat, shearman, for a 5s. fine, of a court and garden in "Myche-parke" Street, on south side, betw. the lands of the Mayor, etc., and the Town Wall, 38 yards by 11 yards 1 foot, for 21 years, at 5s. rent. - 28 Apr [1577]
103 - Counterpart - [1577]
104 - Lease from churchwardens with consent of parishioners (see 95) to Isabell Kyrvyne, widow, for 40s. fine of 2 barns and 2 closes in "Medelborowe way," between land late of Joh. Talontes, deceased, alderman, and that of the Mayor, etc., and in length from the way unto "Hyll-Hilne Koore," for 25 yrs. for £4 rent - 29 Dec [1577]
105 - Grant fr. Agnes Hurte, dau. of Ric. Hurte, alderman and mercer, and of Eliz., his late wife, of whose will she is executrix, to Alex. Mathewe, tanner; Rie. Gorton, baker; Will. Syde, dyer; Ran. Smythe, baker, churchwardens; and Rob. Bonde, innholder and sheriff; Chr. Warren, dyer; Will. Hyndman, butcher; Rob. Bagnall, mercer; Tho. Wylson, cardmaker; Rie. Smyths, jun., vintner; Tho. Darlyng, mercer; Ric. Saunders, butcher; Ed. Walker, fishmonger; Will. Baker, mercer; Tho. Saunders, butcher; son of Tho. Saunders, alderman and grazier; Tho. Saunders, son of Joh. Saunders, alderman and grazier; parishioners of an annuity of 20s.. issuing from a house in Broadgate, bequeathed unto Agnes, by her late mother, Elizabeth, subject toacharge, to be expended in wood and coals for poor people in Trinity parish, Agnes to have the task of providing the fuel during her life. A groat given for seizin. - 26 Dec [1580]
106 - Attached is the will of Eliz. Hurte. - 27 Jan [1578-1579]
107 - Lease from Tho. Phynes, Reyn. Richardes, Joh. Sewall, Joh. Hodgekyns, of Wynnall, churchwardens, to Walt. Pyle, gent., of Bynley, for £20, of "Holbrookes" (etc., see DR0429/86), in occupation of Joh. Judde, and tenement in Well Street, in' tenure of Will. Smythe, dyer, with reservation of a coppice in Holbrooks, for 21 years, at £5 a year. Pyle to build a new bay and new chimney at Holbrooks. - 8 Feb [1582-1583]
108 - Indenture tripartite betw. Joh. Saunders, grazier; the first part; Rob. Band, innholder; Tho. Sewell, grazier; Rob. Bagnolde, mercer; Tho. Wylsonne, cardmaker; Tho. Darlynge, mercer; Edw. Walker, fishmonger; Ric. Smyth, vintner; Edw. Pulton, haberdasher; Joh. Kervyn, fishmonger; Sam. Bowne, haberdasher; Tho. Saunders, jun., son of Tho. Saunders, grazier, of the second part; and Ric. Smythe, vintner; Hen. Kirvyn. mercer; Sim. Cotton, grasyer; Tho. Saunders, grazier; Rog. Kervyn, fishmonger; Will. Joyner, butcher, of the third part; wherein it is covenanted that the issues arising from a tenement barn, garden, and close in Dog Lane, occupied by Joh. Houghton, wheelwright, shall, when received by Rob. Band, etc., of the second part, being over and above the expenses necessary for repairs of said tenement, etc., be paid to Ric. Smythe, etc., of the third part, and by them allowed to the churchwardens of Trinity towards church repairs. No part of the premises to be leased but by consent of Ric. Smythe, etc., or the chw. and of six of the most ancient of the parish. - 18 Feb [1582-1583]
109 - Sale for £60 by Joh. Saunders of tenement, etc. (see DR0429/99 A) to Rob. Band and others (see names of the second part) to hold of the Queen in free burgage (which tenement be brought fr. Will. Saunders, capper (see DR0429/75) for the fulfilment of certain conditions mentioned in the tripartite. - [1582-1583]
110 - Sale by Rog. Kyrvyn, mercer, to Rob. Bonde, Edw. Walker, Tho. Wylson, Rob. Bagnolde, Will. Baker, mercer; Joh. Rooe, haberdasher; Tho. Gravenor, corvicer; Tho. Smythe, draper; Ric. Smyth, junr., vintner; Edw. Pulton, Hen. Seny, whittaver; Tho. Saunders, butcher; Hen. Smyth, son of Ric. Smyth, sen. ald. and vintner; for £39. - 10 Jan [1586-1587]
111 - Roc. Feoffment (Latin) of same to the same by the same. - 15 Jan [1586-1587]
112 - Lease from Hugh Showell, baker; Rob. Sawbridge, tailor; Tho. Eyles, churchwardens, to Tho. Saunders, alderman, with consent of Hen. Kervin, Ric. Barker, Sim. Cotton, alderman, and other masters and governors of the parish, of a tenement in Coundon some time in tenure of -. Neilder and of Raffe Bowne, for 21 years, at 20s. a year. - 20 May [1593]
113 - Lease from chw. (see DR0429/101) to Tho, Saunders, alderman, with consent of (see DR0429/101) of a tenement "over against the Cunditt" in Cross Cheaping, for 31 years, at 8s. a year. The messuage was late in the tenure of Job. Yorke, pewterer - 27 May [1593]
114 - Lease from chw., (see DR0429/101) to Isack Bowne, of Coundon, with consent of (see DR0429/101) and of Tho. Saunders, alderman, of 2 closes, called Burton's Closes, in Coundon, near Harper's Grove, for 21 years, at 3s. 4d. rent. - 30 May [1593]
115 - Grant by Joh. Roo, capper, to Roo. Harvie, Whittawer, for £7, of a croft beyond Gosford Gate, on s. side betw. the Sherbourne and "Shutte Lane," and stretching from the street to the land of Joh. Renton, tailor. - 27 Jun [1593]
116 - Lease fro. Edw. Powlton, haberdasher; Pet. Smythe, butcher; Osw. Emerson, chandler; Guy Hardiman, barber; to Rob. Picken, mercer, w. consent to H. Kervyn, Ric. Barker, Tho. Saunders, alderman, of a close in Horwell (in return for £6. 13s. 4d.), which close was late in tenure of Joh. Hereforde for 21 years, at 33s. 4d. rent. - 13 Feb [1598]
117 - Lease of chw. (see DR0429/105) of the parish of "St. Trinitie" w. consent of H. Kervin, Tho. Saunders, Ric. Smith, to Ric. Barker, draper, of a messuage in Well Street on n. side, now held by Will. Willdye, weaver, stretching to a garden of Bon. Clayton on n. and to an orchard of Ric. Barker on e. and to Tho. Tayler's land on w., 99 yards in breadth, for 41 years, at 16s. rent. - 20 May [1598]
118 - Lease fr. chw., (see DR0429/105) to Joh. Folleshill, "goldsmyth", with consent of (see DR0429/106) of a tenezent in Broadgate, on the w., and a close near Folleshill Heath, called Lockeyer's More, for 41 years, at £3 rent, with a convenant that within 5 years leases shall build 1 bay of building 2 storeys high, above the shop. - 18 Oct [1593]
119 - Lease fro. chw. (see DR0429/105) with consent of (ib) to Will. Hawes, gent., of Solihull, of Church-grove, Allesley, 2ac. 5per., and a meadow adjoining, ¾ac. and 12per., formerly held by - Tym, "With reservation of timber and "doddels" for church repairs, etc., for 21 years, at 13s. 4d. rent - 20 Dec [1598]
120 - Counterpart - [1598]
121 - Lease from chw. (see DR0429/105) with consent of (ib.). to Tho. Hobson, butcher, in consideration of 20s., of a close in Little Horwell, in holding of Pet. Smyth, for 21 years at 10s. rent. - 20 Dec [1598]
122 - Lease from chw. (see DR0429/105) with consent of (ib.) to ffranoes Smyth, butcher, for £3, of 2 closes lying next Horwell Lane in Little Horwell, late in tenure of Tho. Hobson, for 21 years, at 23s. 4d, rent. - 20 Dec [1598]
123 - Lease from Tho. Potter, Tho. Saunders, Will. Packewood, Geo, Beardsley, chw., with consent of Hen. Kervyn, Ric. Barker, Tho. Saunders, aldermen, of a tenement in Cross Cheaping, on e. between land of Edw. Powlton, haberdasher, and that belonging to Mayor, etc. for 21 years at 20s. a year, to Joh. Wildy. - Aug 8 [1599]
124 - Lease fr. Mic. Joyner, Rop, Band, Mic, Smythe, Ric, Bayes, chw., to Edw. Walker, fishmonger, for a fine of £4 of a tenement with 2 shops adjoining and two cisterns of lead in one shop, in Cross Cheaping, and a pasture called Shokmore, for 21 years, at £3 10s. 4d. rent. - Mar 27 [1600]
125 - Lease from chw. (see DR0429/112) to Wal Whytehead, haberdasher, with consent of Ric. Smythe, mayor, Hen. Kervyn, Ric. Barker, and Tho. Saunders, aldermen, for £50, of tenement, etc., called Holbrookes, and one in Well-street, for 24 years, at £5 a year. - 8 May [1600]
126 - Lease from chw. (see DR0429/112) to Will. Hawes of (see DR0429/108) with consent of (see DR0429/113). For particulars see DR0429/108. There is an allowance of underwood for "hedge bote" but "doddells" or timber are not to be felled by lessee - 24 Sep [1600]
127 - Lease from Mic. Joyner, drap.; Rob. Bande, innholder; Mic. Smythe, morcer; Ric. Bayes; merc., chw., to Rose Hardys, widow, with consent of (DR0429/105) of one fish-shop with a cellar underneath, in Cross Cheaping, for 21 years, at 20s. a year. - 20 Dec [1600]
128 - Lease fr. chw. (DR0429/112) with consent of (DR0429/105) to Will. Packwood, carpenter, in consideration of his expenses in building the hereinafter named tenement, of a tenement, etc., in Bishop Street bounding on land of Hum. Fenn on south and Trinity Ch. to north, and upon town wall, to east for 31 years at 8s. a year - 20 Dec [1600]
129 - Lease fr. chw. (DR0429/112) with consent of (DR0429/105) and Ric. Smythe and other, the governors, etc., to Joh. Swete, of a tenement in Bishop Street called "Tho Crane", containing 8 bays of building and 2 sheares and bounding on town wall, and a croft in Dog Lane, for 21 years, at 40s. a year. - 24 Dec [1601]
130 - Lease from Jas. ffenton, tailor; Raphe Downes, yeoman; Gilbert Walden, mercer; and Rog. Russell, mercer, chw., with consent of Chr. Davenport, pewterer; Mic. Joyner, draper; Rob. Bande, innholder; Joh. Heringe, mercer; Gab. Foster, whittawer; Ric. Warren, and Tho. Potter, dyer, to Rog. Clarke, draper, of a messuage in Much Park Street, containing 3 bays and 2 "shores" adjoining on north land of Sam. Myles, draper, from Mic., 1602, for 80 years, at 10s. rent. - 14 Feb [1606-1607]
131 - Lease from chw. (DR0429/118) with consent of parishioners assembled in the vestry, to Rog, Wilkinson, of a messuage without Gosford Gate, betwn. lands of Will. Wheat, mercer, and will, Howlt, "musitian," for 21 years, at 10s. rent. - 20 Mar [1606-1607]
132 - Lease fr. Will Eburne, Joh. Sargenson, Ric. Wildy, and Wal. Gill, chw., with parishioners' consent, to Edw. Burbery, corviser, of stable in `Graifrier Lane', late in tenure of Edw. Powlton, mercer, between a tenement held by Fra. Smith and a stable of Tho. Bannester, gent., for 21 yrs., at 4s. rent. - 27 Jun [1607]
133 - Lease fr. chw. (DR0429/120) to Jas. ffonton, tailer, with consent of Chr. Davenport, Mic. Joyner, and Ric. Heyring, for 20 marks, of a barn of 3 bays, tiled, and another `thack't' without Bishopgate, adjoining Radford Waye, and a close adjoining called `Windemill-hill-feild' (lammas) and another adjoining (several), which were lave in occupation of Tho. Barr, for 21 years at £4 rent. - Mar 29 [1608]
134 - Charter of Hen. Sewall, alderman; Joh. Herringe, mercer; Chr. Warren, dyer; and Raphe Downes, of Wynnall, gent., citing feoffment bearing above date, whereby they, the said Henry, etc., grant to Chr. Davenporte, pewterer; Mic. Joyner, draper; Hen. Smith, mercer; Ric. Warren, dyer; Ric. Barker, draper; Tho. Potter, dyer; Joh. Thomas, brewer; Gil. Walden, mercer; Sam Roe, vintner; Joh. Herringe, jun., mercer; and Joh. Downes, Ralph's son, a messuage, etc., in the town and fields of Brinklow, in tenure of Will. Howe, and all that messuage, etc., in Allesley and `Cowndulne,' in several tenures some time of -. Tym, Will. Hawes, Is. Bowne, and Tho. Saunders, and several closes in Horwell and Asthull, in several tenures, of Joh. Hammond, doctor of physic; Ric. Bayes, Tho. Hobson, Ric. Wildie, and Jane Piggin, and 3 tenements in Gosford Streete, and one in Earl Street, and one in Smithford Street, in several tenures of Nic. Illedge, Geo. Copestake, Ant. Stiffe, Tho. Duddeley, and Rob. Longe, and of a croft called Shuckmore, then or late in tenure of Edw. Walker, and tenement in Darby Lane, then or late in tenure of Edw. Harrington, and a tenement in Well Street, then or late in tenure of Rog. Clarke, and a yearly rent coming from land of -. Warners in tenure of Ric. Trene, value 3s. 4d., and appointing Sampson Brownehill, gent., attorney, to deliver seizin of same to the said Christopher and other named above. - 3 Apr [1610]
135 - Lease from Ric. Warren, dyer; Gil. Walden, mercer; Raph Downes, gent., Sam. Rowe, vintner, chw., with consent of Chr. Davenport, Nic. Joyner, Hen. Smyth, Ric. Barker, Tho. Potter, Joh. Thomas, Joh. Herring, jun., Joh. Downes, feoffees, to Ellinor Burburry, widow, a croft called `Trinity Church Grove' and meadow adjoining in Allesley, for 21 years, at 20s. a year. - 1 May [1610]
136 - Lease fr. chw. (see DR0429/123) with consent of (DR0429/123) to Jane Pycken of a close in Horwell, for 21 years, at a rent of 33s. 4d. yearly, in consideration of £6 13s. 4d. paid at the sealing of these presents - 1 May [1610]
137 - Lease fr. chw. (DR0429/123) with consent of (DR0429/123) in consideration of £3 6s. 8d, to Tho. Hobson, butcher, of a close in little Horwell, for 21 years, at 10s. rent. - 1 May [1610]
138 - Lease from chw. (DR0429/123) with consent of (DR0429/123) to Edw. Harrington, pewterer, of a mess. in Darbye Lane on e. side betw. lands of Ric. Smithe, vintner, and Hen. Sewall, draper, with all `sollars' and other appurtenances, for 21 years, at 20s. a year, in consideration of 20s, paid at the sealing of these presents - 1 May [1610]
139 - Lease from chw. (DR0429/123) with consent of (DR0429/123) to Rob. Nellson, of Coundon, husbandman, in consideration of £6 13s. 4d., of a messuage, etc., in Coundon, and two closes near to a field called `Raynoldes field' for 21 years, at 20s. rent. - 1 May [1610]
140 - Lease fr. chw. (DR0429/123) with consent of (DR0429/123) to Ric. Bayes, mercer, in consideration of £6 13s. 4d., of a close, etc., in Little Horwell, for 21 years, at 33s. 4d. rent. - 1 May [1610]
141 - Lease fr. chw. (DR0429/123) with consent of (DR0429/123) in consideration of 53s. 4d., to Rafe Bowne, of Coundon, gent., of 2 closes in Coundon, called `Burton's closes', near to `Harper's Grove,' for 21 years, at 13s. 4d. rent. - 1 May [1610]
142 - Lease from chw, (DR0429/123) with consent of (DR0429/123) to Will. - 1 May [1610]
143 - Lease from chw. (DR0429/123) with consent of (DR0429/123) in consideration of £13 6s. 8d., to Edw. Walker, fishmonger, of a tenement with 2 shops in Cross Cheaping and a close called Over Shokmore in Radford, for 21 years, at £3 10s. 4d. rent. - 1 May [1610]
144 - Lease fr. Joh. Potter, drap.; Will. Seney, glover; Joh. Wootton, tailor; Fra. Chambers, baker, with consent of (DR0429/123, Smyth's name as mayor is put first), to Geo. Copestake, silk weaver, of a messuage in Gosford Street, containing three bayes and a garden stretching unto a stone wall of Joh. Hales, Esq., called the Whitefriars' orchard wall, on the s. part of the street, betw. lands of Chr. Warren and of Will. Howell, gent., for 21 years, at 12s. rent - 20 Jul [1611]
145 - Lease fr. (DR0429/132) with consent of (DR0429/132) to Tho. Ethell, capper, of a tenement in Gosford Street containing two bayes and one `shore', and a garden adjoining reaching to the stone wall of the city, and lying on the n. side of the street betw. a tenement belonging to the church and one of Rob. Smarte for 21 years, at 10s. rent. - 20 Jul [1611]
146 - Lease fr. chw. (DR0429/132) with consent of (DR0429/123) to Joh. Wilkinson, gent, of a barn containing two bays in Little Park Street, and two gardens, one stretching from the barn to the street, and the other from the barn to a croft belonging to Cheylesmore Manor, and lying between the land of Hen. Breres, ald., and that of the Mayor, etc., on a side of street, for 21 years, at 20s. rent. - 20 Nov [1611]
147 - Charter from Chr. Davenport, pewterer; Ric. Smiths, vintner; Tho. Gravenor, corviser; Hen. Gravenor, butcher, enfeoffing, in accordance with will of the Will. Thomson, Joh. Pottar, Joh. Wotton, Will. Sony, and Fra. Chambers, chw., Ric. Waren, dyer; Ric. Barker, drap.; Tho. Pottar, dyer; Rad. Downes, yeoman; Paul Emmerson, chandler; Sam. Roe, vintner; Ric. Wylde, ironmonger; Will. Eburne, dyer, parishioners, of a tenement, etc., and a selion (strip) of arable land lying at the back of tenement in `Condulne in Vrohen-field,' in tenure of Ric. Carr, labourer, and empowering Sam. Bromhilde to act as attorney. - 1 Apr [1612]
148 - Lease fr. Korvyn, Edw. Harrington, Will. Judde, Tho. Kurdooke, chw., with consent of the Mayor and aldermen, `and others the aunciente of the ... paryshe,' to Fra. Smythe, pewterer, of a messuage, etc., in Grayfreer Lane,' on w. side, for 21 years, at 20s. a year. - 8 Mar [1612-1613]
149 - Charter of feoffment fr. Hen. Gravener, butcher; Joh. Kervyn, fishmonger, to chw. (DR0429/135) Ric. Warren, Tho. Potter, Ric. Barker, Ric Wildie, Sam. Rowe, vintner; Wal Gill, barker; Joh. Herring, son of Joh. Herring, mercer; Joh. Downes, parisioners, of a parcel of land called Middleborrowe, with barn, containing four bayes and quarry called Stonydelfes, and a field called "A Stripe," lying in a parcel of ground called S. Nicholas Churchyard and a meadow at Radford, called Locker's moore, which land, etc., grantors hold of the charter of Ric. Kurte, Sept. 1, 3 Elizabeth. Sampson Brownell, attorney - 14 Apr [1612]
150 - Charter of feoffment from Joh., son of Julines Herring; Ric. Smyth, vintner, brother and heir of Will. Smith, vintner; Chr. Davenport, alderman, brother, and heir of Ric. Davenport, son of Edw. Davenporte, pewterer, deceased; Hen. Gravenor, butcher; Edw. Hirford, of Bristol, innholder, to Hen. Kervyn, draper; Edw. Harrington, pewterer; Will. Judde, corviser; Tho. Murdocke, draper, chw.; Ric. Warren; Ric. Barker; Joh. Thomas, brewer; Hen. Wotton, clothier; Ric. Wildye, ironmonger; Sam. Roe,vintner; Joh. Potter, draper; Will. Seney, glover; Will. Grascombe, butcher; and Joh. Downes, parishioners, of Middleborowe, etc. (see DR0429/137), which the grantors hold of charter of Ric. Hurte (see DR0429/137) to have and to hold for the better repairing of Trinity Church. Attorney, Sampson Brownell. - 17 Apr [1612]
151 - Sale by chw. (see DR0429/138) with consent of the vestry "tota voce domus gubernatorum...vocata le vostrie" in consideration of £13 paid for the repair of the church and for other affairs greatly requiring money at present, to Eliz. Sharratt, of a tenement of two bays, etc., in Much Park Street on the south side. Attorney, Ichabod Willington. Mark of Elizabeth Sharratt. - 20 May [1612]
152 - Sale by Hen. Kervyn, Will Judd, Ed. Harrington, Tho. Murdoche, chw., Will. Baker, Joh. Roe, haberdasher, Tho. Gravenor, corviser, Edw. Poulton, haberdasher, Hen. Seney, whittawer, Hen. Smyth, vintner, to Ric. Wildye, in consideration of £13 6s. 8d. of two messuages, etc., in West Orchard, between the land of Hen. Kervyn, on e. and w., and abutting on the land of Ric. Lee on n. and the street on s., occupied severally by Will. Byrd and Susan Atkyns, granted by Rog. Kervyn, deceased, fishmonger, by deed of 20 Eliz. - 1 Aug [1612]
153 - Lease fr. Pet. Colman, woover; Joh. Saunders, baker; Will. Grascombe, butcher; Joh. Hall, clothier, chw., with consent of the "right worshipfull" Joh. Herringe, mayor, Chr. Davenport, Hen. Smythe, aldermen, Joh. Thomas, Mic. Joyner, Tho. Potter, Joh. Rowe, Hen. Seney, Ric. Barker, Ric. Kilbie, Sam Rowe, to Will. Judd, of a stable parcel of tenement held by Fr. Smyth in "Grayefryer lane" (see DR0429/136); for 21 years, at 3s.4d. a year - 8 Apr [1613]
154 - Lease fr. chw. (DR0429/141) with consent of the mayor, aldermen (see DR0429/141), Ric. Barker and Tho. Potter, sheriffs, Mic. Joyner, Joh, Thomas, Oil. Walden, Joh. Rowe, Joh. Herring, jun., Joh. Downes, son of Ralph, to Raph Downes, of Willenhall, gent., for £30 fine, of a messuage, etc., and a close called "Dovehouse Close," in Brinklow, in occupation of Joh. Howe, for 21 years, at £4 a year. - Oct 16 [1613]
155 - Lease fr. Ric. Kilbee, mercer; Gil. Toonkes, goldsmith; Joh. Roberts, baker; Joh, baker; Joh. Bowdle, girdler, chw., and Tho. Rowley, corviser, with consent of Chr. Davenport, Hen. Smyth, Joh. Herring, alderman, Sam. Gibson, vicar, Mic. Joyner, Ric. Bayes, Joh. Thomas, Ric. Barker, Tho. Potter, Raph Downes, of a messuage in Cross Cheaping, late in occupation of Tho. Baker, corviser, betw. lands of Widow Pittes and of Tho. Baker, for 21 years, at 10s. a year. - 3 Apr [1615]
156 - Feoffment from Joh. Rooe, haberdasher; Ric. Smyth, vintner; Edw. Poulton, haberdasher; Hen. Seney, whittawor; Hen. Smyth, mercer, surviving feoffees, to Joh. Lynden, butcher; Vine. Hewett, clothier; Martin Bouth, corviser; Sam. Williams, tailor, chw.; Tho. Potter, Gilb. Tonkes, Paul Emmerson, Sam Rowe, Joh. Potter, Hen. Wotten, Edw. Harrington, Will. Judd, Ric. Murdock, and Joh. Bowdle, citing indenture betw. Rog. Kervyn and others (see 100), and in accordance therewith conveying the tenements, etc., mentioned therein, viz., a tenement in West Orchard, in occupation of Joh. Jeffreys, corviser, betw. one belonging to the Mayor, etc., held by Tho. Smyth, and one occupied by -. Thistle, widow, and also a barn, etc., in Cook Street, in occupation of Vine. Hewett, between a tenement held by Pet. Colman, and one belonging to Mayor, etc., and also of a tenement in/Gosford Street, betw. a tenement occupied by Will. Powell, tinker, and one occupied by Tho. Love, gentleman, and is now occupied by Margery Copestake, widow (see DR0429/100 for transaction with the Fishpoole family and the partition among the Kervyns), and also of a cottage in Cook Street between tenement of Hen. Shawell, alderman, and one of Ric. Gutter, and extends fr. street to garden of Ric. Barker, now occupied by Tho. Kymberley, carpenter, and also all charters. Proviso as to creation of new feoffees repeated. - [1615-1616]
157 - Lease fr. chw. (DR0429/144) with consent of Chr. Davenport, Tho. Potter, and others, parihsioners and feoffees, in consideration of 30s. to Nic. Barton, carpenter, of a tenement, etc., in Gosford Street, late in occupation of Ant. Stiffe, betw. street on n. and orchard of Joh. Hales, Esq., on s. and betw. tenement of parish church on e., and one of Will Holte, musician, on w., for 21 years, at 10s. rent., Nicholas to make certain repairs within 6 months. - 20 Jan [1616-1617]
158 - Lease fr. chw. (DR0429/144, Bouth's name is given as Bootes) and Chr. Davenport and Hen. Smyth, aldermen; Nic. Joyner, Joh. Thomas, Ric. Barker, Tho. Potter, and Sam. Rowe, feoffees, to Laur. Armson, labourer, of a messuage, etc., in Gosford Street, late in occupation of Ant. Asson, deceased, and stretching from street on n. to orchard of Joh. Hales, Esq., for 21 years, at 10s. a year - 22 Apr [1617]
159 - Lease fr. Joh. Lindan, butcher; Joh. Ridley, dyer; Wal. Baldwin, cutler; Ric. Saunders, baker, chw., to Dan. Watson, weaver; with consent of Hen. Smyth, Joh. Hearinge, Raph Dennington, and others, of a barn, etc., in Cook Street, late in occupation of Vincent Huitt for 21 years, at 10s. rent - 12 Aug [1618]
160 - Lease from chw. (DR0429/147) to Joh. Jefferie, corviser, with consent of Hen. Smyth, Joh. Hearing, Mic. Joyner, Joh. Thomas, Tho. Potter, Ra. Dennington, Paul Emerson, Sam. Rowe, Joh. Potter, Ric. Wildie, Gil. Tonks, Osw. Emerson, Joh. Wotton, Wal, Gill, Will. Grascombe, Fr. Chambers, Ric. Taylor, and Sam Williams, of a messuage on s. side West Orchard, for 31 years at 8s. a year. Mark of Joh. Jefferey. Seal gone. - 23 Feb [1618-1619]
161 - Lease from chw. (DR0429/147) to Brian I'Anson, of Coventry, gent., with consent of Hen. Smith, Chr. Davenport, Tho. Potter, and others, parishioners, in consideration of £3 6s.8d., of a messuage, now used as barn or stable, lately occupied by Hen. Brores, alderman, situate in Cow Lane, for 41 years, at 10s. rent. - 22 Mar [1618-1619]
162 - Lease from Chr. Davenport, alderman; Mic. Joynor, draper; Hen. Smyth, Ric. Barker, Tho. Potter, Joh. Thormas, Gil, Walden, Sam. Rowe, Joh, Downes, feoffees, to Jas. Illedge, clerk, of a messuage etc., in Gosford Street, on n. side, stretching fr. street to town wall, and late in the occupation of Nic. Illedge, father of James, for 31 years, at 12s. a year. - 20 Dec [1619]
163 - Feoffment by Ric. Smyth, vintner, last surviving feoffee under grant of Agnes Hurte (see DR0429/97A), of an annuity of 20s. issuing fr. a house in Broadgate., granting same to High Lawton, tanner; Mat. Bott, baker; Fr. Wright, butcher; Ric. Dabson, tailor, chw., Hen. Smyth, jun? son of said Ric., mercer; Hen. Kervyn, draper; Ric. kilbee, mercer; Sam. Roe, vintner; Joh. Potter, draper; Gil. Tonekes, goldsmith; Ric. Murdock, tanner; Edw. Harrington, pewterer; Will. Judd, corviser; Will. Grascombe, butcher Tho. Murdock, draper; Wal. Bauldwyn, cutter; Joh. Hall, maulster; Chr. Davenport, jun., clothier; Tho. Grascombe, butcher; Nat. Hobson, butcher, in order that the annuity may be expended for purposes mentioned in last will of Eliz. Hurte (see DR0429/97B). - Mar [1619-1620]
164 - Lease fr. Chw. Peter Baxter, clothier; Tho. Lynsey, corviser; Rob. Heyward, yeoman; Joh. Petcher, mercer, to Hen. Smyth, alderman, mercer, with consent of Chr. Davenport, Joh. Herring, alderman and parishioners, with others the governors, of Skynnardes Close and a barn near Bell Green, with reservation of coal mines and `delfes' of coals, for 21 years, at 53s. 4d. rent. - 6 Dec [1621]
165 - Lease fr. Edw. Reeve, Tho. Browne, Ric. Crooke, Joh. Woolson, chw. to Pet. Baxster, clothier, of a tenement in Well Street, formerly occupied by Joh. Talley, for 31 years, from 1624, for 16s. a year. - 16 Jun [1622]
166 - Lease fr. Joh. Bayes, merc., Rob. Huytt, clothier; Joh. Peirson, yeoman; Tho. Rowley, corviser, chw., to Chr. Davenport, jun., clothier, with consent of Tho. Pottar, mayor, Chr. Davenport, sen., Hen. Smyth, Joh. Herring, aldermen and parishioners, Joh. staresmore, vicar, Joh. Thomas, Ric. barker, of a tenement in West Orchard, being the corner house near to Ironmonger Row against the great conduit with `standards' mentioned in schedule annexed, for 21 years, at 40s. a year; house formerly in tenure of Ralph Walden, mercer, and Tho. Mussock, or their assigns. - [1622-1623]
167 - Counterpart - [1622-1623]
168 - Lease from chw. (DR0429/154) to Tobias Rue, with consent of Tho. Potter, mayor, and others, including Joh. Staresmore, clerk, of a fishshop and cellar, etc., in Cross Cheaping, late in occupation of Rose Hardys, for 21 years, at 20s. a year. - 10 Mar [1622-1623]
169 - Counterpart - [1622-1623]
170 - Lease from Joh, Staresmore, vicar, and Edw. Burbery, corviser; Nat. Barnard, mercer; Tho. Barker, clothier; Geo. Monck, mercer, chw., to Dan. Palmer, merc., with consent of Tho. Potter, mayor, Chr. Davenport, Hen. Smyth, Joh. Herring, aldermen, and others, masters and governors of the parish, in consideration of the charges incurred by the lessee in building two bays of a messuage in Broadgate on w. side, with a little court and cross building, etc., and a close called Lookersmore, both formerly in tenure of Joh. Folleshill, goldsmith, and late in that of Ric. Bayes, deceased, and of John, his son, mercer, for 21 years' lease after 1622, at £3 rent. - 10 Oct [1623]
171 - Lease from Vicar, and chw. with consent of (see DR0429/156) to Gilb. Walden, mercer, of the house in Broadgate and lockersmore (DR0429/156) for 21 years after the expiration of Palmer's lease, for 23 rent. - 10 Oct [1623]
172 - Lease fr. Edm. Biddell, Joh. Snell, Fr. Symcox, Nic. Rowney, chw., to Ric. Saunders, of a barn without Bishopsgate and a close called Windmill-hill-field, being a lammas ground, and a several close adjoining, for 21 years after 1629 at £6 a year. - 10 Nov [1625]
173 - Lease fr. Geo. Ashton, mercer; Sam. Snell, drap., Tho. Lovet, mercer; Tho. Sotherne, dyer, chw., to Joh. Sweote, with consent of Chr. Davenport, Hen. Smyth, aldermen; Tho. Potter, Joh. Staresmore, vicar; Hen. Kervyn, Edm. Biddell, of a tenement called `The Grane,' containing 8 bays and 2 `shoares,' for 21 years, at 40s. rent. - 18 Apr [1626]
174 - Feoffment of Hen. Smyth, alderman, to Hen. Kirvyn, drap.: Ric. Murdock, tanner; Will Morton, mercer; Geo. Ashton, mercer; Chr. Davenport, jun., mercer; and Geo. Monck, mercer; Hum. Burton, gent.; Pet. Barster, clothier; Sam. Snell, drap.; Edw. Collyns, clothier; and Tho. Lovet, mercer, of 7 fields in Horwell and Asthull, of which 5 lie between the lands of the Drapers' Company on one side and Horwell Lane on the other in length, and in broadth betw. Hearsall and `le Myddlewood,' formerly in occupation of Will. Shawe, and lately in that of Ric. Bayes, Pet, Smyth, and Tho. Hobson, and now in several tenures of Martha Bayes, Anne Wildey, and Tho. Hobson; and one field lies betw, the said lane on n. and the field formerly of Rob., Earl of Leicester, and in the occupation of Joh. Nickoles, on the s. in length, and in breadth from the said lane to the running water, formerly in occupation of Ric. Shawe, and lately in that of Edm. Sadler, whittawer, and now in that of Sara Hereford, widow; and the seventh stretches from the said lane to the said water, and in breadth betw. the Earl of Leicester's land on both sides, formerly in the tenure of Joh. Hereford, lately in that of Rob. Picken, and now in that of Ric. Kilbee; all which fields the grantor received jointly with Ric. Barker, Tho. Saunders, alderman; Rob. Band, innkeeper; Mic. Joyner, drap.; Ric. `Smyth, vintner; Joh. Hearing, mercer; Wal. Whitehead, haberdasher; Mic. Smyth, mercer; Ric. Barker, son of Ric. Barker, draper, of the feoffment of Hen. Kervyn, alderman, by his charter dated Aug. 24, 41 Eliz. - 21 Apr [1627]
175 - Release fr. Hen. Kervyn, draper, of all rights, title, and interest in lands belonging to the church in Horwell, to Chr. Davenport, Hen. Smyth, Tho. Potter, Joh. Thomas, Gil. Walden, and Joh. Downes - 14 Oct [1628]
176 - Lease fr. Chr. Davenport, Hen. Smyth, Tho. Potter, Joh. Thomas, Gil. Walden, and Joh. Downes, feoffees, to Tho. Hobson, butcher, of a close in Little Horwell, for 21 years after 1631, at 18s. rent. - 25 Mar [1629]
177 - Lease from feoffees (see Dr429/162) to Anne Wildey, widow, of a tenement in Cross Cheaping, between land of Edw. Poulton on one side and that of the Mayor, etc., on the other, and also two closes next Horwell Lane in Little Horwell, for 21 years after 1631, at £3 6s. 8d. rent. - 25 Mar [1629]
178 - Lease from feoffees (see DR0429/162 except Davenport) to Eliz. Walker, widow, and Tho. Prestwoode, son of Will. Prestwoode, mercer, of a tenement with 2 shops in Cross Cheaping, late in occupation of Edw. Walker, fishmonger, deceased, husband of Elizabeth, with use of implements or "standers", and also of a close in Radford called Over Shuckmore, for 21 years after 1631, at £5 rent. Schedule of implements annexed. - 16 Jul [1629]
179 - Lease fr. feoffees (DR0429/164) to Ric. Kilbee, merc., in consideration of £10, of a close in Horwell, late in tenure of Jane Picken, for 21 years, at 33s. 4d. a year, payable at the walk by the Mayor's Parlour door. - 18 Jun [1630]
180 - Enfeoffment by Joh. Bosworth, painter, to Tho. Sargenson, mason, for £10, of a tenement on the n. side of Well Street, some time in tenure of Tho. Harrison, painter, and lately in the name of Hamlet Bosworth, John's father, with warranty saving the rights of Sam. Turner. - 8 Jan [1630-1631]
181 - Lease fr. Hen. Horne, gent., Hum. Burton, Cil. Tonckes, Ric. Murdock, Will. Morton, Geo. Ashton, Chr. Davenport, Geo. Monck, Ric. Tayler, grasier; Rob. Hewit, clothier; Fr. Wright, Nic. Rowney, mere.; Edw. Burberry, corviser; Nat. Barnard, mercer; Nat. Smyth, mercer; Will. Turbervile, gent.; Sam. Wheat, tanner; Tho. Sargenson, Will. Grascombe, butcher; Peter Baxter, clothier; Sam. Snell, drap. Edw. Collyns, clothier, feoffees, to Rob. Nelson, of Coundon, husbandmen, and Jane, his wife, for £6 13. 4d., of a tenement in Coundon, with a close called "Reynolds feild," for 21 years, at 30s. rent. - 14 Mar [1630-1631]
182 - Feoffment from Hen. Smyth, Tho. Potter, Gilb. Walden, Joh. Downes - 15 Mar [1630-1631]
183 - Lease fr. Geo. Monck, grocer, to Eliz. Walker, widow, of a tenement with 2 shops in Cross Cheaping, with use of fixtures, for life or 19 years at a peppercorn rent; lessor to pay £5 to chw. for Shuckmore yearly - 8 Mar [1632-1633]
184 - Lease fr. Tho. Bankes, surveyor; Fr. Coling, mercer; Joh. Mayo, hempdresser; Will. Burbage, baker; and feoffees (as DR0429/167 with exception of Will. Turberville), to Joh. Downes, son of Ralph, of Winnall, gent., of messuage, closes, etc., in Brinklow, formerly in tenure of his father, for 21 years, at £11 10s. a year. - 1 Apr [1634]
185 - Lease fr. feoffees, Ric. Tayler, Chr. Davenport and others, to Margery Kildemer, widow, of a tenement near Gosford Gate, for 17 years, at 10s. a year. - 28 Jan [1635-1636]
186 - Lease fr. Ric. Kilbee, mercer, Ric. Atherall, innholder, Will. Jelliff, clothier, Will. Neale, butcher, ch. to Eliz. Ashmore, of a tenement in Cook Street for 21 years at 6s. 8d. a year - 1 Apr [1636]
187 - Lease fr. chw. Fr. Wright, jun., butcher, Sam. Moody, draper, Tho. Higginson, butcher, Jer. Murdock, to Nic. Packwood, carpenter, of a tenement in Bishop Street in e. side for 21 years after 1635 at 8s. a year. - 3 Aug [1637]
188 - Counterpart, Sign. and seal (as Wright's) of Mic. Packwood. Witnesses as above and Steven Parker. - [1637]
189 - Lease from. Tho. Hunt, merc., Hen. Hunt, Sim. Awson, clothier, Fr. Clerk, dyer, chw. to Chr. Davenport, clothier, with consent of Rob. Proctor, M.A., vicar, and other parishioners and feoffees, of a tenement in West Orchard against the great conduit for 27 years at 40s. a year. - 31 Jul [1639]
190 - Lease fr. chw. (DR0429/173) to Nat. Barnard, mercer, with consent of Rob. Procter, vicar, and the vestry of a tenement in Cross Cheaping between land late of Will. Pitts on s. and Tho. Baker on n., which tenement was late in the successive occupations of Tho. Baker on n., which tenement was late in the successive occupations of Tho. Baker, corviser, and Tho. Rowley, and now in Nat. Barnard's, for 21 years at 20s. a year, payable in or at the walk before the Mayor's Parlour door . . . called the Mayor's Walk. - 20 Nov [1639]
191 - Sale by Ch. Seller, gent., and Anne, his wife, one of the d. of Will. Sewell, deceased, of Coventry, mercer, to Tho. Sargenson, mason, of a plot of land in Well Street for 20s. Attorney, Joh. Brownell. - 20 Nov [1639]
192 - Letter of attorney from Hum. Burton, Chr. Davenport, Geo. Monck, Ric. Tayler, Fr. Wright, Nat. Smyth, San. Snell, Hen. Horne, Ric. Murdock, Will Morton, Geo. Ashton, Ed. Burberry, Nat. Barnard, Sam. Wheate, Tho. Sargenson, Tho. Grascombe, Pet. Baxter, Ed. Collyns appointing Tho. Griffin to deliver seizin in their name to Tho. Hunt to whom by an indenture of Jan. 29, 1639-40, they have leased for three years, at 2s. rent, abouse, lately occupied by Rob. Long in Smithford Street on the n. side of the said house. - Jan [1639-1640]
193 - Lease fr. Chr. Davenport and others, feoffees, to Ric. Hunt, corviser, of a tenement in Earl Street, late in occupation of Tho. Dudley, with use of implements, for 21 years, at 30s. a year. - 21 Jun [1641]
194 - Feoffment by Sara Kervyn, spinster, of London, d. of Joh. Kervyn, late of Coventry, fishmonger, to Chr. Davenport, mayor, Nat. Barnard and Sam. Wheate, bailiffs, Hum. Burton, coroner, Geo. Monck and others, parishioners for the better reparation of Trinity Church, of a tenement in Dog Lane, which Joh. Saunders, late grazier, sold to Tho. Shewell and others (see DR0429/99), including Joh. Kervyn, who survived the rest and from whom the tenement descended to his s. and h., Richard, and from him to his d. and h., Sara aforesaid. Attorneys, Will. Buswell and Jos. Bosworth. - 1 Feb [1641-1642]
195 - Feoffment by Tho. Potter, dyer, and Fr. Chambers, baker, one of the chw. to Nic. Rowney. mayor, Chr. Davenport. Hum. Burton and others, parishioners, of a tenement, etc., with a selion (strip) of arable land in Coundon in Urchenfield in tenure of Joh. Carr, which they (the grantors) enjoyed with others, now dead, of the grant of Chr. Davenport, late pewterer, Hen. Smyth, late vintner, and others (Apr. 1, 10 Jas.I.) for the fulfilment of the will of Jas. Tomson. Attorneys, Nic. Rue and Will. Aspinwall - 24 Apr [1643]
196 - Feoffment by Tho. Potter, Ric. Murdock, Joh. Lyndon, Sam. Williams, the last two former churchwardens, and Will. Judd - 24 Apr [1643]
197 - Feoffment fr. Will. Judd, formerly churchwarden, and Joh. Downes, sole surviving feoffees enjoying by indenture, dated 17 Apr, 10 Jas.I. (see DR0429/138), the title in certain lands and tenements called Middleborow, Stony delfs, "le Strype" and Lockersmore, to Nic. Rowney, mayor, Chr. Davenport, Geo. Monck, Ric. Tailer and others - 24 Apr [1643]
198 - Feoffment from Tho. Wylson, cardmaker, s. and h. of Tho. Wylson, grandfather of the party of these presents, and last survivor of the feoffees, viz., Tho. Saunders, Geo. Jeynens, Will. Hyndman, Tho. Sewell, Rad. Prophett, Ric. Saunders, Rob. Bagnall, Tho. Wylson, Rob. Hobson, Tho. Castell, of two tenements known as the "Crane" in Bishop Street, of an orchard in Dog Lane, and a messuage in Cross Cheaping, and three other messuages in the same street, to Nic. Rowney, mayor, Hum. Burton, Chr. Davenport, Nat. Barnard, and others - 1 May [1643]
199 - Feoffment from Tho. Potter, and Joh. Downes to Nic. Rowney, Hum. Burton, Fr. Wright, sen., Sam. Snell, Sam. Wheate, Hen. Horne, Ric. Murdock, Geo. Ashton, Ed. Burberry, Tho. Sargenson, Pet. Baxter, Tho. Grascombe, sen., Edw. Collins, parishioners, of a messuage in Gosford Street Without, and of one in Gosford Street, in occupation of Edw. Saunders, of a barn, etc., in Little Park Street, near land of Simon Norton, alderman, and of a tenement in Cow Lane, formerly in occupation of Sir Brian I'anson, deceased, and of one in Greyfriar Lane, in occupation of Tho. Pidgeon, apothecary, and another in Greyfriar Lane, in occupation of Tho. Basnet, alderman, and of two others in Spon Street, and of barns without Bishop Street Gate, and of Windmill field, and a close in the Dog Lane, and various properties in Bishop Street, Cross Cheaping, Palmer Lane, and Skynnards Close in Foleshill. - 8 May [1643]
200 - Lease fr. Hum. Burton, Hen. Horne and others, feofees, to Hen. Wilkinson, of a tenement in Bishop Street, called the "Crane" late in the occupation of Jon. Sweete, for 24 years, at 43s. 4d.; and one little croft in Dog Lane, saving free liberty of ingress for the making of the trench for the town ditch for the better defence of the city. - 16 Jan [1644-1645]
201 - Lease from feoffees, Hum. Burton, Hen. Horne, of Stoke, gent., and others, with consent of vestry, to Eliz. Craddock, widow, of a tenement late in occupation successively of Will. Mabbs, tanner, and of Ric. More, whittawer, in Spon Street, south side, between lands of Nic. Skelton and Tho. Abell, and another tenement on n. side of street in successive occupations of Ric. Woodshaw and Ric. Barrowes, with use of "standers" in annexed schedule, for 21 years from 1641 for £4 a year. - 28 Mar [1645]
202 - Release of Geo. Monck, mercer, to Chr. Davenport, Humf. Burton, and others, of all his interest in a messuage in Darby Lane, late in successive occupations of Edw. Harrington, and of Sara Harrington, deceased, and since in that of Will. Short, deceased - 12 Apr [1646]
203 - Lease from Chr. Davenport, Nat. Barnard, Sam. Wheate, Tho. Sargenson, Hum. Burton, Geo. Monck, Ric. Tailer, Mat. Smyth, Sam. Snell, Hen. Horne, Geo. Ashton, Edw. Burberry, Tho. Grascombe, feoffees, to Peter Baxter, clothier, in consideration of £30 to be spent on repairs, etc., and also in consideration of the sums of money expended by him in the prosecution and defence of the title of the church in the name of Jeremiah Wheate, gent., concerning part of the church lands, of a tenement in Well Street, for 28 years, at 16s. a year - 4 Apr [1648]
204 - Lease from Mat. Smith, Chr. Davenport, Hum. Burton, and others, feoffees, to Joh. Jeffry, corviser, with consent of parishioners, of a tenement in West Orchard, some time in occupation of Rob. Swan, tiler, for 23 years, at 8s. rent. - 15 Feb [1648-1649]
205 - Lease fr. Sam. Snell, mayor, Chr. Davenport, Hum. Burton, Geo. Ashton, Nat. Barnard, and others, feoffees, to Geo. Monck, sen., of a tenement with 2 shops in Cross Cheaping, of a messuage in Darby Lane, and of a pasture called Shuckmore in Radford, for 21 years from 1652, at £6 a year rent - 1 Mar [1649-1650]
206 - This Indenture witnesseth that Constance Johnsone, daughter of Tho. Johnson ... of Coventre, deceased, hath and doeth with the consent and approbacion of Julius Billers, Hen. Kerwin, John Juide (?), and Joh. Smith, now present oversears for the good of the poore of the parish of Trinitie in Coventry, as allsoe with the consent and aprobacion of Geo. Monck, jun., Will. Rowney, Sam. Hewoode, Will. Webster, the present Churchwardens, put and bynde herself aprentis and covenant sarvant with Joane ffoster, of Markit Harboarow, in the County of Leyester, bootton maker, and with her after the manner aprentis to dwell from the day of the date hereof vnto the full end and tearme of seaven yeares from thence next and yemediately following fully to be compleate and ended, during which tearme all secrits and lawfull cowncells of her said dame shee shall well and truly keepe, and all her Commandements lawful shee shall faithfully obay and doe; the goods of her said dame shee shall not waste, nor them to any person lend without her lysence: hurt to her shee shall non doe, nor consent to be done; shee shall not absent herself from the Cervice of her said dame, nor shall serve any other without her dame's agreement, but as a true and faithful servant ought shee shal behave herself unto her said dame booth in word and deed. - 29 Apr [1650]
207 - Lease from Sam. Snell, mayor, Hum. Burton, Hen. Horne, Edw. Burberry, Tho. Grascombe, and others, feoffees, to Tho. Wildey, ironmonger, of a tenement in Cross Cheaping, and two closes in Horwell, for 21 years after 1652 at £3 10s. Od. rent a year. - 7 Oct [1650]
208 - Lease from Chr. Davenport, Tho. Sargenson and others, feoffees, to Joh. Mayo, roper, of a close in Little Horwell, late in the occupation of Tho. Hobson, and now in that of Edw. Willcox, for 21 years from 1652 at a rent of 30s. a year. - 19 June [1651]
209 - Lease from Chr. Davenport, alderman, Nat. Smith, Sam. Snell, Geo. Monck, sen., Hum. Burton, Ric. Taylor, Nat. Barnard, Pet. Baxter, Tho. Sargenson, Hen. Horne, Geo. Ashton, Edw. Burborry, Tho. Grascombe, feoffees, to Chr. Davenport, jun., gentleman, of a tenement, a close called the Dovehouse Close, etc., with "hades," "balkes," etc., being in the town and fields of Brinklow, now in tenure of Joh. Mason, for 21 years from 1655 at £20 rent. - 12 Nov [1652]
210 - Counterpart of A. Sign. Chr. Davenport - Jun [1652]
211 - Lease fr. feoffes (see DR0429/194) to Tho. Pidgeon, apothecary, of a tenement in Greyfriar Lane, in occupation of Fr. Colin, for 21 years after 1657 at 20s. rent - 3 Jan [1652-1653]
212 - Sale, in consideration of £10, by Mary Harvey, late wife of Joh. Harvey, whittawer, Mary Pywall, d. and h. of the late John, and Joh. Pywall, son of said Mary, to Rob. Bedford, clothier, of a close, without Gosford Gate, on s. side, between the river and Shut Lane, and stretching from the street on n. to land occupied some time by Joh. ffenton, tailor, and now by Sam. Pixley, clothier, which close Rog. Harvey, father of John, purchased from Joh. Roo. - 30 Jan [1652-1653]
213 - Demise of Chr. Davenport, jun., of a tenement in Brinklow leased to him by feoffees (see DR529/194) to Phil. Sedgeley, husbandman, for 18 years from Mic., 1653, at £20 rent. - 18 Feb [1652-1653]
214 - Feofment - 30 Mar [1653]
215 - Lease fr. Chr. Davenport, Nat. Smith, Sam. Snell, Hum. Burton, Hen. Horne, feoffees, to John Burbage, baker, of a mess. and two closes in Coundon, in occupation of Geo. Randell, for two years at 30s. a year in consideration of £12. - 6 May [1657]
216 - Lease from feoffees (see DR0429/199) to Tho. Norton, Esq., of a tenement in Cow Lane, late in occupation of Sir Brian I'Anson, Kt., in consideration of £9, for 41 years at 10s. rent. - 1 Jun [1657]
217 - Counterpart. - [1657]
218 - Feoffment by Mat. Bott, baker, Nat. Hobson, butcher, Joh. Hall, maltster, to Mat. Smith, alderman, Sam. Snell, alderman, Will. Jelliff, alderman, Tho. Hobson, Hum. Burton, Abr. Watts, mercer, Will. Green, surgeon, Geo. Monck, mercer, Will. Gilbert, mercer, Tho. Pidgeon, apothecary, Joh. Walden, gentleman, Will. Rowney, mercer, Will. Neale, butcher, Tho. Burberry, clothier, Abr. Owen, feltmaker, of the annuity of 20s. issuing from a house in tenure of Jul. Billers, occupied by Joh. Scotton (Hurte's Charity, see DR0429/97) - 30 Jul [1657]
219 - Counterpart - [1657]
220 - Conveyance fr. Hum. Burton and Hen. Horne, surviving feoffees, to Mat. Smith, alderman (see DR0429/201), of the "Crane" in Bishop Street, and an orchard in Dog Lane, conveyed by deed poll, May 1, 1643 (see DR0429/183), to them and others deceased. - 30 Jul [1657]
221 - Conveyance from Mat. Smith, Hum. Burton and Hen. Horne, surviving feoffees, to Will. Jelliff, alderman, Jul. Billers, and others, of a messuage and barn in Dog Lane, in occupation of Sam. Snell ("the said messuage and barne being lately taken downe by the said parish for the defence of the said Citie in the time of the late wars") conveyed in deed poll to them and others deceased by Sara Kervyn (see DR0429/179). - 30 Jul [1657]
222 - Counterpart of DR0429/203A - [1657]
223 - Conveyance from Sam. Snell, Hum. Burton, Hen. Horne, surviving feoffees, to Will. Jelliff, Tho. Hobson, Abr. Watts, Will. Greene, Geo. Monck, and others, of lands and tenements in Cross Cheaping, occupied by Abel Brookesby, apothecary, and of 3 tenements in same, occupied by Susan Monck, widow of Geo. Monck, and others, and in Gosford Street, occupied by Will. Allibon, carpenter, and lying without the gate, and in Gosford Street within the gate, in occupation of Edw. Saunders, and of a barn in Little Park Street, now in occupation of Joseph Troughton, and a tenement in Cow Lane, in that of Ellen Norton, and one in Greyfriar Lane, in that of Fr. Coling, and another in occupation of Tho. Basnet, and of another in Spon Street, "which said messuage was lately taken downe by the said parish Church for the safetie of the said citie in the late time of warrs there," and one in the same in occupation of Tho. Geery, whittawer, and another in same street in same occupation, and of Windmill-hill-field, etc., without, Bishop Street gate, and of two barns in Dog Lane, lately taken down, and of a tenement in Bishop Street, one in Cross Cheaping, and a corner house between Cross Cheaping and West Orchard in the tenure of Fran. - 30 Jul [1657]
224 - Enfeoffment by Mat. Smyth, Sam. Snell, Hum. Burton, Hen. Horne, surviving feoffees, to Will. Jelliff, alderman, Tho. Hobson, Abraham Watts, Will. Greene, surgeon, Geo. ?Monck. Will. Gilbert, Tho. Pidgeon, Joh. Walden, Will. Rowney, Will. Neale, Tho. Burberry, Abr. Owen, feltmaker, of the lands, etc., belonging to Trinity Church, i.e., Middleborow, Stoneydelfs Shuckmore, etc. - 30 Jul [1657]
225 - Feoffment. - Oct 12 [1657]
226 - Jesus Hall - 5 Nov [1657]
227 - Lease from Mat. Smyth, etc. (see list omitting Hen. Horne of feoffees DR0429/205) to Julyns Billers in return for the provision of a new bell, costing £42 10s., now hung up in the steeple, to make up six bells, and of 54s. paid for the clapper to the bell, of a tenement in Broadgate, and of Lockersmore for 41 years at £3 rent. - 1 Apr [1658]
228 - Lease fr. feoffees (see DR0429/208) to Ric. Hunt, corvicer of a tenement in Earl Street, late in occupation of Tho. Dudley, with implements, etc., for 21 years from 1662 at 30s. a year. Schedule of wainscot, etc., annexed. - 1 Jul [1658]
229 - (Workhouse) - 16 Aug [1658]
230 - Lease fr. feoffees (see DR0429/208) to Isab. Johnson, wid., with consent of parishioners, of a tenement in Gosford Street lying near a stone wall of Mr. Hales, called the Whitefriars' Orchard Wall, and lately in tenure of Geo. Copestake, silk-weaver, father of the said Isabell, for 21 years at 12s. a year. - 26 Aug [1658]
231 - Enfeoffment by Mat. Smyth, Sam. Snell, Will. Jelliff and Hum. Burton, to Jul. Billers, mayor, Tho. Pidgeon, Abr. Watts and others, of the vicarage-house, now in tenure of Joh. Bryan, D.D., and entry now in occupation of Sam. Peisley. - 18 Sep [1658]
232 - Lease fr. feoffees (see DR0429/205, omitting Mat. Smith, Hen. Horne, Will. Greene) to Sarah Greene, of Foleshill, in consideration of £5, of a close called Skynnard's, near Ball Green, successively occupied by Hen. Smith and Tho. Greene, for 25 years at £4 a year. - 28 Jul 1659]
233 - Lease fr. Mat. Smyth, Sam. Snell, Will. Jelliff, Hum. Burton, Will. Greene, Tho. Hobson, Tho, Pidgeon, Abr. Watts, Geo. Monck, Will. Gilbert, Joh. Walden, Will. Rowney, Will. Neale, Tho. Burberry, Abr. Owen, feoffees, to Rob. Gardner, of a tenement, etc., in Brinklow, for 31 years at a rent of £4 for 21 years and for £17 for remainder of lease, in consideration of £147 towards church repairs. - 4 Nov [1658]
234 - Lease fr. feoffees (see DR0429/214) in consideration of £200 for church repairs to Mat. Neale, of Exhall, of tenement, known as Holbrookes, for 28 years at 3s. 4d. rent. - 10 Oct [1659]
235 - (Feoffment) Grant of Hum. Burton to Nat. Smyth, Sam. Snell, Will. Jelliff, Jul. Billers and others, of a rent charge of 5s. a year, issuing from Jesus Hall, parcel of one of 20s. a year, he having compounded for the remainder by a payment of £15 to Will. Rowney, chw., for the use of the church. - 17 Nov [1659]
236 - Grant fr. feoffees (see DR0429/214 except Will. Greene) to Rob. Smyth, of Kegworth, co. Leic., gent., of the fee simple of two closes called Burton's Closes in Coundon, in occupation of Geo. Kerby, for £33 towards the repairs of the church, subject to an annual rent charge of £2s - 11 Jan [1659-1660]
237 - Lease from feoffees (see DR0429/205, omitting Pat. Smyth, Hen. Horne, Will. Greene) to Frances Davenport, widow, in consideration of £42 10s. of a tenement in West Orchard, a corner-house near the Cunduit, with "standers," for 21 years from 1666, for forty shillings' rent. - Jan [1661-1662]
238 - Grant fr. feoffees (see DR0429/218, omitting Sam. Snell and Hum. Burton) to Joh. Cater, of Esenhull, gent., in consideration of £100 paid to Tho. Bewley, plummer, chw., of £10 a year from a tenement and two shops adjoining in Cross Cheaping, and pasture (lammas) called Over Shuckmore, lately demised to Geo. Monck, and also from a fish shop and cellar in the same street, in occupation of Ann Rew, and from another tenement in the same, between Will. Rowney's land and that of the Mayor, etc., and two closes in Little Horwell, demised to Tho. Wildey, now occupied by Abel Brookesby, for 21½ years. - 16 Apr [1662]
239 - Lease from Tho. Pidgeon, Mat. Smyth, Sam. Snell, Hum. Burton, and others, feoffees, to Fr. Simcox, of Canley, gent., of 2 pastures without Bishop Street Gate, called Windmill Hill, and one close in Dog Lane, in the occupation of Mat. Smith, and one messuage in Cross Cheaping adjoining the mansion house of Mat. Smyth and divers closes in Little Horwell, in the occupation of Sus. Barnard, and a close in Horwell in that of Mat. Bott, for 99 years, at a peppercorn rent, in consideration of a payment made to Tho. Throckmorton, chw., towards the debt of the church. - 29 Sep [1663]
240 - Lease of Fr. Symcox to feoffees (see DR0429/220) of lands, etc., mentioned in DR0429/220, for 98 years and 11 months, paying therefor £20 a year for 21 years, and for the next half-year £10, and for the remainder of the lease one peppercorn. - 30 Sep [1663]
241 - Counterpart of DR0429/221A. Seal and sign of Fr. Symcox. - [1663]
242 - Lease fr. Mat. Smyth, Sam. Snell, and others, feoffees, with consent of the open vestry, in consideration of £18 paid to Ralph Phillips, chw., to Sam. Bryan, gent., and Anne, his wife, of a pasture called Stonydelph, and a lammas ground 3½ acres called the Stripe, late in occupation of Ric. Tayler, for 21 years from 1670, at 40s. a year. - 12 Aug [1665]
243 - Lease fr. Will. Jelliff, Hum. Burton, Will. Gilbert, Abr. Owen, Will. Neale, surviving feoffees, Tho. Bewley, Will. Banyon, Ric. Waterfall, Will. Gravener, chw., to Ann Rew and Tho., her son, of a fish shop and cellar in Cross Cheaping, for 21 (31) years at 40s. rent, or at £3 rent if assigned to other tenants. - 3 Aug [1669]
244 - Lease from Sam. Snell, Will. Jelliff, Hum. Burton, Will. Rowney, Will. Gilbert, Abr. Owen, Will. Neale, and chw. (see DR0429/223), to Ab. Brokesby, for £32 10s., of a messuage in Cross Cheaping and 2 closes in Little Horwell from 1673 for 31 years at £3 10s. rent - 17 Nov [1669]
245 - Counterpart.
246 - Sale by feoffees (see DR0429/224) and chw. (DR0429/224) to Susanna Barnard for £26 towards the debts and building of the church of a messuage - one bay of building - in Cross Cheaping, in successive tenures of Tho. Baker, Tho. Rowley, and Nat. Barnard. - 10 Jan [1669-1670]
247 - Grant by feoffees, Will Jelliff, Will. Rowney, Will. Gilbert, Abr. Owen, Will. Neale and chw. (see DR0429/223) to Francis Cater, of the rent of £10 granted to his late father (see DR0429/219) - 12 Apr [1670]
248 - Counterpart. Sign. and seal of Fra. Cater. Witn. Tho. Padley, Rob. Hill.
249 - Lease fr. Sam. Snell, Will. Jeliff, Hum. Burton, Will. Gilbert, Abr. Owen, Will. Neale, feoffees, and Tho. Bewley, Ric. Tayler, Nat. Shewell, Will. Essex, chw. to Mat. Smyth, alderman, of Over Shuckmore in Radford, in consideration of £20, for 31 years, at 20s. rent, with £3 for every acre ploughed or sown during last five years of lease. - 2 Nov [1670]
250 - Lease from feoffees and chw. to Joh. Winterton, butcher, in consideration of £46, of a tenement and cellar in Cross Cheaping, and a close at Horwell, late in occupation of Joh. Mayo, for 31 years from 1673, at £3 rent, with a new stack of chimneys to be erected by lessee, the moiety of all grain from land converted into tillage during last 5 years to be rendered up to the church's representatives on August 24. - 28 Nov [1670]
251 - Lease fr. feof. (DR0429/227) and chw. (DR0429/223) to Will. Heyward, weaver, of a tenement in West Orchard, late in occupation of Joh. Jeffry for 21 years, at 18s. rent. - 21 Mar [1670-1671]
252 - Lease fr. feoffees (DR0429/227) and Edw. Bradney, Joh. Waldron, Ab. Pitts and Tho. Rotton, chw., to Ric. Enos, clothier, of a tenement in Gosford Street, within the gate on n: side, containing 5 bays, now in occupation of Will. Smyth, and before in that of Tho. Barker, and before that of Mio. Illedg, and an adjoining messuage containing 4 bays and 1 shore, lately occupied by Wal. Hildermore, for 18 years at 12s. a year for the first, and 10s. for the second tenement, with obligation to build a new bay to the second. - 14 Sep [1671]
253 - Surrender of Will. Smyth, clothier, of the remainder of a 31 years' lease (from Apr 1,1656) of two tenements in Gosford Street (see DR0429/230) to the surviving feoffees, Nat. Smith, Sam. Snell, Will. Jeliff, Hum. Burton, Will. Gilbert, Abr. Owen, and Will. Neale. - 20 Sep [1671]
254 - Lease from Will. Jelliff, Hum. Burton, Will. Gilbert, Abr. Owen, Will. Heale, feoffees, ?Hal story, Hon. Harbert, Geo Rotton and Joh. Viall. chw., for £10 to The. King. gent., a lammas ground called Barr's Hill Close and pasture adjoining for 21 years at £8 a year, with an additional £3 for every acre ploughed up within last five years of lease. - 27 Mar [1672]
255 - Lease fr. Mr. Joh. Crouchlowe, draper, and Mr. Joh. Woolrich, mercer, to Rob. Johnson, felt maker, of a tenement in Well Street. betw. those of Mr. Oughton and Hannah Smith, whereof they are trustees on behalf of Mary Willington of Daintree, for 11 years at £4.10s. rent, with hearth-money and ministers' due payable by tenant - 24 Apr [1672]
256 - Feofment. - 31 Oct [1672]
257 - Feofment. - 4 Nov [1672]
258 - Sale by feoffees (DR0429/233) and chw., i.e., sept. Bott, Samp. Hardman, Clem. Gunnell and Will. Lee, to Rob. Beake, Esq., and Hugh Capell, mercer, executors of the will of will. Rowney, deceased, in return for £200, a messuage, etc., with arable land on Church Hill, a croft called Trinity Church Grove, etc., in Allesley, leased to Fr. Blithe, and 3 stables and a messuage in Greyfriar Lane, leased to Joh. Todd. and a parcel of ground. etc., in Little Park Street, leased to Eliz. Troughton, and a messuage in West Orchard, leased to Fr. Davenport, a pasture called Skynnard's in Foleshill, leased to Sarah Green, for 80 years at a peppercorn rent, the sum of £250 to be paid up by instalments and in the lump by Michaelmas, 1681, and then the sale to be void. - 30 Sep [1676]
259 - Counterpart. Seal and sign., of Hu. Capell. Beake's seal missing. - [1676]
260 - Sale by feoffees and ch. to Nat. Wanley, clerk, K.A., in return for £100 lent to defray debt of spire building, of lands and tenements in Bishop Street, Dog lane, Earl Street, Radford, for 8 years at a peppercorn rent, to be repaid with interest by Nov. 1, 1681. - 2 Nov [1675]
261 - Counterpart - [1675]
262 - Lease fr. feoffees and chw., (DR0429/235) to Tho. Ingram, of Coundon, yeoman, of messuage, etc., in Coundon, co. Warw., late in occupation of Geo. Randell, for 21 years at £4- 15s. rent, and £3 an acre for any conversion to tillage during four last years of lease. - 8 Nov [1676]
263 - icense fr. feoffees (DR0429/237) and chw. (1b) to Tho. Wing, alderman, for 12d. to lay a pipe of lead in Barr's Close, and another close adjoining, and in the stripe, for the purpose of bringing water from Radford to Coventry from 1693 for 481 years. - 24 Jan [1676-1677]
264 - Lease from Will. Jelliff, and others (DR0429/232), to Fr. Harryman and others, in consideration of 12 pence, of lands or tenements called or in Middleborough; Stonydelph, commonly called Pudding pit; the Stripe; Lockersmoore; Brinslow (now in tenure of Jos. Garner); Coundon; Horwell and Asthull; Earl Street; Gosford street (now in tenure of Ric. Enos and Edw. Lynes); Cow Lane (now in occupation of Sir Tho. Horton, Bart.); Smithford Street; Greyfriars' Lane; Spon Street; and a rent of 3s. 4d. in the last street (late in the occupation of Tho. Geery, deceased); Spon End, a tenement with one leye of land adjoining, in occupation of Anne Nicholson, widow, and Will. Nicholson; Well Street, in occupation of Rebecca Crynes; Cock Street; and a rent of 3s. 4d. from a house in Cross Cheaping; Dog Lane; and of a rent of 10s. from a messuage in Broadgate; and a shop, etc., in Cross Cheaping; another tenement in Cross Cheaping; and of the vicar's house in the occupation of Nat. Wanley, D.D., and an entry leading from Jesus Hall to the Spicers Store; the West Orchard; Holbrooks; a rent of 3s. 4d. from property in Keresley; a 20s. rent from a messuage in Broadgate; Derby Lane; for 10 months at a peppercorn. - 1 Aug [1677]
265 - Lease fr. (see DR0429/232) feoffees to Fr. Harriman and others for 12d. paid to Tho. King, chw., of a close in Horwell and Asthill, a tenement in Gosford Street without the gate, one in Little Park Street, and Windmill-hill field (otherwise Barrs-hill), a close without Bishop Street-gate, a messuage, etc., in Greyfriars Lane, a barn in Sign. and seals of feoffees., Nat. Harryman, Nat. Wanley, Tho. King, Tho. Bewley. - 1 Aug [1677]
266 - Grant fr. feoffees (see DR0429/240) to Nat. Harryman, Tho. King, Tho. Bewley, Fr. Harryman, Ed. Bradney, Tho. Rogers, Hugh Capell, Ric. Webster, Joh. Winterton, Sept. Bott, Sim. Lucas, Wal. Story, Nat. Shewell, Hen. Harbert, Ric. Stretton, Ric. Waterfall, Dan. Sawyer, Sam. Watson, Joh, Waldron, Samp. Hurdman, for 12d., of an Annuity of 5s. issuing from Jesus Hall in tenure of Hum. Burton, to them and their asigns for ever to the use of the parish church. - 30 Aug [1677]
267 - Counterpart. - [1677]
268 - Conveyance fr. feoffees (DR0429/241) to Fr. Harryman and others of lands mentioned in a previous indenture (DR0429/239). - 13 Aug [1677]
269 - Conveyance from feoffees (see DR0429/241) to Fr. Harryman, Ed. Bradney and others of lands, etc., mentioned in a previous indenture (DR0429/240) in their possession by virtue of the said indenture and of the Statute for transferring uses into possession. - 13 Aug [1677]
270 - Lease fr. Nat. Harryman, Tho. King and others, feoffees, and Luke Barnes, Joh. Sherratt, Clem. Rutter and Tho. Cliff, ch., to Sept. Bott, apothecary, in persuance of an order made in the open vestry of a messuage in Cross Cheaping between land of Nic. Rowney and of the Mayor, etc., with 2 closes in Little Horwell, for 26 years at £3. 10s. a year, with moity of grain gotten on any of the land plowed or sown within 5 years of the expiration of the lease - 16 Oct [1678]
271 - Conveyance from Nat. Harryman, Tho. Eing, Fr. Harryman, Edw. Bradney, Tho. Rogers, Hugh Capell, Ric Webster, Sept. Bott, Simon Lucas, Wal. Storey, Nat. Shewell, Ric. Stretton, Ric. Waterfall, Ban. Sawyer, Sam. Watson, John. Waldron, Sampson Hurdman, feoffees, of a tenement, etc., with Dovehouse Close, and appurtences, common of pastures, "hades," "balks," in town and fields of Brinklow, for 6 months at a peppercorn rent, to Ric. Hopkins, Esq. - 20 Sep [1681]
272 - Lease from Nat. Harryman, Tho. King and others, feoffees, to Mat Neale, grazier, in consideration of various repairs and new buildings the tenement, etc., known as Holbrooks, with all the common, etc., thereunto belonging in the towns and fields of Foleshill and Exhall, which closes, etc., are lying together and are divided into parts, for 41 years after 1687 for £15 rent. - 12 Dec [1683]
273 - Lease fr. feoffees (see DR0429/245, omitting Ric. Webster and Sam Watson) to Ric. Hunt, corviser, in consideration of repairs, of a messuage formerly in occupation of Tho. Dudley, deceased, in Earl Street, for 21 years at 30s. rent. Schedule of "standards." - 29 Apr [1684]
274 - Grant from feoffees (see DR0429/245, omitting Webster, Stretton and Watson) to Joh. Greene, of Foleshill, ironmonger, for a fine of £6, of the pasture called Skynnard's Close near Bell Green, late in occupation of his mother, Sar. Greene, except all manner of coals, "veynes and dolphes of coales, commonly called ston-coale, sea-coale or pit-coale," upon the premises for 21 years at £4 a year and £3 for every acre ploughed, etc., within last 4 years of lease, with stipulation that lessee should build a house of 2 bays upon the premises within 3 years. - 1 Oct [1683]
275 - Feoffment, mortgage. - 24 Jun [1684]
276 - Counterpart. Sign. and Seal of Jos. Simcockes. Witn., Joh. Dugdale, Will. ffetherston, Jos. Olds. - 24 Jun [1684]
277 - Release fr. Jos. Simcox to feoffees of lands, etc. (see DR0429/247) for 98 years and 11 months, paying £20 for 28 years, £10 for the next half year, and for the remainder of the lease one peppercorn, the previous lease (DR0429/247) to be delivered up when payments complete. - 25 Jun [1684]
278 - Paper roll giving order of vestry Oct.12, 1707, to the effect that £40 should be borrowed at 6 from Mr. Tho. Herbert, apothecary, to pay off r. Simcock's annuity. - c1707
279 - (Feoffment. Workhouse.) - 29 Nov [1684]
280 - Lease from feoffees, Tho. Rogers, mayor, Nat. Harryman, Fr. Harryman, Edw. Bradley (sic.) and others to Ric. Taylor, roper, of the West Orchard corner messuage, etc., for 21 years from £8 10s. rent. Schedule enclosed. - 23 Jun [1688]
281 - Lease from Nat. and Fr. Harryman, Ed. Bradney, Tho. Rogers, Sept. Bott, Hugh Capell, Sim. Lucas, Nal. Storey, Dan. Sawyer, feoffees, and Geo. Knight, Ed. Astill, Tho. Foster, Will. Whittel, chw. to Ann Rew, and Thomas, her son, of a fish-shop and cellar in Cross Cheaping, for 21 years after 1694 at 40s. a year, or in case of sub-letting or disuse £3. - 26 Jul [1692]
282 - Lease by Ric. Hopkins, Esq., to Fr. Charnock of Wedgnock Park, gent., for a consideration of 5s., of a tenement, etc., at Brinklow, for 1 year at a peppercorn rent. - 9 Apr [1694]
283 - Grant of the same to the same in consideration of £100, citing indenture Sept. 10, 1681, between Nat. Harryman and others, Feoffees, and Ric. Hopkyns, wherein the tenement, etc., at Brinklow was granted to Ric. Hopkyns for ever with the proviso that should the feoffees pay £135 by a certain date the indenture should be void. Default having been made in £100, the property became legally vested in Ric. Hopkins. - 10 Apr [1694]
284 - Lease from feoffees (DR0429/252) to Hum. Boughton, of Allesley, Esq., Guardian to Fr. Blythe, gent., in trust for the said Francis, of a tenement, etc, in Allesley, for 21 years from 1694 at £10 a year. - 20 May [1695]
285 - Counterpart. - 20 May [1695]
286 - Lease from feoffees (DR0429/252) to Ric. Adderley, with consent of parishioners in open vestry of a tenement and 3 tenements adjoining in all 9 bays in Grayfriar Lane for 31 years at £2 rent. Fine £35. - 6 Aug [1695]
287 - Sign. and seal of lessee. Witn., Will. Spicer, Joh. Phillips, Joh. Holte - 20 Jan [1696-1697]
288 - (Feoffment.) - 9 Jun [1697]
289 - Lease from feoffees (DR0429/256) to Joh. Billers, of London, Esq., in consideration of £90, with consent of the open vestry of a tenement with a little court and cross building between Cross Cheaping and Broadgate with Locker's Moore in Radford in his occupation and formerly in that of Mr. Julyns Billers, deceased, for 21 years at £3 rent. - 13 Jun [1698]
290 - Lease from feoffees to Sept. Bott of a messuage in his occupation for 21 years from 1704 at £3 rent. - 22 Oct [1698]
291 - Lease from feoffees (see DR0429/256, omitting Tho. Rogers; Hugh Capell is mayor and all others aldermen except Sim. Lucas and Dan. Sawyer) to Thos. Dynes, with consent of open vestry, of a tenement in West Orchard, for 21 years at 18s. rent. - 1 Feb [1698-1699]
292 - (Feoffment Workhouse.) - 7 Mar [1701-1702]
293 - Copy (paper)
294 - Leases from Hugh Capell, Sim. Lucas, Dan. Sawyer, to Will. Langton, shoemaker, of a tenement of 2 bays, with garden and selion or ridge of lammas ground adjoining in Spon End in parish of S. Michael in Coundon in Urchenfield lately in tenure of Will. Nicholls, for 31 years at 16s. - 20 Nov [1702]
295 - Lease from feoffees, Hugh Capell, Simon Lucas, to Joh. Green, ironmonger, of a tenement, Skynnard's Close, and barn near Bell Green, except timber-trees and daddell trees, coal-mines, etc., for 20 years from 1705 at £4 rent and £3 for every acre of pasture "aired" or digged during last 4 years of lease. - 10 Mar [1702-1703]
296 - Feoffment by surviving feoffees, Hugh Capell, Sim. Lucas, of church lands to Jonah Crynes, mercer, Rob. Smyth, gent., Joh. Bennit, butcher, Tho. Bright, sen., mercer, Rob. Bodson, shoemaker, Will. Essex, fishmonger, Clem. Rutter, threadmaker, Nat. Goodale, tallow-chandler, Jos. Old, mercer, Joh. Viall, glover, Tho. Smith, chandler, Tho. Holbeche, ironmonger, Tho. Bewley, plumber, Tho. Lowke, dyer, Tho. Warden, butcher, Tho. Charley, chandler, Hen. Jephcott, capper, Tho. Wright, mercer, Will. Benion, butcher, Tho. Grasombe, butcher, Joh. Love, butcher, Nat. Smith, tanner, Benj. Welton, pewterer, parishioners and vestry men - 22 Mar [1702-1703]
297 - Lease from feoffees (DR0429/265) to Cave King, widow, for £10 fine paid to Joh. Poole, chw., of a stable in Derby Lane, for 21 years, at 10s. a year - 4 Jan [1703-1704]
298 - Lease from Robt. Smith, Jon. Crynes, and others, feoffees, to Jos. Ireland, flax dresser, for a fine of fifteen "ginneys," pd. to Tho. Herbert, chw., of a tenement in West Orchard, with use of leaden cisterns marked with a T, belonging to Church, for 21 years after 1708, at £3. 10s. rent. - 22 Nov [1706]
299 - Lease from feoffees to Anne Sawyer, widow, for a fine of £35, of a tenement in Cross Cheaping, being the corner house of West Orchard, adjoining on the w. a tenement in occupation of Jas. Ireland, and on n. one in occupation of Joh. Smith, shoemaker, and containing 3 rooms wainscotted, for 21 years from 1708 at £5 a year. - 22 Nov [1706]
300 - Lesse from Rob. Smith and others, feoffees, to Fr. Blithe, gent., for £40 fine, and surrender of a lease yet unexpired, of a tenement with rickyard, arable and pasture land, etc., in Allesley, for 41 years at £10 rent, and £3 an acre for pasture ploughed during last 3 years of lease. - 2 Jan [1706-1707]
301 - Feoffment Workhouse - 8 Apr [1709]
302 - Lease from Rob. Smyth and others, feoffees, to Joh. Tatum, in consideration of building two bays of a tenement in [arl] Street on n. side, late in occupation of Eliz. Hunt, and adjoining a messuage occupied by Mrs. Wright on e. and one occupied by Dan. Davis, chandler, on w., for 41 years at £2.5s. rent. - 22 Jan [1711-1712]
303 - Lease from Rob. Smith and others, feoffees, to Joh. Neale, ironmonger, in consideration of £25 fine paid to Rob. Benson, chw., of a tenement in Well Street, s. side, next Broadwell, late in occupation of Rebecca Crynes, widow, deceased, for 31 years at £2 a year. - 14 Jun [1715]
304 - Lease from Rob. Smith, Jon. Crynes, Nat. Goodal, and others, feoffees, to Horace Coakley, of a tenement, etc., in Brinklow, for 21 years at £13 10s. rent; tenant to bear expenses of any inclosure of common fields, and pay thereafter an encreased rent by £4 5s. - 13 Sep [1715]
305 - Lease from feoffees to Rob. Smith, gent., of a messuage in Coundon, with croft, etc., late in occupation of Tho. Lee, deceased, from 1719 for 21 years at £6. 5s. a year - 29 Oct [1717]
306 - Lease from Rob. Smith, Jon. Crynes, Mat. Goodal, Tho. Wright, and others, feoffees, to Sim. Lucas, apothecary, of a tenement, etc., little court and cross building in street betw. Cross Cheaping and Broadgate, on w. side 51/3 yards in breadth by street, and in length 35 yards and 22 yards more to end of garden, with a pasture called Locker's Moore, in tenure of Joh. Billers, Esq., for 21 years from 1720 at £50 rent, with £3 an acre for pasture land in tillage during the last 4 years of loose - 29 Oct [1717]
307 - (Mortgage.) - 22 Jan [1717-1718]
308 - (Feoffment, Workhouse). - 26 Nov [1719]
309 - Bond in £240 by Tho. Lyghtbowne to Joh. Gilbert to redeem mortgage as in DR0429/277A - 26 Nov [1719]
310 - Lease from feoffees, to Jas. Tatam, tiler, of a messuage, etc., in Smithford Street, n. side, containing 4 bays, in breadth by street side 6 yards 5 inches, and from street door to end of yard 33 yards 6 inches, from 1722 for 21 years at £4 10s. rent. - 19 July [1720]
311 - Lease from Rob. Smyth, Jon. Crynes, and others, feoffees, to Will. Warden, jun., butcher, of 2 closes, now in tenure of Ric. Brockhurst, in Radford, whereof one is called Stoney-delph, and the other the Stripe (Lammas), at £8 a year rent - 9 Aug [1722]
312 - Feoffment) - 19 Aug [1725]
313 - Lease from Rob. Smyth and others, feoffees, to Chr. Davenport, tailor, of Over-Suckmore (Lammas), Radford, 3a. 2r. 32per., now in tenure of Ric. Brockhurst, for 21 years at £5. 10s. rent. (Lammas rule of £3 an acre for any land in tillage during last 5 years of lease) - 1 Dec [1722]
314 - (Feoffment Workhouse.) - 21 Oct [1726]
315 - (Feoffment.) - Oct 22 [1726]
316 - Lease from Jon. Crynes, alderman, Nat. Goodall, alderman, Tho. Warden, butcher, Tho. Charley, chandler, Hen. Jephcott, capper, Tho. Wright, gent., Will. Benyon, but., Tho. Grascomb, butcher, Will. Grove, sen., gent., Tho. Bott, gent., Hen. Cave, gent; Fetherston Easton, gent., Will Grove, jun., gent., Tho. Herbert, gent., Ric. Steane, silkman, Jos. Jacques, gent., Dav. Wells, wine cooper, Will. Bosworth, jun., butcher, Tho. Smith, chandler, Joh. Nicholls, joiner, Will. Herbert, joiner, Joh. Lowke, tammy-weaver, Joh. Sutton, tammy-weaver, Tho. [askaby] tammy-weaver, Simon Villers, tammy-weaver, and Will. Chaplin, mason, to Tho. Becker, of the Cross Cheaping and West Orchard corner-house, 3 rooms wains-cotted throughout, for 31 years at £16 a year. - 22 May [1727]
317 - Lease from Jon. Crynes, and others, feoffees, to Jos. Ireland, flax dresser, of a messuage, etc., in West Orchard, in length 14½ yards by the street side, and adjoining a messuage belonging to the church occupied by Geo. Seckar on e. part, for 21 years at £6 rent. - 8 Jul [1727]
318 - Lease from Jon. Crynes, Tho. Bott, and others, feoffees, to Will. Botterill, "hope-maker," of a messuage in Spon End, with garden, etc., and selion (lammas) adjoining, for 21 years from 1732 at £2 10s. rent. - 2 Jun [1730]
319 - Lease from Tho. Bright, Will Grove, Will. Grove, jun., all gentlemen, Tho. Hott, apothecary, Tho. Charley, chandler, Hon. Jephcott, capper, Will. Benion, butcher, Tho. Grascombe, butcher, Tho. Herbert, apothecary, Jos. Jaques, apothecary, David Well, wine-cooper, Will. Bosworth, butcher, Tho. Smith, chandler, Joh. Nichols, joiner, Will. Herbert, carpenter, Joh. Lowke, tammy-weaver, Joh. Sutton, worsted-weaver, Tho. Haskaby, worsted-weaver, and Simon Villiers, worsted-weaver, Will. Chaplin, bricklayer, to Tho. Laxon, mason, of a messuage in Gosford Street, containing 7 bays, on n. side, and length on street 41 feet, 83½ yards of garden, all late in occupation of Alderman Crynes, for 31 years at £3 rent. - 25 Nov [1731]
320 - Counterpart. - 23 Nov 1731
321 - Mortgage conveyance from Joh. Crynes, of Hackney, gent. to Jos. Jones, nominate by Joh. Jones, Joh. Albey and Catherine, his wife, in return for £50 purchase money, of which £20 is paid by Joh. Albey, and £30 by Joh. Jones, and wherewith the granter undertakes to pay off the mortgage of £50 (see DR0429/280) of part of a messuage in Well Street (see 270, £80) in trust for Joh. Jones for 1,000 years, to be void if Joh. Albey pay to Joh. Jones £30 15s. on Feb. 20 next ensuing. Will Burtonwood, attorney. - 19 Aug [1734]
322 - Lease from feoffees to Nat. Spires, coffee-man, of a piece of ground in Little Park Street on which formerly stood 3 bays of buildings formerly held by Mrs. Sanwall, and thereafter by Mr. [Geo.] Cotton, which land extends in length 136 yards 2 feet unto manor of [Chilosmoor] and in breadth at lower and 11 yards, the breadth being marked out by 3 W's cut in the stone wall, and in breadth by the street side, 13 yards and 2 feet, for 21 years at £3 rent - 28 Nov [1738]
323 - Lease from feoffees to re. [?arthe ?burne] of Allesley, spinster, devises in last will of Nath. Smith, spinster, daughter of Rob. Smith, of Coventry, gent., of a tenement, croft and close at Coundon, lately in tenure of Nath. Smith, aforesaid, for 31 years from 1744 (Michaelmas) at £6 5s. rent, with proviso of payment of £3 an acre for land put in tillage during last 4 years of lease. - 8 Feb [1739-1740]
324 - Conveyance from Joh. Albey and Catherine, his wife, and Jos. Jones ?o Jno. Nicholls, gent., in consideration of 5s. of a part of a messuage in Well Street (see DR0429/288), now in occupation of Dan. Hunt for one year at a peppercorn rent. - 29 Aug [1740]
325 - Conveyance from Joh. and Sath. Albey, Joh. and Jos. Jones to Jno. Nicholls, gent., and Will. Grascomb, butcher, of a part of a messuage in Well Street (see DR0429/288), which on the failure of Joh. Albey to redeem a mortgage, became the property, for the residue of the term of 1,000 years, of John Jones, in return for £52 paid to Joh. Albey by Jno. Nicholls. - 29 Aug [1740]
326 - (Feoffment Workhouse) - 10 Nov [1740]
327 - Conveyance (mortgage) from Jonothan Nicholls to Dan. Davis and others (see A) of a tenement is Well Street, in return for £50 of the Sir Tho. White loan money, ordered to be paid to Jno. Mayo by the Mayor, Aldermen and Assistants of the Council-house, for 9 years' loan. Mortgage, redeemable on repayment of exact sum on Nov. 11, 1749. - 11 Nov [1740]
328 - Bond in £100, signed by Jno. Nicholls and Jno. Mayo, to fulfill all obligations contained in previous indenture (B) - 11 Nov [1740]
329 - Will. of Johnothan Nicholls, tinman. He bequeaths £40 to niece, Elizabeth Mayo, to be delivered into the hands of her lady in trust for her as she may have occasion; and £100 to the trustees of the Blue Coat School for the use of the girls there taught. The residue is to be equally divided among testator's brothers and sisters and their children, share and share alike. Executors, testator's brothers, John Nicholls and Hearsay Simpson. Overseers, Mr. Tho. Lowke and Mr. Joh. Lomas. - 20 Jun [1742]
330 - Lease from feoffees to Jas. Tatum, tyler, with consent of others being vestrymen and in pursuance of an order of vestry in their open vestry made, of a messuage in Smithford Street in his occupation being 6 yards 1 in. on street side, and 33 yds. 6 in. from street door to end of garden for 21 years after 1743 at £4 10s. a year. - 30 Apr [1741]
331 - Lease from feoffees to Ric. Reeve, leather-seller, of a close called Over-Suckmore (lammas) in Radford, late in occupation of Chr. Davanport (sic.), except common of pasture from Lammas to Candlemas for commoners of Coventry, as hath been used, for 21 years at £4 15s. rent, payable to the head churchwarden of the church (tillage rent enforced for last 5 years of lease) - 30 Apr [1741]
332 - Lease from feoffees to Ric. Cooper, inn-holder, of two closes in Horwell, otherwise Hearsall, called Bott's Close, being 8 acres 2 roods 28 per., late in occupation of Joh. Wallis, jun., butcher, for 21 years at £12 a year, with tillage rent of £3 per acre during last 3 years of lease. - 19 Jan [1743-1744]
333 - Lease from feoffees to Joh. Watkin, baker, of a stable in Derby Lane, now in occupation of Penelope King, lying betw. houses in the several occupations of Joh. Dabson and Jos. Pettifer, from 1746 for 21 years at 40s. a year. - 4 Apr [1744]
334 - Lease from feoffees to Joh. Lond, weaver, of a barn on s. side of Cook Street, containing one bay of building bounding upon land of Sir Joh. Dugdale, deceased, on s., and upon land of Shearman and Tailors' Company on n., with a garden, all premises late in occupation of Tho. Bewley, from 1746 for 21 years at 20s. rent - 4 Apr [1744]
335 - Lease from feoffees to Will. Harbutt, of "Bagginton," husbandman in consideration of repairs, for which he has £5 and a load of old timber allowed him, of a messuage, closes, commons, etc., known as Holbrooks, in towns and fields of Exhall and Foleshill, for 21 years at £29 a year, with £4 an acre for last 4 years of lease for tilled land. - 8 Jan [1744]
336 - Lease from feoffees to Joh. Currin, tailor, for 500 years at 2s. 6d. yearly rent of a certain building on church land, 35½ feet in depth and 22 in. in width, near the church land, upon which he has encroached in re-building his house, the second storey of his house projecting over this ground and being supported by a little wall and 3 pilasters. Currin is to keep the house from being dangerous to anyone occupying the spaces under the projecting storey. The feoffees reserve the land between the pilasters - 10 Apr [1745]
337 - Bond in £200 signed by Joh. Currin to perform covenant mentioned in indenture. - 10 Apr [1745]
338 - Lease from feoffees to Joh. Reading. baker, in consideration of repairs towards which the feoffees have granted him £24, of a tenement containing 3 bays and 2 closes called Skynnard's, lying near Bell Green, late in occupation of Joh. Nicholls, with power reserved to feoffees to dig for coals, etc., for 21 years at £10 a year with £3 an acre of last 4 years of tillage. - 5 Mar [1745-1746]
339 - Lease from feoffees to Geo. Newton, cordwainer, of closes and pastures in Little Horwell, otherwise Hearsall, late in occupation of Ric. Brockhurst for 21 years at £18 rent (tillage proviso for last 5 years) and 5s. for every load of hay cut and carried off the premises, unless one load of manure is put on the land during last three years of lease. - 30 Mar [1745]
340 - Lease from feoffees to Fr. Turner Blithe, of the town of Salop, Esq., of a tenement and various closes in Allesley for 21 years at £15 10s. rent, with tillage rent of £3 an acre during last 4 years of lease - 30 Nov [1748]
341 - Counterpart. - [1746]
342 - Lease from feoffees to Joh. Mills, jun., of Kenilworth, apothecary, of a tenement, with little court and cross building in Broadgate, and of a meadow called Lockyer's Moor in Radford, for 21 years at £18 a year (tillage rent last 4 years). - 21 Feb [1748-1749]
343 - Lease from feoffees to Geo. Secker, of a messuage, being being the corner house in Cross Cheaping and West Orchard, containing breadth (C.C. side) 6¾ yards, and in length (W.O. side) 20 yards, and adjoining a tenement in occupation of Will. Brooks, flaxdresser, on n. part, in which messuage are 3 rooms wainscotted, and also of a messuage adjoining there to in West Orchard, late in the tenure of Jos. Ireland, and 14½ yards of frontage, for 21 years from 1750 at £22 a year. - 21 Feb [1748]
344 - Lease from feoffees to Benj. Barwell. of a tenement in Gosford Street, for 21 years at £3. 10s. a year. - 21 Feb [1748-1749]
345 - Counterpart. - [21 Feb 1748-1749]
346 - Lease from feoffees to Benj. Newland, brick-maker, in consideration of re-building, costing £40, of a stable, 12 yards on street side with garden adjoining on e. side of Greyfriars Lane, now in occupation of Ric. Reeve, and formerly of Tho. Norton, mercer, for 21 years at £3 rent. - 16 Mar [1748-1749]
347 - Lease from feoffees to Jas. Hamman (? Hammond), cordwainer, of a house of one bay with cellar and shop over it, and 5 upper rooms, 12 feet of frontage and 23½ feet in depth at £6 rent for 21 years. - 16 Mar [1748-1749]
348 - Lease from Tho. Smith, tanner, s. and h. of Tho. Smith, sen., tanner, deceased, last surviving feoffee mentioned in will of Rob, Claughton, to Nat. Lawton, jun., of a messuage, garden and croft in Hill Cross Street, on w. side, late in tenure of Sam. Lawton, grandfather, and now in that of Nathaniel, the elder, father of Nat. Lawton, jun., lying betw. land of liat. Lawton, sen., and that of the Draper's Company, for 200 years from 1772, yearly paying 20s. for purposes assigned in R. Claughton's will. Sign., etc., of lessee. Witn., Jos. Cater, Will. Bagehot De Le Bere. - 26 Apr [1749]
349 - Lease from feoffees to Tho. Mormleighton, carpenter, of a messuage, with stables, etc., formerly in occupation of Ric. Adderley, in Greyfriars' Lane, for 21 years at £7 10s. a year. - 27 Sep [1749]
350 - Conveyance from Joh, Nicholls, joiner, brother and heir of Jno. Nicholls, and Hearsay Simpson, [mahster], executors of last will of Jno. Nicholls, Dan Erp, "corwainer, Joh. Loud, presser, Jos. Eld, baker, Tho. Greenwood, tanner, Ezek. Kendrick, gent., Will. Freeman, son., baker, Jos. Cram, skinner, Will. Roberts, butcher, of a tenement in Well Street (see DR0429/290), late in occupation of Dan. Hunt, and since of Mr. Rickard, and now in that of Will. Brooklyn, for 1 year from Michaelmas, 1749, at a peppercorn rent - 16 Feb [1749-1750]
351 - Obligation signed by Joh. Nichols and Hearsay Simpson to Dan. Erp and others (see A) in £108 to perform covenants mentioned in an indenture quadripartite (missing), in which Will Grascomb is the 2nd and Jas. Clerk, perukemaker, the 4th party. Witn., Joh. Tucker, Will. Pearson - 17 Feb [1749-1750]
352 - Lease from feoffees to Jos. Eld, baker, of a stable in Darby Lane, betw. the respective tenements of Tho. Foster and Jos Pettifer for 21 years at 40s. a year. - 15 May [1751]
353 - Lease from feoffees to Mic. Edwards of a messuage in Earl Street, adjoining that of Alderman, [an] Davison formerly in occupation of Joh. Tatum and lately of Joh. Smith, cooper, for 20 years years from 1753 at £8 rent. - 15 May [1751]
354 - Lease from feoffees to Tho. Kearney, ale-draper, of land in Little Park Street, late in occupation of Nat. Spires, lately divided into bowling green and garden, for 21 years at £3 rent. - 7 Feb [1752]
355 - Conveyance by lease from Mary Smith, widow of Will. Smith, chandler, deceased, and Mary Smith, spinster, daughter, and heir of same, to John Huddersford, ironmonger, Edw. Freeman, Tho. Oldham, alderman, Tho. Brockhurst, alderman, Rob. Hughes, mercer, Will. Fowler, glover, Joh. Lucas, apothecary, Edw. Gravenor, silkman, Nat. Cox, mercer, Tho. Thacker, tailor, John Ratten, bookseller, and Josiah Oram, skinner, for one year of a toft of land, wherein a messuage intel stood, near Broadgate, adjoining High Street on s. side, and Greyfriars Lane on the w. side of the lane, and is 10ft. in breadth, and furthest from High Street 10ft. 6in., and in length 38 foot 9 in., at a pepper-corn rent. - 26 Nov [1753]
356 - Release from same to same of same in consideration of £100 for land for a common pump or to enlarge the highway. - 27 Nov [1758]
357 - Lease from Will. Grove, Jos. Jaques, Will. Herbert, Will. Chaplin, and Joh. Lowke, feoffees, to Will. Jackson, pot-seller, of a measure in West Orchard on s. side, bounded on east by tenement of Widow Sherwood for 21 years at 23 10s. a year. - 3 Oct [1755]
358 - Lease from Will. Grove and others to Ric. Brockhurst, alderman, of a messuage, with shop and cellar in Cross Cheaping on e. side over against the cross for 21 years from 1760 at £15 rent, clear of all payment and taxes, land-tax only excepted. - 10 Jan [1758]
359 - Lease from Will Grove, Jas. Jaques, of Meriden, ... Dav. Wells, of Burbage, co. Lsic., gent., to others, feoffees, to Tho. Dayns, carpenter, of a messuage in Gosford Street without the gate, on n. side, containing 21/3 boys and is 8½ yards in length of front, late in occupation of Hannah Baldwin, widow, for 21 years at £4 rent. - 6 Mar [1759]
360 - Lease from Joh. Holte, butcher, Tho. Dullison, carrier, Tho. Dayns, carpenter, Tim Sedgley, butcher, Will Breedon, woolcomber, Tho. Lewson, butcher, Will. Cattle, butcher, Will. Hopkins, butchor, Tho. Forster, staymaker, Joh. Mander, silkman, Tho. Bennett, apothecary, Edw. Villers, ironmonger, Tho. Ballard, chapman, on. Bird, silk draper, Lilley Smith, oilman, Fr. Blisk, chandler, Jos. Eld, baker, feoffees, to Rob. Reeve, apothecary, of two tenements in Coundon in occupation of of Will. Williams and - Daws, and of a close wherein buildings are erected, and also of a close called the Lakes Bitt, adjoining land of Jas. Wigley, Esq., with rights of coming pertaining thereto for 21 years at £7 12s. 6d. rent. - 12 Aug [1762]
361 - Lease from feoffees to Sarah Loud, widow, on consideration that she shall convert the herein demised barn into a habitable messuage one bay and one storey high, of a barn in Cook Street, of one bay, 17 feet by the street side in front, and bounding upon land of John Richardson, tailor, on west, and on land of Shearmen and Taylors on the east, with a garden bounding upon the town wall, for 21 years from 1767 at 10s. rent. - 15 Feb [1763]
362 - Lease from feoffees to Fr. Turner Blithe, of Salop, Esq., of a brewhouse, barn, croft, etc., late in occupation of the Dowager Lady Leigh, Tun's Close, now in occupation of Edward Holmes, with Trinity Grove in Allesley, for 21 years at £12 a year, with £5 an acre tillage rent during last 4 years, and during same period lessee to spread eight good loads of dung per acre in a husbandlike manner. - 1 Mar [1768]
363 - Lease from feoffees to Tho. Ward of a messuage, etc., in Allesley, late in occupation of Fr. T. Blithe for 21 years, from 1769, at £12 rent with tillage rent of £5 per acre during last five years; with covenant as to employment of fodder and manure. - 1 Mar [1768]
364 - Bond of lessee in £100 performance of covenant. - [1768]
365 - Lease from feoffees to Tho. Scotton of a messuage, etc., in Gosford Street on s. side, 3½ yards in breadth and 101½ yards in length from street to end of garden for 21 years at £3. 15s. rent. - 17 Aug [1769]
366 - Bond in £100 to perform Covenant. - [1769]
367 - Lease from feoffees to [Can Row,] innholder, of a messuage, garden, 3 stables, etc., containing 9½ bays of building, in Greyfriars' Lane, late in occupation of Tho. [oraleighton], for 21 years at £10 rent. - 1 Jul [1771]
368 - Bond for performance of Covenant. - 1 Jul [1771]
369 - Lease from feoffees to Joh. Hill, grocer, of a tenement at Broadgate, with cross building, etc., with lockers Moore, containing 3½ acres, for 21 years at £26 a year (tillage rent £3 an acre during last 4 years of lease). - Jul 1 [1771]
370 - Lease from feoffees to Will. Brooks, rope-maker, of a tenement, etc., with ley of ground in Spon End in consideration of £30 to be [spent] in repairs, which lay is bound on w. by hedge late of cleophas Ratcliff, all premises having been late in tenure of Edw. Bottrill, for 21 years at £3 a year. - 4 Aug [1778]
371 - Bond of lessee for performance of Covenant. - 4th Aug [1778]
372 - Lease from feoffees to Jas. Downing, carpenter, of a stable, form- a messuage, etc., in Cow Lane, formerly in tenure of Edw. Sanders, bounded by lands of Jos. Cater, gent., and Bryan Troughton, for 21s at £4 10s. rent, in consideration of lessee's undertaking to pull (?down an) old building and build dwelling and workshop at cost of £100. - 4 Aug [1778]
373 - Lease from feoffees to Mrs. Elinor King, widow, of a tenement, etc., Cross Cheaping e. side over against Cross, 3 storeys high, 26 feet 8 inches by 18 feet 8 inches formerly in tenure of Tho. Brockhurst and now Tho. Cheslyn, mercer, for 21 years from 1781 at £15 rent. - 4 Aug [1778]
374 - Lease from feoffees to Tho. Shaw, jun. mercer, in consideration of a lease by Tho. Shaw, sen. (one of the parties in this ? and of an undertaking to spend £200 in repairs, of a messuage on the corner of Cross Cheaping and West Orchard, now in occupation of said Thomas Shaw, jun., and late in that of Messrs. Edw. and German Buxton, for ? years at £24 rent. - 1 Jun [1782]
375 - Lease from feoffees to Sam. Payne, hatter, of 2 closes at Horwell or Hearsall, called Botts' close, late in occupation of Nathan Norton, for 21 years at £10 8s. rent, with additional £5 per acre for tillage during last 3 years of lease, with restriction as to hayselling and manuring - 12 Aug [1783]
376 - ease from feoffees, Joh. Mander, wine-merchant, Ed. Villers, maltster, Lilley Smith, oilman, Fr. Blick, chandler, Mill. Eliott, Esq., Steph. Simpson, silkman, Joh. Villers, ironmonger, cutter, and toyman, Geo. Eld, baker, Joh. Stanton, gent., Tho. Shaw, mercer, Tho. Goodwin, mercer, Ed. Eagle, grocer, Joh. Jeayes, silkman, Edw., Hiorn, druggist, Sam. Bailye, bookseller, Moses Backhouse, shop-keeper, Sam. Payne, hatter, Nat. Lowe, grocer, Will. Twycross, dyer, Joh. Laxon, gardener, to Will. Grant, dyer, of a tenement in Well Street, next Broadwell, heretofore in occupation of Rebecca Crynes, for 21 years from 1787 at £9. 10s. rent. - 8 Mar [1788]
377 - Lease from feoffees to Mos. Backhouse, of Lockyer's Moore, successively in tenure of Joh. Hill and Edw. Atkins, at £10 10s. rent for 21 years, with £5 an acre for tillage during final 4 years of lease and restriction as to hay, etc. - 5 Jan [1797]
378 - Assignment of remainder of a 21 years' lease granted in 1771 by trustees or feoffees to Edw. Freeman, alderman, deceased, of a house in Cross Cheaping on e. side, theretofore in tenure of Edw. Bott, apothecary, by Will. Freeman, executor of late lessee to Ch. England and Jas. Lloyd. - 18 Oct [1783]
379 - Lease from feoffees to Sam. Boyce, cork-cutter, of a tenement in Smithford Street, on n. side, containing 4 bays, 6 yds. 5 in. broad and from street door to upper end of garden 33 yds. 6 in., late in successive occupation of Jas. Tatum and Joh. Gilbert, for 21 years at £4 a year; lessee to spend £100 in building upon old foundations a substantial dwelling-house. - 1 Mar [1786]
380 - Bond signed by lessee for performance of covenants. - 1 Mar [1796]
381 - Lease from feoffees to Will. Presbury, watch-maker, of 2 closes or pastures and one meadow in Horwell or Hearsall, late in occupation of Tho. Brockhurst, and containing in all 14 acres 17 per., for 21 years. Restrictions as to tillage and hay - 31 May [1787]
382 - Bond signed by lessee, etc. - [31 May 1787]
383 - Lease from feoffees to Joh. Horsfall, ribbon-weaver, of a messuage Gosford Street, for 21 years at £5 10s. rent. - 30 Apr [1789]
384 - Lease from feoffees to Joh. Villers, wine-merchant, of a messuage in Cross Cheaping, occupied successively by Tho. Bolt, Jas. Hammand. Rob. ?eeve, and now by Jos. West, containing 1 bay, with cellar and shop, and 3 chambers or upper rooms for 21 years at £9 rent. - 31 Aug [1791]
385 - Lease from feoffees to Michael Eyre, hosier, of a stable and warehouse in Darby Lane for 21 years from 1793 at £3 3s. rent. - 20 Nov [1792]
386 - Lease from feoffees to Ric. Gilbert, silkman, Stonydelph (enclosed pasture 3 roods 12 per.) and the Stripe (lammas, 3 acres 1 rood 15 per.), successively in occupation of Pet. Taylor, Will. Johnson, and Joh. Pritchard, with allowance of thorns and "tinsels", are necessary to repair hedges, for 21 years at £8 8s. rent. - 13 Jun [1793]
387 - Feoffment - 23 Jul [1793]
388 - Lease from feoffees to Jos. Downes, gent., of a tenement, etc., in Gosford Street, without the gate, containing 21/3 bays of building for 21 years at £6 8s. rent. - 1 Aug [1794]
389 - Lease from feoffees to Tho. Geo. Clay, Esq., in consideration of expenses of his father, Tho. Clay, deceased, in erecting a new brick building, of a messuage, etc., in Little Park Street, on W. side, late in occupation of Nat. Spires, which premises were lately divided into a bowling green and garden, for 21 years at £3 rent. - 22 Sep [1795]
390 - Lease from feoffees to Edw. Mann, watch-maker, of a messuage, etc., in High Street on n. side, late in occupation of Will. Dadley, and now of Joh. Bosworth, for 21 years from 1795 at £8 a year - 1 Aug [1794]
391 - Lease from feoffees to Joshua Reynolds, watchmaker, of a mess. with cross building, etc., in Broadgate, at £18 18s. rent - 22 Sep [1795]
392 - Lease fr. feoffees to Nat. Lowe, grocer, of Barrs Hill Close - lammas - and a close adjoining, and lately in successive occupations of Tho. Wing, Tho. Cheslyn, and Chr. Davios, for 21 years, at £20 rent, with increase of £5 per acre if ploughed during last five years, with restriction as to hay and manure. - 21 Sep [1796]
393 - Lease fr. feoffees to Will. Brookes, rope maker, of a tenement in Spon End, with a ley of ground, for 21 years, at £5 10s - 23 Sep [1799]
394 - Lease fr. feoffees to Jas. Downing, carpenter, of a messuage - formerly a barn - in Cow Lane, with workshop built by him, for 21 years, at £4 10s. rent. - 24 Apr [1800]
395 - Lease from feoffees to Ric. Cross, mason, of a messuage, etc., in Cook Street, for 21 years, at £3 3s. rent - Feb 28 [1801]
396 - Lease from feoffees to Tho. Pratt. grocer, of a tenement, etc., in Cross Cheaping, for 21 years from 1802, at £15 rent. - 10 Jun [1801]
397 - Lease fr. feoffees to Sam. Crosby, dyer, of a tenement, etc., in Cook Street, late in occupation of Mary Loud, widow, for 15 years, at £4 a year. - 23 Feb [1801]
398 - Lease fr. feoffees to Jos. Waters Caldicott, gent., of 2 messuages in Grey Friars' lane, for 21 years, at £7 a year. - Jun 11 [1801]
399 - Lease from feoffees to Tho. Webb, farmer, of a mess. barn, etc., in Brinklow, for 21 years, at £46 a year, with £10 an acre during last 3 years for land put into tillage, or during any time sown with woad, weld, rupe, hemp, or flax; lessee to pay land-tax. - 1 Dec [1801]
400 - Lease fr. feoffees to Will. Twycross, dyer, of 2 closes in Horwell, late in occupation of Sam. Payne, for 21 years from 1804, at £12 12s. rent, (see DR0429/348 for rule about growing of flax, etc., and about tillage), with restrictions about selling hay, etc., unless each waggon replaced by two of manure. - 23 Aug [1802]
401 - Lease fr. feoffees, Lilley Smith, Joh. Villers, Geo, Eld, Joh. Stanton, Edw. Eagle, Joh. Jeayes, lacewaker, Mos. Backhouse, dealer in earthenware, Will Twycross, Joh, Laxon, to Jos. Jenkinson, mercer, `with the consent of the parishioners of the said parish, vestrymen, and `in pursuance of and according to an order of vastry made in the open vestry of the said parish church,' of a corner house in Cross cheaping, late in the occupation of Tho. Shaw and then of Jos. Morley, and also of the messuage adjoining in West Orchard, at £24 rent. - 23 Aug [1802]
Expand 5 - Deeds relating to the Church properties5 - Deeds relating to the Church properties
Expand 6 - Documents formerly in a box marked "Holy Trinity Feoffees"6 - Documents formerly in a box marked "Holy Trinity Feoffees"
Expand 7 - Parcel of leases of the church estate - 1842-19077 - Parcel of leases of the church estate - 1842-1907
8 - Abstract of deeds and writing belonging to Trinity Church - 1830
Expand 7 - Specifications, plans, tenders7 - Specifications, plans, tenders
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