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Collapse 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Expand 1 - Registers1 - Registers
Expand 2 - Appointments of clergy2 - Appointments of clergy
Expand 3 - Benefice (property & income, incl. glebe; union with other benefices)3 - Benefice (property & income, incl. glebe; union with other benefices)
Collapse 4 - Incumbent's working papers4 - Incumbent's working papers
1 - Correspondence - 1875- 1944
2 - Statistical returns (duplicate) for parochial work (in envelope) - 1911-1916
3 - Form (printed) of enquiry (completed by a parishioner) relating to services and other church matters - 1915
4 - Summons to the vicar to appear before the Court of Summary Jurisdiction for failing to keep the inside lights of the church reduced after dark - 1916
5 - Letters (two) enquiring about entries in the parish registers for the family of Taylor - 1930, 1938
6 - Small bundle of papers relating to extension of graveyard, including copy of deed for extension of the churchyard (1919); photographs of the consecration of the new ground on 29th May 1923 (including several of tea in the Vicarage garden afterwards) - 1919-1923
7 - Folder of correspondence, including much relating to WW II - e.g. a summons for showing a light in the vicarage, special authority to purchase rationed foods [for Emergency Feeding Centre], Fire Watch rotas, Fire Guard Section certificate, Evacuation scheme, Diocesan War emergency Committee instructions regarding entries in parish registers and war damage, Ambulance Driver's ID card, church services during blackout, salvage of railings, Salute the Soldier week programme, special entertainment at Hampton-in-Arden Red Cross Hospital programme; also includes b/w photograph of Hampton Choir (?1910), PCC statement of accounts (1932), a negative of The Old Pound [ in envelope dated 1950], printed Service of Dedication of war memorial (1921), manuscript notes re fabric of church (n.d.), Church statement of accounts (1942), printed register of electors (1939), drawing of White Lion in Hampton, printed notice that captured war guns will be parading through the village (1918), statement of account re British Red Cross Society Auxiliary Hospital (1917) - 1917-1944
8 - Envelope appearing to contain items relating either to the1953 Hampton-in-Arden Church & Village Chronicle or to the publication of Hampton-in-Arden: a Warwickshire Village by J C Adams (an order form for the latter is included). Contents include proof of front cover of 1953 Hampton-in-Arden Church & Village Chronicle, b/w photograph of the church from the east, b/w print of blacksmith's forge and the old tithe barn, b/w print of Sir Frederick Peel K.C.M.G., b/w photograph of The Young Music-makers 1940, b/w postcard of The Old Roman Bridge & Marsh Ford, b/w photograph of houses in the High Street, b/w photograph of the Scratch Dial on the South Wall [? of the church], b/w photographs of The Moat House, b/w postcard of The Vicarage. Also includes two notes relating to fire wardens and their equipment (1940s) - 1940s to 1950s
9 - Artificial bundle of orders of service, programmes for recitals, various posters, service of dedication of war memorials, illustrated programme for garden fete (1912), etc. - 1908-1947
10 - Artificial bundle of papers including photostat copy of 1858 sale particulars of the Vicarage, printed notes for sculptors and monumental masons as affected by the churchyard of SS Mary and S Bartholomew, Hampton-in-Arden (1947), printed copy of A Bronze Palstave Found Near Kenilworth by JF Humphreys (1949), cutting from the Gentleman's magazine of 1795 containing article about Hampton in Arden, correspondence re coat of arms of Sir Frederick Peel, including illustration (1950), excerpt from The Illustrated London Almanack for 1866, containing article about John Leech, front page of The Daily Telegraph (5, 8 and 9 May 1945), - 1795-1949
11 - Artificial bundle of newspaper cuttings relating to Hampton-in-Arden - church bazaar, Fentham Institute, village improvements, new rood-screen and pulpit, Institute, Hampton School, Young People's Fellowship, railway, River Blythe, ancient market, Mr Charles Colley. Few are dated. - 1920s-1930s
12 - Correspondence and newspaper cuttings relating to the restoration of the church. - 1876
13 - Artificial bundle relating to V.A. Hospital. Includes statements of accounts, description, lists of staff and photographs of the building. Also includes photographs of V.A. Hospital at Shipston-on-Stour. - 1918
14 - Artificial bundle of printed items including Rules and Accounts of Hampton-in-Arden District Nursing Society (1939), Churchwardens' Accounts for 1911 and 1929, Two Talks Broadcast to Patients and Personnel of the 14th British General Hospital by Colonel H F Humphreys, Officer Commanding, Protection of Churches and Similar Buildings Against Incendiary Attack, poster re preparation of Special Forms of Service in commemoration of late King Edward to be sent round to churches (1910), poster containing a proclamation by the king re a day of thanksgiving (1919), poster directing that all members of Territorial Force are required to report to Headquarters, form of intercession for naval & military forces (1914), form of prayer for 35 years of The King's Majesty (1935), form of service in commemoration of His Late Majesty King George V (1936), Special forms of service in commemoration of His Late Majesty King Edward VII (1910), Exemption form relating to lighting in the church (1945). - 1910-1945
15 - Image of front cover of Hampton-in-Arden Church and Village Chronicle by H S Sands (on card) n.d. - 20th cent
16 - b/w image of church with congregation streaming towards it (n.d.) - 20th cent
17 - Artificial bundle containing Local Defence Volunteer armband, Warwickshire A.R.P. Ambulance Driver armband, Warwickshire Local Defence Volunteer Identity Card and badge commemorating Heart of England Warship Week (1942) - 1940s
Expand 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 5 - Auxiliary Organisations5 - Auxiliary Organisations
Expand 6 - Constables6 - Constables
Expand 7 - Overseers of the Poor7 - Overseers of the Poor
Expand 8 - Highway Surveyors8 - Highway Surveyors
Expand 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Expand 11 - Schools11 - Schools
Expand 12 - Statutory Deposits12 - Statutory Deposits
Expand 14 - Printed14 - Printed
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous

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