Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse 14 - Printed14 - Printed
1 - Copy of `The Birmingham Weekly Post' newspaper including a "Midland Ramble" to Idlicote with a description of the church and photograph of the three-decker pulpit, - 16 Aug 1930
2 - Copy of `The Birmingham Post' newspaper including a photograph and caption about the three-decker pulpit at Idlicote Church - 6 Nov 1931
3 - Printed forms of service, prayer and intercessions for special events and related papers - 1854-1917
4 - Printed posters and notices (ecclesiastical and civil) - 1824-1919
5 - Printed Bishops Charge prepared for delivery by the Rt. Rev. John James Stewart at his third visitation of the diocese. - 1901
6 - Newspaper clipping re a pastoral letter from the Bishop of Peterborough (Dr. Blagden) asking for help in raising £100,000 to meet diocesan needs - 1937
7 - Printed Calendar for Honington and Idlecote. Coloured. - 1936
8 - Correspondence from the Clerk of the Peace re the Memorial Service at St. Mary's Warwick for the late Alderman Francis D. Farley, 19 Jul 1966. - 1936
9 - Advertising posters for garden fetes and jumble sales - 1932-1950
10 - Correspondence calling attention to the Special Reserve Army from the Mayor commanding the Warwickshire Recruiting Area. - 1908
11 - Advertisement from M.J. Breen of New York, U.S.A., seeking genealogical information re the family of Thomas Stokes, one of the founders of the London Missionary Society and of the New York Bible Society, and other families - 1911
12 - Notice re Register of Electors for the Polling District of Idlicote - 15 Oct 1928
13 - Bundle of papers relating to King George V's Silver Jubilee celebrations - 1935
14 - Printed correspondence from the Shipston-on-Stour Rural District Council Air Raid Precautions Committee re the Home Secretary's Air Raid Precautions Scheme, including 3 application forms for enrolment of volunteers - 7 Apr 1938
15 - Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation Parish Celebrations poster. - 1953
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