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Collapse 00151 - PARISH OF ST LAURENCE, MERIDEN - 1628-198000151 - PARISH OF ST LAURENCE, MERIDEN - 1628-1980
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
Expand 2 - Churchwardens2 - Churchwardens
Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council4 - Parochial Church Council
Expand 6 - Constables6 - Constables
Expand 7 - Overseers of the Poor7 - Overseers of the Poor
Expand 8 - Highway Surveyors8 - Highway Surveyors
Expand 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Collapse 11 - Schools11 - Schools
Expand 1 - Manager's minutes1 - Manager's minutes
Expand 2 - Accounts & financial records2 - Accounts & financial records
Expand 4 - Admission registers4 - Admission registers
Collapse 5 - Property records5 - Property records
1 - Conveyance - 1843
2 - School Insurance: Ecclesiastical Insurance Office receipts acknowledging payment of the annual premium for the Renewal of Fire Insurance. - 1910
3 - Building work and repairs: - 4 Aug 1902-24 Mar 1911
4 - Alterations and repairs: Estimate from.F.W. Thompson of Meriden, carpenter and joiner, for limewashing and painting all closets, removing the infants gallery etc - 12 July 1910
5 - Schoolroom grate - 1910
6 - Schoolyard drains: MS receipt from J. Cook acknowledging payment for putting in drains in the schoolyard. - 17 Mar 1911
7 - Coal contract: W.C.C. Education Committee correspondence re the registration of H. Salisbury's contract for coal at the County Education Office. - 2 Sep 1910
8 - School gallery and furniture: - 10 Mar-26 Mar 1911
9 - Cookery and Woodwork Room - 1912-1913
10 - Heating Apparatus - 16 Jun-14 July 1919
11 - Lobby Extension: plans by P.B. Herbert of Birmingham, architect, of the C.E. Boys' School Lobby Extension, comprising ground floor plans, NW and end elevation and sectional drawings. - 1934
12 - Printed form of application for the use of Meriden Schoolroom for Meetings and Entertainments, - 1910
13 - School Cleaning: - 1910-1911
14 - Correspondence with W.C.C. Education Committee re the terms of tenancy/agreement for the lease of the Teacher's House from the Managers to the Education Committee (including copy of a form of Agreement, dated 9 Apr 1904, between the Managers and W.C.C. for the renting of the house) and re the possible establishment of a School Garden - 21 Dec 1903-24 Feb 1904
15 - Draft copy of an Agreement - 7 May 1926
16 - Counterpart Agreement between the Managers of Meriden School and Warwickshire County Council of dedication of a piece of land for the improvement of the Birmingham-Coventry main road, with covering letter. - 1926
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous papers relating to the schools6 - Miscellaneous papers relating to the schools
Expand 12 - Statutory Deposits12 - Statutory Deposits
Expand 14 - Printed14 - Printed
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous

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