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Collapse 00170 - PARISH OF ST EDITHA, POLESWORTH - 1559-198600170 - PARISH OF ST EDITHA, POLESWORTH - 1559-1986
Expand 1 - Incumbent1 - Incumbent
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Expand 3 - Vestry3 - Vestry
Expand 4 - Parochial Church Council and Parish Council4 - Parochial Church Council and Parish Council
Expand 5 - Auxiliary organisations5 - Auxiliary organisations
Expand 7 - Overseers of the Poor7 - Overseers of the Poor
Collapse 10 - Charities10 - Charities
Expand 1 - Charities: general1 - Charities: general
Expand 2 - Barwell Bread Charity2 - Barwell Bread Charity
3 - Hall Court Charity
Expand 4 - Dorothy Burdett's Charity4 - Dorothy Burdett's Charity
Expand 5 - George Neale's Charity5 - George Neale's Charity
Collapse 6 - Sir Francis Nethersole's Charity, Polesworth6 - Sir Francis Nethersole's Charity, Polesworth
Expand 1 - Title deeds1 - Title deeds
Expand 2 - Trustees' Minute or Order Books2 - Trustees' Minute or Order Books
Expand 3 - Trustees' Account Books3 - Trustees' Account Books
Expand 4 - Accounts and Vouchers Submitted to the Trustees4 - Accounts and Vouchers Submitted to the Trustees
Collapse 5 - Estate Papers, Correspondence and Memoranda Relating to the Charity and Schools5 - Estate Papers, Correspondence and Memoranda Relating to the Charity and Schools
1 - Schedule of 9 deeds, 1655-1905, returned to G. Herbert Heaton, clerk to the governors - 30 Oct 1915
2 - Tenancy agreements for cottages and farms at Warton - 1822-1868
3 - Unexecuted conveyance from Nethersole's Trustees to Atherstone Rural Sanitary Authority, of a piece of land in Watery Lane, part of the Donative Farm, as the site of a pumping station for the water supply of Polesworth - c. 1885
4 - Terrier of farms in Warton, giving the tenant of each farm, number of bays in the farmhouse and buildings, number of beast gates and sheep's common, and description of open field lands and meadow swathes - late 17th century
5 - Summary of 5 farms and 8 cottages, giving field names and areas and rents in 1821, with a note of annual receipts in 1822 and 1832 - 1821-1832
6 - Inquiry into the walls of Polesworth School - Apr 1825
7 - Survey of 3 farms and other lands in Warton, and other related documents - 1843-1852
8 - Schedule of the Nethersole's Trust estates, divided into 2 parts, the income from the first part being applied for the increase of the maintenance of the vicar, and from the second for the general [i.e. educational] purposes of the charity. - 1854
9 - Cases for opinions of counsel - 1790-1840
10 - Fire insurance policies, premium receipts, etc., relating both to the schools and farms - 1825-1907
11 - Copy of a judgment of the Master of the Rolls - 14 Jul 1794
12 - Copy of survey of Dordon - 19th century
13 - Map and survey of Dordon lordship - c. 1800
14 - Valuation of Dordon tithes by Messrs. Farmer and Thorpe, giving tenants' names - 6 Oct 1828- 8 Oct 1828
15 - Schedule of 7 small pieces of property in Dordon, not belonging to Sir George Chetwynd, with numbers referring to Sir George's map - Oct 1829
16 - An abstract of the valuation of the tithes of Dordon, giving owner's name, occupiers' names, and areas - Nov 1831
17 - Valuation and report by John Harris of Birmingham on the estates at Polesworth and impropriate tithes of Dordon, giving tenants' names, fields in each farm, state of cultivation, with comments and recommendations - 8 Nov 1831
18 - Further report by John Harris to the trustees on the manner of dividing and occupying the trust estates, with comments, and accompanying plan showing how fields are to be re-allocated - 25 Nov 1831
19 - Abstract of the charity account, distinguishing sums payable to the vicar and those applicable to general purposes - c. 1833
20 - Abstract of Sir F. Nethersole's trust deed, declaration and codicil - mid 19th century
21 - Abstract of Sir F. Nethersole's trust deed, etc - mid 19th century
22 - Schedule of the charity estates - mid 19th century
23 - Copy of conveyance between Robert Hanbury, John Chilwell and the Commissioners for Building New Churches - late 19th century
24 - Memorandum by Thomas Sheldon about rights of taking water from the well at Sheldon's farm - 5 Sep 1739
25 - Schedules of fixtures in the Donative House - 1841-1866
26 - Specification for erecting an infant school room and dwelling house in Polesworth, according to a design by Richard Jennings, architect, Coleshill Street, Atherstone. - 21 Mar 1848
27 - Correspondence, surveyor's opinion and opinion of counsel about the school drains and the drainage of the neighbouring part of Polesworth - 1853-1866
28 - Correspondence, estimates, etc., about repairs to farms in Warton - 1854-1864
29 - Abstracts of accounts and counsel's opinion about the trustees' power to repair the minister's house - 1817
30 - Case for opinion of counsel with copies of letters about whether the trustees will be encroaching on the highway with their new building - 1818
31 - Letter of D.S. Dugdale on the same subject as DR(B)0016/217/4 (FondsNo 00170/10/12/5/30) - 4 Jul 1818
32 - Letter of Richard Baker of Tamworth about the school clock - 18 Mar 1819
33 - Abstracts of accounts and a schedule of Charity property - 1828
34 - Letter of Henry Radford about apprenticing - c. 30 Jan 1829
35 - Letter of Lady Chetwynd about enforcing attendance of the girls - 11 Jan 1832
36 - Letter of the Rev. W. Palmer about his absence from Polesworth through illness - 6 Apr 1833
37 - Letter of Henry Radford about money said to have been owing to a late schoolmaster - 15 Oct 1833
38 - Miscellaneous estate papers relating to the work of the trustees, including Charity Commission correspondence regarding the Vicarage and Donative House, calculations of the income of the charity, estimates for work needed on farm and school buildings, etc. - 1840-1907
39 - Trustees' correspondence with the Rev. J.D. Schomburgh concerning the upkeep of the Donative House - 1847-1857
40 - Sale catalogue of the library and furniture in the Donative House, the property of the late Rev. Robert Knight dec. - 1866
41 - Report that the Donative House and buildings are in a good state - 4 Sep 1830
42 - Plan of the drains at the back of the Donative House - 28 May 1841
43 - Receipts and cancelled cheques for money spent on the Donative House, vicarage and school - 1841-1842
44 - Trustees' correspondence with Mrs. Schomberg and her representatives, concerning the repairs to the Donative House neglected during the time of her late husband, and final payments of his income due to her - 1864-1865
45 - Estimates, bills and correspondence about repairs to the Donative House, and sale catalogue relating to the sale of it by the trustees c.1907 - 1883-1907
46 - Trustees' correspondence, typed minutes, reports, etc., relating to the charity properties and to Polesworth and Warton schools - 1876-1915
47 - Notebook containing reports of Charles Couchman on 3 farms and various cottages in Warton, with tables giving the fields in each farm and the cropping of each, 1853-60 - 1853-1865
48 - Agent's reports, correspondence, etc., about farms and cottages - 1854-1905
49 - Tenancy agreements, correspondence, papers relating to allotments and other material - 1847-1886
50 - Receipts for interest and annual repayment of principal to the Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Company on a mortgage to them of a farm at Warton for £1,200 for the erection of the new vicarage, with correspondence, etc - 1876-1895
51 - Tenancy agreements relating to farms, cottages and timber at Warton - 1832-1857
52 - Correspondence between Nethersole's Trustees and the Charity Commission, Education Department and Board of Education - 1855-1906
53 - Portfolio containing annual reports of Board of Education inspectors on schools at Polesworth, School Managers' returns, Warton evening school accounts, correspondence about grants, etc - 1882-1903
54 - Warton National School: portfolio containing inspectors' annual reports, duplicate returns, correspondence about grants, etc. - 1884-1905
56 - Governors' minutes and statements of account submitted to the Board of Education, also agents' reports on farms belonging to the charity - 1906-1916
57 - Correspondence concerning the £5 annual payment by Nethersole's Trustees to the Tamworth Grammar School - 1872-1900
58 - School reports on Nethersole's scholars at the Tamworth Girls' High School - 1915-1916
59 - Correspondence with Board of Education, loan arrangements and a report - 1912-1914
60 - Folder containing various school and education acts - 1872-1906
61 - Copy in a limp quarto book of Sir Francis Nethersole's deed of 10 March 1655/6 regulating the trust, with schedules of the property dated Sept. 1817 - 1817
62 - Copy in a small notebook of the "Orders appointed by Sir Francis Nethersole relating to the Schools at Polesworth" - early 19th century
63 - Attested copy on large paper of Sir Francis Nethersole's deed of 10 March 1655/6 - 4 Aug 1824
64 - Covering letter of W. Armishaw from Rugeley to Messrs. E. Heaton and Sons at Endon - 9 Apr 1920
65 - Copy on large paper of Sir Francis Nethersole's declaration concerning the trust, the deed of 10 March 1655/6, an extract from the table of benefactors in Polesworth church and the order appointing Daniel Lees schoolmaster, 1817 - c. 1825
66 - An Act for amending the Laws respecting the Solemnization of Marriages in England. (pr.) - 1823
67 - An Act to abridge the holding of Benefices in Plurality, and to make Provision for the Residence of the Clergy. (pr.) - 1838
68 - The Charitable Trusts Act, 1853. (pr.) - 1853
69 - The Charitable Trusts Amendment Act, 1855. (pr.) - 1855
70 - The Charitable Trusts Act, 1860. (pr.) - 1860
71 - The Endowed Schools Act (1869) Amendment Act, 1873 - 1873
72 - Charity Commission appointments of Governors and co-optative Governors, and correspondence about procedure and elections - 1878-1894
73 - Note of documents removed from the strongroom, 1866, and rough agenda for Governors' meetings, 1881-92 - 1866-1892
74 - Copy of Sir Francis Nethersole's orders for the conduct of the school at Polesworth - 18th century
75 - Draft letter of the Rev. George Inge to Mr. Knight about composing a schedule of the trust property - 1865
76 - Letter of C.E. Stuart, schoolmaster of Nethersole's School, to the Rev. H. Hammer, about lack of teaching materials, and asking for his requirements not to be reduced - 1882
77 - Table concerning instruction in cookery at 6 local schools - 1898
78 - Conveyance by the Rev. George Inge and others to the Minister and Chapelwardens of Warton, of the site for the new school in Warton (with plan) - 24 Jul 1857
79 - Valuation of the brick and thatched cottage in Warton belonging to Nethersole's Trustees used as a schoolroom - 16 Jul 1856
80 - Inspector's report on Warton School, numbers and ages of children attending the school, and Charity Commission correspondence about proposed enlargement of it. - 1882-1893
81 - Folder of correspondence, chiefly about the First School at Warton; also fishing rights, accounts (1966-1970) - 1937-1972
82 - Minutes and associated correspondence - 1971-1973
83 - Folder of minutes (1975-1980) and accounts (1973-1977), correspondence relating to Polesworth Old School, 1 and 3 High Street, dispute with the governors of the Tamworth Grammar School, etc., - 1973-1977
84 - Copy of the school rules engrossed on parchment by George Faux, a scholar of the school, Polesworth. - 1745
Expand 6 - Appointments of Vicars6 - Appointments of Vicars
Expand 7 - Appointments of schoolmasters and mistresses7 - Appointments of schoolmasters and mistresses
Expand 8 - Apprenticeship Indentures8 - Apprenticeship Indentures
Expand 9 - Warton Church9 - Warton Church
Expand 10 - Estate plans10 - Estate plans
11 - Artificial bundle of documents, found with Nethersole's Charity papers: envelope of correspondence relating to site of new Fire Station (plans included) (1962-1965); typewritten notes relating to Polesworth Abbey (nd); plan of Warton showing extension of site of First School (nd); map of the parish of Shuttington (1983). - 1962-1983
Expand 7 - Andrew Newton's Charity7 - Andrew Newton's Charity
8 - Palmer's Charity
Expand 9 - Mary Paul's Charity9 - Mary Paul's Charity
Expand 10 - William Paul's Charity10 - William Paul's Charity
Expand 11 - Mrs Elizabeth Ross' Charity11 - Mrs Elizabeth Ross' Charity
Expand 12 - F. Tibbits' Bequest12 - F. Tibbits' Bequest
Expand 13 - Birmingham Diocesan Trust13 - Birmingham Diocesan Trust
Expand 14 - The Charity of Frederick Earl Beauchamp14 - The Charity of Frederick Earl Beauchamp
Expand 11 - Schools11 - Schools
Expand 12 - Statutory deposits12 - Statutory deposits
Expand 14 - Printed14 - Printed
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous
Expand 16 - Mission churches16 - Mission churches

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