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Collapse 00223 - PARISH OF ST PETER, WELLESBOURNE - 1560-201100223 - PARISH OF ST PETER, WELLESBOURNE - 1560-2011
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Collapse 10 - Richard Boyse's Charity (associated with school)10 - Richard Boyse's Charity (associated with school)
1 - Lease and release, King's Head Inn, Castle Street, Warwick - 26-27 Dec, 1723
2 - Act for inclosing several Common Fields in Welsbourne Hastings and Newbold Pacy - 25 Mar 1734/5
3 - Lease and Release, King's Head Inn, Castle Street, Warwick - 15-16 Aug 1739
4 - Lease (2 engrossments) and release. - 22-23 Oct 1770
5 - Exchange of stable and garden in Castle Street, Warwick - 16 Jun 1788
6 - Lease and release of the Broomfields at Kenelworth [Kenilworth] - 18 Jun 1788
7 - Lease (counterpart) of 3 closes called the Broom Fields in Kenelworth [Kenilworth] - 19 Jun 1788
8 - Lease and counterpart of undivided fourth part of following estate at Ashorne:- - 20 Oct 1790
9 - Lease and release: 3 closes called the Broom Fields in Kenilworth - 11-12 Jul 1808
10 - Valuation giving acreage and annual value of farm at Ashorn - 23 Nov 1812
11 - Valuation giving total value of farm at Ashorn - 23 Nov 1812
12 - Memorandum concerning dispute between the trustees and William Dodwell as to the rent from an undivided fourth part of an estate at Ashorn - 11 Jan 1813
13 - Agreement to refer the dispute which is the subject of DR69A/19 to arbitration - 13 Jul 1813
14 - Award for the partition of an estate at Ashorne - 18 Aug 1813
15 - Lease (prior to release) of Ashorne Close, Moreton Meadow, the north end of the Marl Pit Ground, and the Ford piece at Ashorne - 8 Oct 1819
16 - Partition of estate at Ashorne - 9 Oct 1819
17 - Memorandum of agreement to lease a messuage and garden in Wellesbourne Mountford belonging to the Girls' School, in the occupation of the Schoolmistress Elizabeth Golby - 24 Dec 1821
18 - Lease and release of 3 closes called Broom Fields in Kenilworth - 29-30 Nov 1831
19 - Memorandum of agreement to lease the dwelling house, school rooms and garden at Wellesbourne Mountford - 24 Sep 1832
20 - Appointment (duplicate) of Mrs. Jordan as Schoolmistress of Wellesbourne School - 30 Jun 1837
21 - Conveyance of piece of land at Wellesbourne Hastings, shown in a plan on the deed, for a school for the poor of Wellesbourne Hastings and Mountford - 18 Oct 1862
22 - Order of the Charity Commission authorising the trustees of Thomas (sic) Boyse's Charity to apply £310 arising from the sale of the old School House and master's residence towards the erection of new school premises: - 31 Mar 1865
23 - Letter from the Charity Commission to G.C.Greenway, solicitor, Warwick, regarding the appointment of new trustees for Boyse's Charity - 1865
24 - Notice by the Charity Commission of the proposed sale by the trustees of Boyse's Charity of a piece of land called the Broomfields in Kenilworth, containing 5 acres, 1 rood, 2 perches - 2 Jun 1894
25 - Order by the Charity Commission authorising the sale of the Broomfields in Kenilworth - 27th July, 1894
26 - Draft of DR69A/34 enclosed in copy letter from the Charity Commission to the trustees - 6 Dec 1894
27 - Papers relating to land in Kenilworth belonging to Boyses Charity, with estimates for building a new classroom at the Infant School in Wellesbourne. - 1894
28 - Order by the Charity Commission authorising the trustees of Boyse's Charity to spend £120 from the sale of the Broomfields, Kenilworth, towards the erection of a classroom for infants and to invest the remainder in New Consols - 4 Jan, 1895
29 - Certificate for £528. 4. 2d - Consols belonging to Boyse's Charity - 8 Jan 1895
30 - Royal grant (transcription) of the church and rectory of Wellesbourne with the advowson and the tithes from Wellesbourne, Nether Wellesbourne, Walton and Loxley. Pat.Roll.32 Eliz. pt.13. m.11. to Downing, Edmund Rante, Roger - n.d.
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