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Collapse 00639 - PARISH OF ST ANDREW, RUGBY - 1612-199800639 - PARISH OF ST ANDREW, RUGBY - 1612-1998
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1 - Terrier of the lands, leys, hades, balks and parcels of meadow ground bargained and sold by Walter Olive unto Thomas Greene (?father/brother to John Greene as in DR230/67/2-3) in Sapcote, n.d. - c.1650
2 - Conveyance, by Lease and Release, from Elizabeth Attleborow of Sapcote (Leics.), widow and relict of John Attleborow, late of the same, yeoman, deceased, (and daughter and co-heir of John Greene, of Sapcote) and John Attleborow, yeoman, son and heir of Elizabeth Attleborow and John Attleborow, to John Wright of Sapcote, yeoman, and John Goodacre of Sapcote, yeoman - 1692
3 - Lease for 60 years from Elizabeth Attleborow (as in DR0230/67/1-2) to John Attleborow (as in DR0230/67/2) of land in Sapcote as in DR0230/67/1-2 - 1692 [1693]
4 - Bargain and sale from John Attleborrow, late of Sapcote, now of Knaptoft (Leics.), gent., (as in DR0230/67/1-3) and Prudence, his wife, to John Wright of Sapcote, gent., (as in DR0230/67/1-2) of an annuity or annual rent of £8 arising and payable unto John Attleborrow - 1706 [1707]
5 - Conveyance, by Lease and Release, from John Attleborrow and Prudence his wife, (as in DR0230/67/4) to John Wright (as in DR0230/67/1-2, 4) of a full half part of one yardland and 3 quarters of a yardland being commonly reputed to be 3 quarters of a yardland and half a quarter of a yardland comprising - 1706 [1707]
6 - Deed to declare the uses of a fine (see DR0230/67/9) from John Attleborrow (as in DR0230/67/4-6) to John Wright (as in DR0230/67/1-2, 4-6) on lands as in DR0230/67/5-6 and the close called "Castle Hole" as in DR0230/67/4(2). - 1707
7 - Copy of fine between Edward Hands, gent., plaintiff, and Richard Stretton senior, gent., and Ellen, his wife, William Webster senior and Jane, his wife, William Webster junior, John Attleborrow and Prudence, his wife, deforciants, re 3 messuages, 3 gardens, 3 orchards, 25 acs. of land, 25 acs. of meadow, 140 acs. of pasture, 30 acs. of furze and heath and common of pasture, for all manner of cattle with appurtenances in Claybrook, Great and Little Claybrook, Sapcote and Burbage, (Leics.) - 1707
8 - Conveyance, by Lease and Release, from John Wright (as in DR0230/67/1-2, 4-7) to John Smith of Sapcote, mercer, of lands as in DR0230/67/5-6 - 1723
9 - Copy of the will of George Cox of Sapcote (Leics.), yeoman (as in DR0230/67/9-10), dated 21 Apr 1734, including legacies - 1730
10 - Release from John Cox of Leicester, baker, (as in DR0230/67/11) to Thomas Pares of Leicester, gent., of a moiety of the messuage and lands in Sapcote as in DR0230/67/11(2) and (3) to indemnify against a bond for £50 (of even date) in which TP became bound, with JC and Richard Pridmore, to the mayor, bailiff and burgesses of Leicester. To be held subject to the repayment of the £50 from JC to the mayor etc. 3 Dec 1736. (original no. 12). - 1736
11 - Marriage settlement of Anne Cox of Lutterworth (Leics.), widow, relict and executrix of George Cox (as in DR230/67/9-11), now deceased, and Joseph Charton (elsewhere "Charlton") of Cosby (Leics.), yeoman: conveyance, by Lease and Release, in pursuance of an agreement between the intended partners (recited), from AC to Michael Poole of Ullesthorpe (Leics.), gent., and Joseph Freeman of Lutterworth, weaver - 1736 [1737]
12 - Copy of the will of Anne Cox of Lutterworth (as in DR0230/67/13-14), dated 20 Oct 1737, devising the moiety of lands in Sapcote as in DR0230/67/13-14 unto and amongst her nephews and nieces and their heirs (with a stipulation that the 2 nephews William and Joseph Bray and their heirs shall pay one annuity of 50s. each to her sister Mary Crisp, wife of John Crisp of Leire (Leics.), yeoman, (provided she survives him) for life) and, in neglect of payment of the annuity, to William and Joseph Bray for ever and devising the bonds as in DR0230/67/13-14 - 1730 (1737)
13 - Conveyance, by Lease and Release, from William Bray of Leire, carpenter, (as in DR0230/67/13-15) and the other nephews and nieces and also devisees (all named with details of abode, occupation and spouse) of Anne Cox (as in DR0230/67/11,13-15) to John Bray of Sapcote, one other nephew and devisee of Anne Cox, of all those 10 parts in 11 equal parts to be divided of all that undivided moiety of lands as in DR0230/67/13-14 (described as (1) "Old Quarters" (e) "Zurche's Land" (3) Mason's Quarters" and (4) "Freeholders Close" in (3)) all late in the tenure of Thomas Ensor and now of Thomas Moar elsewhere "Moure") or his under-tenants and which were, with the eleventh part, devised by Anne Cox as in DR230/15 etc. - 1742
14 - Conveyance, by Lease and Release, from Henry Cox of London, tallow chandler, and John Cox of Leicester, baker, to Joseph Bray of Sapcote (Leics.) yeoman, (as in DR0230/67/13-17) of a moiety of the lands in Sapcote as in DR0230/67/12 - 1744
15 - Release (by indentures of Lease and Release) from Thomas Pares (as in DR0230/67/12, 18-19) to Joseph Bray (as in DR0230/67/13-19) of his interest in the moiety of lands as conveyed in DR0230/67/18-19 - 1750
16 - Bargain and sale, indented, from Joseph Bray (as in DR0230/67/13-20), with the consent of the Rev. Knightley Holled the elder of Barby (Northants.), clerk, executor of the will of Henry Holyoak, late of Rugby, clerk, deceased, (see below) to the churchwardens and overseers of Rugby (named) of land in Sapcote described as "Three quarters and an Half quarter of one Yard Lane", late in the tenure of Thomas Pridmore and now of Wright Chamberlain (one moiety whereof JB bought from William Bray et al. 1742 (- see DR0230/67/16-17) and the other moiety JB bought from Henry Cox and John Cox (1744) - see DR0230/67/18-19) to the use of themselves, their heirs and assigns subject to the annual payment of 1s. 3d. to the chief lord(s) of the fee). - 1750
17 - Bills (receipted) from Thomas Holled, solicitor, to the churchwardens etc. of Rugby re expenses occasioned in effecting the purchase as in DR0230/67/20-22. - 1750
18 - Lease for 12 years from the churchwardens and overseers to Wright Chamberlain of Sapcote, farmer, of lands as in DR0230/67/22 - 1750
19 - Mortgage (by indentures of Lease and Release) to secure £70 from William Bray of Rugby, gardener, heretofore innholder (surviving trustee in the deed as in DR0230/23) - 1778
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