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Collapse 00790 - MILLS FAMILY OF PILLERTON - 1593-190100790 - MILLS FAMILY OF PILLERTON - 1593-1901
Collapse D1 - First deposit (CR0131) - 1594-1907D1 - First deposit (CR0131) - 1594-1907
Collapse 1 - Estate Records - 1594-18811 - Estate Records - 1594-1881
Collapse 1 - Deeds (original) - 1594-18811 - Deeds (original) - 1594-1881
1 - Grant between Willam Lord Compton (1), Richard Wiseman (2) and Roger Maners (3) - 1 Feb 1594
2 - Marriage settlement between Andrewe Reeve and John Reeve (1), and Thomas Randle and John Reynoldes (2) - 1 Aug 1615
3 - Marriage settlement between John Reeve of the first part, and William Eizill, Thomas Loe and Henry Richardson of the second part - 11 May 1650
4 - Feoffment between Thomas Palmer and Anne, his wife, of the first part and John Reeve of the second part - 23 Jan 1664/1665
5 - Feoffment and terrier between Thomas Palmer and Anne, his wife, of the first part and John Reeve of the second part - 1 Nov 1669
6 - Lease between John Poynter, Elizabeth his wife, George Butler and Francis Webbe of the first part and John Allibon of the second part - 25 Apr 1670
7 - Feoffment between Edward Phillips and Thomas Reeve of the first part and William Baylies of the second part - 5 Feb 1672/1673
8 - Receipt from Edward Phillips to William Baylies - 5 Feb 1672/1673
9 - Marriage settlement between Humanitas Jackson the elder, Anne his wife and William Jackson of the first part, Humanitas Jackson the younger and Isabell Nason of the second part, and Francis Palmer and Thomas Nason of the third part - 28 Jul 1676
10 - Lease and release between John Hiorne of the first part and William Hemings of the second part - 5/6 May 1698
11 - Release between John Hiorne of the first part and John Jackson of the second - 6 May 1698
12 - Release between Richard Hiorne and John Hiorne of the first part and William Hemings of the second part - 10 May 1698
13 - Attested copy will of John Reeve, deceased - 5 Jul 1698
14 - Lease and release between John Jackson and Constance his wife of the first part and Thomas Beale of the second part - 21/22 May 1699
15 - Release (marriage settlement) between John Reeve of the first part and Ralph Ellis and Thomas Reeve of the second part - 13 Sep 1699
16 - Lease and release between Mary Jennings and Ann Jennings of the first part and Henry Hancocke of the second part - 14/15 Feb 1701
17 - Assignment of lease between John Allibon and Judith his wife of the first part and Anthony Allibon and Elizabeth his wife of the second part - 23 Aug 1706
18 - Bond between John Jackson of the first part and Margaret Flatman of the second part - 4 Oct 1707
19 - Demise between John Allibon of the first part and Richard Allibon and Mary his wife of the second part - 6 Jan 1707/1708
20 - Fine between Thomas Edmonds and Richard Marhsall, plaintiffs, and John Reeve, Mary his wife, Thomas Middleton and Thomas Hopkins, defendants - [1672/1673]
21 - Agreement between Anne Ashworth of the first part and William Rowland of the second part - 25 Mar 1709
22 - Mortgage and bond between John Reeve and Mary, his wife, of the first part and Susanna Hopper of the second part - 24 June 1709
23 - Lease and release between Anne Ashworth and Sarah Phillips of the first part, John Sabin of the second part and Mordaunt Hopper of the third part - 12/13 Sep 1709
24 - Lease, release, and bond between Anne Ashworth of the first part and William Rowland of the second part - 14/15 Sep 1709
25 - Assignment of mortgage and bond, between Susanna Hopper of the first part, John Reeve of the second part and Raphael Horseman of the third part - 27 Mar 1711
26 - Lease and release between Thomas Neale and Esther, his wife, of the first part and Nathaniell Rowse and William Rowland of the second part - 12/13 July 1711
27 - Agreement between John Sabin of the first part and Thomas Reeve of the second part - 1 Feb 1711/1712
28 - Lease, release, and bond between Henry Smith and Arthur Dyer of the first part and William Rowland of the second part - 16/17 Jun 1714
29 - Lease and release between Henry Smith of the first part and Henry Smith and John Smith of the second part - 27/28 Aug 1714
30 - Promise to produce title deeds from William Rowland to Dr. Fitzherbert Potter - 22 Jun 1716
31 - Probate of will of William Phillips, deceased - 6 Nov 1717
32 - Deed to lead uses of a Recovery, between Thomas Ward of the first part, Thomas Newsham junior of the second part, and Francis Loggin of the third part - 15 Apr 1719
33 - Terrier rented by Edward Phillips from Thomas Reeve - 1719
34 - Recovery between Thomas Newsham junior, demandant, Francis Loggin, tenant, and Thomas Ward vouchee - [1719]
35 - Agreement for lease between Thomas Reeve of the first part and John Reeve of the second part - 16 Apr 1720
36 - Probate of the will of Henry Hancocke, deceased - 17 May 1720
37 - Lease, release, and bond between Henry Smith and John Smith of the first part, and William Rowland of the second part - 13/14 Mar 1721/1722
38 - Lease and release between Giles Smith and Anne, his wife, of the first part, and William Rowland of the second part - 29/30 Mar 1722
39 - Fine between William Rowland and Thomas Warner, plaintiffs, and Giles Smith, Anne, his wife, and Ralph Ellis, defendants - [1722/3]
40 - Mortgage and counterpart between Isabell Mitchell and Humanitas Jackson of the first part, Edward Palmer of the second part, and William Banbury of the third part - 15 Nov 1723
41 - Fine between William Banbury, plaintiff, and Humanitas Jackson, Thomas Wareing and Frances his wife, defendants - [1724/5]
42 - Lease and release between Noah Chamberlain and Mary his wife of the first part, Thomas Ashton of the second part and Newsham Peers of the third part - 7/8 Oct 1726
43 - Fine between Thomas Ashton and another person [indecipherable], plaintiffs, Thomas Hopkins, Hannah his wife, Noah Chamberlain, Mary his wife, Joseph Ellson, Mary his wife and Thomas Ellson, defendants - [1727/8]
44 - Assignment of mortgage between Edward Palmer of the first part, Isabell Mitchell and Humanity Jackson of the second part, and John Mallory of the third part - 11 Nov 1726
45 - Mortgage and bond between George Clarke the elder, Elizabeth his wife, George Clarke the younger and Elizabeth Clarke of the first part, Thomas Neale of the second part and Thomas Collett of the third part - 27 Jul 1727
46 - Lease, release and bond between George Clarke the elder, Elizabeth his wife, George Clarke the younger and Elizabeth Clarke of the first part,and Thomas Neale of the second part - 28/29 Jul 1727
47 - Mortgage between John Reeve the elder and younger of the first part, Nathaniel Humfrey of the second part, and Samuel Horseman of the third part - 9 Feb 1727/8
48 - Lease and release between William Clifton and Ann his wife of the first part, and Thomas Gardner of the second part - 29/30 Sep 1730
49 - Fine between Thomas Gardner, plaintiff, and William Clifton and Ann, his wife, defendants - [1730/1]
50 - Lease and release between Joshua Weaver and Mary his wife of the first part, and Elizabeth Weaver of the second part - 17/18 Jan 1730/31
50A - Mortgage and bond between John Reeve senior, Mary his wife and John Reeve junior of the first part and Thomas Newsham of the second part - 15 Jul 1731
51 - Lease and release between James Greenwood and Hannah his wife of the first part, and Elizabeth Weaver of the second part - 2/3 Jan 1731/2
52 - Fine between Samuel Horseman, plaintiff, and John Reeve senior, Mary his wife and John Reeve junior, defendants - [1731/2]
53 - Release between Mary Weaver of the first part and Elizabeth Weaver of the second part - 9 Sep 1732
54 - Assignment of mortgage between Thomas Newsham of the first part, John Reeve the elder and younger of the second part, and Samuel Horseman of the third part - 5 May 1733
55 - Probate of Will of Anthony Alibon, deceased - 10 Nov 1733
56 - Assignment of mortgage between Edward Brockhurst and Elisabeth his wife of the first part, Humanity Jackson of the second part, and Joseph Soden of the third part - 19 Aug 1734
57 - Probate of Will of Elizabeth Weaver, deceased - 4 Oct 1734
58 - Assignment of mortgage and bond between Thomas Collet of the first part, Thomas Neale of the second part and John Lacy of the third part - 25 Mar 1736
59 - Marriage settlement between William Rowland of the first part, Thomas Taylor and William Sabin of the second part, John Sabin of the third part and Anne Sabin of the fourth part - 23 Sep 1736
60 - Assignment of term between Samuel Horseman of the first part, John Reeve the elder and younger of the second part, Fitzherbert Potter of the third part and Barnabas Horseman of the fourth part - 22 Oct 1736
61 - Assignment of term between Samuel Horseman of the first part, John Reeve the elder and younger of the second part, Fitzherbert Potter of the third part, and John Smith of the fourth part - 22 Oct 1736
62 - Covenant to levy a fine to make a tenant to the Praecipe, between John Reeve the elder, Mary his wife, and John Reeve the younger of the first part, Thomas Kinaston of the second part, Joseph Hunt of the third part, and Fitzherbert Potter of the fourth part - 25 Oct 1736
63 - Fine between Thomas Kinaston, plaintiff, and John Reeve the elder, Mary his wife, and John Reeve the younger, defendants - [1737]
64 - Recovery between Joseph Hunt demandant, Thomas Kinaston, tenant, Thomas Reeve the elder, Mary his wife, Thomas Reeve the younger, vouchees - [1737]
65 - Probate of Will for Francis Rowland, deceased - 9 Jan 1739/40
66 - Lease, release, and bond between William Rowland of the first part, and Fitzherbert Potter of the second part - 28 Apr 1739
67 - Lease and release between John Ludford alias Bracebridge of the first part and Richard Ward and John Moody of the second part - 3/4 Oct 1739
68 - Assignment of term to attend the inheritance, and surrender, between James Wright of the first part, Richard Ward and John Moody of the second part, John Rudford alias Bracebridge of the third part and William Grant of the fourth part - 4 Oct 1739
69 - Probate of will for Thomas Gardner, deceased - 9 Jun 1741
70 - Lease between Thomas Neale of the first part and John Lacy of the second part - 17 Mar 1740
70A - Lease and release between Thomas Neale of the first part and John Lacy of the second part - 18 Mar 1740
71 - Lease and release between William Rowland of the first part and William Chamberlaine of the second part - 29/30 Sep 1741
72 - Release of equity of redemption between Humanity Jackson of the first part and Joseph Soden of the second part - 22 Jan 1741/2
73 - Recovery between Mordecai Hilton demandant, Richard Sherard, tenant and John Manners, Marquis of Granby, vouchee - [1743]
74 - Covenant to stand seised between John Phillips of the first part and William Phillips of the second part - 27 Jan 1747/8
75 - Probate of will of John Sabin, deceased - 3 May 1748
76 - Lease and release between Catherine Jarrett and Thomas Jarrett of the first part, and Richard Lightfood alias Beckett of the second part - 11/12 Oct 1748
77 - Lease and release between John Evitts, William Evitts, Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Gardner and 3 others of the first part, and John Reeve of the second part - 28/29 Sep 1749
78 - Lease and release between William Phillips of the first part and William Mullis of the second part - 8/9 Mar 1749/50
79 - Receipt for legacy, Henry Hudson to Ann Dyer - n.d.
80 - Assignment of lease between John Parrott and Sarah his wife of the first part and John Allibon of the second part - 26 Mar 1750
81 - Probate of the will of William Rowland, deceased - 24 Dec 1750
82 - Probate of the will of John Reeve, deceased - 2 May 1760
83 - Mortgage and bond between Thomas Jarrett of the first part and William Cleaver of the second part - 21 Dec 1761
84 - Mortgage between William Chamberlaine of the first part, and Benjamin Silverster of the second part - 10 Jun 1767
85 - Release (quitclaim) by Sarah Ward the elder and Sarah Ward the younger - 10 Nov 1763
86 - Lease and release between John Hayes and Makepeace, his wife, of the first part, John Moody and Ann, his wife, of the second part, William Lavender and Elizabeth, his wife, of the third part, James White, John Brooker and George Robinson of the fourth part, William Sabin of the fifth part, and John Turner and Thomas Turner of the sixth part - 16/17 Oct 1764
87 - Fine between John Turner and Thomas Turner plaintiffs and John Hayes, Makepeace, his wife, John Moody, Ann, his wife and William Lavender and his wife defendants - [1765]
88 - Assignment of term between John Hayes, Makepeace, his wife and four others of the first part, William Sabin of the second part, and John Rushworth and Elisha Heydon of the third pard - 17 Oct 1764
89 - Fine between John Higgins, plaintiff, and Richard Webb and Elizabeth, his wife, defendants - [1765/1766]
90 - Deed to declare uses of a fine between John Higgins of the first part, and Richard Webb and Elizabeth his wife of the second part - 20 Mar 1765
91 - Mortgage between Thomas Webb of the first part and Thomas Stockford of the second part - 20 Apr 1765
92 - Lease and release between Richard Webb of the first part, and Thomas Miles of the second part - 6/7 Aug 1766
93 - Assignment of term to attend the inheritance, between Thomas Stockford of the first part, Richard Webb of the second part, Thomas Miles of the third part, and Walter Webb of the fourth part - 7 Aug 1766
94 - Release to make a tenant to the Praecipe, between Charles Ward of the first part, Robert Baxter of the second part, and Stafford Squire of the third part - 8 April 1767
95 - Lease and release between John Cottrell, Hannah his wife and Ann Morris of the first part, John Hobbins of the second part, and Nathaniel Cookes of the third part - 29/30 Sep 1767
96 - Fine between Nathaniel Cookes plaintiff and John Cottrell and Susannah, his wife, Ann Morris, widow, and John Hobbins, deforciants - [1767]
97 - Mortgage between Charles Ward of the first part, and George Cattell of the second part - 27 Nov 1767
98 - Lease and release between Thomas Miles alias Mihill of the first part, and Hannah Gardner of the second part - 19/20 Oct 1768
99 - Lease and release between John Paine and Ann his wife of the first part, and Hannah Gardner of the second part - 19/20 Oct 1768
100 - Assignment of term between Walter Webb of the first part, Thomas Miles alias Mihill of the second part, Hannah Gardner of the third part, and Richard Smith of the fourth part - 20 Oct 1768
101 - Fine between Hannah Gardner, plaintiff, and John Paine and Ann his wife, deforciants - [2 Nov 1769]
102 - Lease and release between Thomas Jarrett of the first part, and James Dyer of the second part - 6/7 Feb 1770
103 - Assignment of term between William Cleaver of the first part, Thomas Jarrett of the second part, James Dyer of the third part, and Martin Warren of the fourth part - 7 Feb 1770
104 - Lease, release, and bond between Charles Ward and Elizabeth Frances his wife of the first part, Rowley Ward of the second part, and William Sabin of the third part - 4/5 April 1770
105 - Assignment of term to attend the inheritance, between George Cattell of the first part, Charles Ward of the second part, William Sabin of the third part, and William Taylor of the fourth part - 5 Apr 1770
106 - Fine between William Sabin plaintiff and Charles Ward and Elizabeth Frances, his wife, deforciants - [1770]
107 - Lease and release (marriage settlement) between John Biddle and Ann his wife of the first part, John Allibon and William Turner of the second part, Anthony Allibon of the third part and Mary Turner of the fourth part - 9 Apr 1772
108 - Fine between John Allibon, William Turner, plaintiff, and John Biddle and Ann his wife, deforciants - [1772]
109 - Demise between James Handcock and Jane his wife of the first part, William Heritage and Mary his wife of the second part, and Thomas Reeve of the third part - 28 Jan 1775
110 - Lease, release (to lead uses of a recovery) between Rowland Rouse of the first part, Thomas Wade of the second part and John Adams of the third part - 29/30 Oct 1775
111 - Recovery between Thomas Wade, demandant, John Adams, tenant and Rowland Rowse vouchee - [1776]
112 - Lease, release, and bond between Rowland Rouse of the first part, and William Sabin of the second part - 19/20 Jan 1776
113 - Bond between John Cattell of the first part, and Thomas Harbidge of the second part - 11 Aug 1777
114 - Mortgage between Thomas Reeve of the first part, and Thomas Barnes of the second part - 2 Dec 1777
115 - Mortgage between William Chamberlaine of the first part, and William Hunt of the second part - 25 Mar 1779
116 - Mortgage between Ann Allibon, John Allibon and Anthony Allibon of the first part, and William Hunt of the second part - 17 Apr 1779
117 - Mortgage between Ann Aston of the first part, and Richard Harwood of the second part - 10 Oct 1780
118 - Probate of will for Richard Lightfoot alias Beckett, deceased - 22 May 1781
119 - Probate of the will of Sarah Ward, deceased - 29 Oct 1781
120 - Lease and release between William Chamberlain and Elizabeth his wife of the first part, and Hannah Gardner of the second part - 25/26 Mar 1782
121 - Assignment of term to attend the inheritance, between Richard Silvester of the first part, William Hunt of the second part, William Chamberlain of the third part, Hannah Gardner of the fourth part, and Thomas Taylor of the fifth part - 26 Mar 1782
122 - Fine between Hannah Gardner plaintiff and William Chamberlain and Elizabeth, his wife, deforciants - [Jun 1782]
123 - Lease and release between Ann Aston of the first part and Richard Harwood and William Wright of the second part - 9/10 Oct 1783
124 - Feoffment between Henry Hancock of the first part and Thomas Reeve of the second part - 10 Oct 1786
125 - Assignment of term to attend the inheritance between Thomas Barnes of the first part, Thomas Reeve of the second part, and William Heritage of the third part - 10 Nov 1786
126 - Feoffment between Thomas Reeve of the first part and William Neale of the second part - 25 Feb 1788
127 - Probate of will for William Sabin, deceased - 5 Jun 1788
128 - Lease and release (mortgage) between Anthony Allibon and Mary his wife of the first part, Edward Edden of the second part, and William Smith of the third part - 12/13 Sep 1788
129 - Fine between William Smith, plaintiff, and John Ashford, Elizabeth his wife, Anthony Allibon, Mary his wife, George Hindes, Mary his wife, and John Hindes, defendants - [1789]
130 - Mortgage, promise to pay, between Thomas Reeve of the first part and Richard Roberts of the second part - 28 Feb 1792
131 - Feoffment between David Allibon of the first part and Anthony Allibon of the second part - 7 Jan 1794
132 - Feoffment between John Neale of the first part and John Smith of the second part - 18 Oct 1794
133 - Lease and release between William Hobbins of the first part, John Hobbins of the second part, and Thomas Harbidge of the third part - 24/25 Nov 1794
134 - Lease and release between William Hobbins of the first part, Anthony Allibone of the second part, and William Turner of the third part - 24/25 Nov 1794
135 - Lease and release between William Hobbins of the first part and William Turner of the second part - 24/25 Nov 1794
136 - Deed of covenant to produce title deeds between William Turner of the first part and Thomas Harbidge and Anthony Allibone of the second part - 26 Nov 1794
137 - Lease, release, and bond between Anthony Allibon of the first part and William Hobbins of the second part - 26/27 Nov 1794
138 - Mortgage and bond, between William Turner of the first part and William Hobbins of the second part - 27 Nov 1794
139 - Lease and release between James Dyer and Ann his wife of the first part, Richard Gilkes of the second part, and John Pace of the third part - 6/7 Jan 1795
140 - Fine between John Pace, plaintiff, and John Hemming, Mark his wife, James Dyer and Ann his wife, defendants - [1795]
141 - Lease and release between Rowland Rouse of the first part, and Thomas Harbidge of the second part - 23/24 Mar 1795
142 - Assignment of term to attend the inheritance between Mary Maior of the first part, Rowland Rouse of the second part, Thomas Harbidge of the third part, and Decimus Slatter of the fourth part - 24 Mar 1795
143 - Lease and release between Reverend Fitzherbert Potter and Sarah his wife of the first part, and William Horniblow of the second part - 4/5 Apr 1795
144 - Assignment of term to attend the inheritance, between Mary Horseman of the first part, Fitzherbert Potter of the second part, William Horniblow of the third part, and John Hodgkin of the fourth part - 5 Apr 1795
145 - Fine between William Horniblow, plaintiff, and Reverend Fitzherbert Potter and Sarah his wife, defendants - [1795]
146 - Lease and release between William Hobbins of the first part, Anthony Allibon of the second part, William Turner of the third part, and Thomas Harbidge of the fourth part - 28/29 Aug 1795
147 - Mortgage between William Turner of the first part and William Hobbins of the second part - 15 Sep 1795
148 - Lease and release (mortgage) between William Horniblow of the first part and Thomas Riley of the second part - 21 Nov 1795
149 - Assignment of mortgage between William Hobbins of the first part, William Turner of the second part, and William Scarlett of the third part - 15 Oct 1796
150 - Mortgage between Thomas Reeve of the first part and William Tenant of the second part - 19 Nov 1796
151 - Mortgage and bond between William Turner of the first part and Ralph Ellis of the second part - 25 Feb 1797
152 - Mortgage between William Horniblow (1) and William Badger (2) - 30 Sep 1797
153 - Probate of will for Hannah Gardner, deceased - 25 Jun 1798
154 - Lease and release between William Horniblow of the first part and Samuel Eglington of the second part - 27 Oct 1798
155 - Feoffment between William Heming of the first part and Thomas Hudson of the second part - 5 Apr 1799
156 - Discharges for legacies under the will of William Heming, from Richard, Ann and Sarah Heming to Thomas Hudson - 10 Jun 1799
157 - Mortgage and promise to pay, between Thomas Hudson of the first part and John Hobley of the second part - 12 Jun 1799
158 - Surrender of terms between William Scarlett of the first part, Ralph Ellis of the second part, and William Turner of the third part - 16 Oct 1799
159 - Mortgage between William Turner of the first part, and John Davis of the second part - 19 Oct 1799
160 - Mortgage between Charles Oakes of the first part, John Allibon and Elizabeth his wife of the second part, and John Gough of the third part - 15 Apr 1800
161 - Feoffment between James Dyer of the first part and Thomas Hudson of the second part - 4 Dec 1800
162 - Recovery between Samuel Vines demandant, Joseph Hill, tenant and John Henry, Duke of Rutland, vouchee - [1800]
163 - Mortgage and promise to pay between Thomas Reeve of the first part, and Richard Wheatcroft and Thomas King of the second part - 9 May 1800
164 - Assignment of equity of redemption between John Allibon and Elizabeth his wife of the first part, and John Gough of the seond part - 6 Jun 1801
165 - Mortgage between William Turner of the first part and Francis Findon of the second part - 20 Jun 1801
166 - Lease, release (transfer of mortgage) and bond between Thomas Riley of the first part, William Horniblow of the second part, and Robert Humphries of the third part - 1801
167 - Lease, release, and assignment of mortgage between Joshua Davis of the first part, Francis Findon of the second part, William Turner of the third part, Sarah Roach of the fourth part, and John Davis of the fifth part - 29/30 Jan 1802
168 - Lease and release between William Moody of the first part and Sarah Ward of the second part - 30/31 Aug 1802
169 - Lease and release between Thomas Reeve of the first part and Francis Holmes of the second part - 29/30 Oct 1802
170 - Feoffment between William Tenant of the first part, Thomas Reeve of the second part, and William Hemmings of the third part - 21 Mar 1803
171 - Declaration of trust between Sarah Roach and John Davis - 31 May 1803
172 - Lease and release between Francis Holmes of the first part, Richard Wheatcroft and Thomas King of the second part, William Lowe and William Russell of the third part, and Thomas Collins of the fourth part - 21/22 Oct 1803
173 - Feoffment between Susannah Harwood and William Wright of the first part, and Charles Reading and John Broomhill of the second part - 10 Oct 1804
174 - Probate of will for Thomas Harbidge, deceased - 25 Jan 1806
175 - Release from Mary Harbidge to Thomas Harbidge - 10 Jan 1805
176 - Marriage settlement between Francis Beesley Garrett and Mary his wife of the first part, Thomas Harbidge, John Harbidge and Decimus Slatter of the second part, and James Salisbury Findon and Thomas Garrett the younger of the third part - 19 Jul 1806
177 - Probate of will - 12 May 1807
178 - Letters of administration from the estate of Sarah Roach, deceased - 27 Jan 1808
179 - Lease, release, and assignment of mortgage between Thomas Roach of the first part, John Davis of the second part, William Turner of the third part, John Anchor of the fourth part, and Edward Anchor of the fifth part - 6/7 Feb 1808
180 - Lease (before release) between Sir James Mansfield Chief Justice Common Pleas and John Henry Duke of Rutland of the first part, and Charles Mills of the second part - 5 Apr 1808
181 - Recovery between Francis Findon demandent, Robert Barbor tenant, Thomas Harbidge vouchee - [
182 - Agreement between William Horniblow of the first part, and Charles Handley on behalf of Charles Mills of the second part - 21 Feb 1809
183 - Mortgage and bond between Thomas Harbidge of the first part, and Richard Miles of the second part - 8 Mar 1809
184 - Lease and release between William Horniblow of the first part and Charles Mills of the second part - 1/2 May 1809
185 - Assignment of term to attend the inheritance, between John Hodgkin of the first part, Wililam Horniblow of the second part, Charles Mills of the third part, and William Mills of the fourth part - 2 May 1809
186 - Assignment of term to attend the inheritance, between Ann Smith of the first part, William Horniblow of the second part, Charles Mills of the third part, and William Mills of the fourth part - 2 May 1809
187 - Letter of attorney between William Turner of the first part and Francis Findon and John Anchor of the second part - 7 Jun 1809
188 - Mortgage between Charles Reading of the first part and Richard Haynes of the second part - 4 Sep 1809
189 - Lease, release and surrender of term between John Harbidge of the first part, Edward Anchor of the second part, William Turner of the third part, John Anchor of the fourth part, William Scarlett of the fifth part, and Francis Findon of the sixth part - 9/10 Oct 1809
190 - Lease and release between Samuel Eglington the younger of the first part, and Edward Hall fo the second part - 21/22 May 1810
191 - Lease and release between Edward Hall of the first part, and Thomas Smith of the second part - 30/31 Jul 1810
192 - Lease and release between Thomas Hudson of the first part and Charles Mills of the second part - 26/27 Apr 1811
193 - Assignment of lease between John Gough of the first part and Charles Mills of the second part - 4 May 1811
194 - Lease and release between William Horniblow of the first part, Charles Mills of the second part, and Reverend Francis Mills of the third part - 24/25 May 1811
195 - Mortgage and bond between Thomas Harbidge of the first part, and Joshua Lant of the second part - 1 Apr 1812
196 - Lease and release between Thomas Smith of the first part, William Bacon and Mary his wife of the second part, Charles Mills of the third part, and Reverend Francis Mills of the fourth part - 2/3 Apr 1813
197 - Covenant to levy a fine between William Bacon and Mary his wife of the first part, and William Horniblow and George Horniblow of the second part - 7 Apr 1813
198 - Fine between William Horniblow and George Horniblow plaintiffs and William Bacon and Mary, his wife deforciants - [1813]
199 - Surrender of term between Joshua Lant of the first part and Thomas Harbidge of the second part - 16 Sep 1813
200 - Lease and release between Thomas Harbidge of the first part, Charles Mills of the second part, and Reverend Francis Mills of the third part - 17 Nov 1813
201 - Mortgage and bond between Thomas Barbidge of the first part, and John Bickerstaff of the second part - 5 Feb 1814
202 - Letters of administration granted to Martha Parry in the estate of Walter Parry, deceased - 23 May 1814
203 - Mortgage between John Smith of the first part, and John Miles of the second part - 4 Jun 1814
204 - Lease and release between William Horniblow and George Horniblow of the first part, and Charles Mills of the second part - 23/24 Jun 1814
205 - Assignment of term between Martha Parry of the first part, William Horniblow and George Horniblow of the second part, John Whitehead of the third part, Charles Mills of the fourth part, and William Mills of the fifth part - 24 Jun 1814
206 - Mortgage between Thomas Harbidge of the first part and Edward Anchor of the second part - 29 Jun 1814
207 - Further mortgage and bond between Thomas Harbidge of the first part, and Joshua Lant of the second part - 23 Jul 1814
208 - Covenant to produce deeds, between William Horniblow and George Horniblow of the first part, and Charles Mills of the second part - 23 Nov 1814
209 - Lease, release and assignment of term between Charles Reading and Sarah his wife of the first part, John Griffin of the second part, William Mills of the third part, and James Loveday of the fourth part - 20/21 Dec 1814
210 - Assignment of mortgage between Edward Anchor of the first part, and Elizabeth Watkins and Thomas Garrett of the second part - 11 Mar 1815
211 - Lease and release (mortgage) between Thomas Harbidge of the first part, and Francis Findon and John Halford of the second part - 16/17 Mar 1815
212 - Lease and release between Thomas Harbidge and Ann his wife of the first part, Thomas Woods Weston, Edward Welchman and William Whately of the second part - 3/4 May 1815
213 - Agreement between Thomas Woods Weston, Edward Welchman, and William Whateley (trustees for the sale of Thomas Harbidge's estate) of the first part, and Charles Mills of the second part - 22 Aug 1815
214 - Mortgage between Thomas Hudson and Sarah his wife of the first part, Joseph Abbey of the second part, and Andrew Murcott of the third part - 11 Nov 1815
215 - Letters of administration from the estate of Sarah Roach, deceased, to Edward Eyre - 19 Dec 1815
216 - Fine between James Loveday, plaintiff, and Charles Reading, Sarah his wife, James Kiss, Harriot his wife, Henry Stanbridge, Jemima his wife, defendants - [1815]
217 - Lease, release and assignment of terms between Thomas Woods Weston, Edward Welchman and William Whately of the first part, eight other people of the second to seventh parts, Thomas Harbidge of the eighth part, and Charles Mills of the ninth part - 8/9 Jan 1816
218 - Surrender of term between Edward Eyre of the first part, Thomas Harbidge of the second part, and Charles Mills of the third part - 8 Jan 1816
219 - Assignment of terms between Ricahrd Heydon and John Heydon of the first part, eleven other people including Thomas Harbidge of the second and third parts, Charles Mills of the fourth part, and Reverend Francis Mills of the fifth part - 9 Jan 1816
220 - Discharge of Legacy under the will of William Sabin by John Harbidge - 6 Jan 1816
221 - Assignment of term between Abigail Taylor of the first part, Thomas Woods Weston, Thomas Harbidge and 9 others of the second part, and Charles Mills of the third part - 9 Jan 1816
222 - Covenant to produce title deeds between Charles Mills of the first part, and Thomas Garrett the younger, Francis Beesley Garrett and Mary, his wife, of the second part - 9 Jan 1816
223 - Covenant to produce title deeds between Rowland Rouse of the first part, Thomas Woods Weston, Edward Welchman, William Whateley and Thomas Harbidge of the second part, and Charles Mills of the third part - 9 Jan 1816
224 - Letters of administration granted to Robert Cousins in the estate of Robert Hiorne, deceased - 22 Apr 1816
225 - Assignment of term to attend the inheritance between Robert Cousins of the first part, Thomas Woods Weston, Thomas Harbidge and 3 others of the second part, Charles Mills of the third part, and Reverend Thomas Cattell of the fourth part - 1 May 1816
226 - Lease and release between Thomas Collett and Elizabeth Kyte of the first part, Richard Fox of the second part, and William Horniblow of the third part - 10/11 Oct 1816
227 - Lease and release between William Horniblow and George Honiblow and Eleanor his wife of the first part, Charles Mills of the second part, and Reverend Francis Mills of the third part - 30/31 Oct 1816
228 - Assignment of term to attend the inheritance between Martha Parry of the first part, William Horniblow and George Horniblow of the second part, Charles Mills of the third part, and William Mills of the fourth part - 31 Oct 1816
229 - Assignment of term to attend the inheritance between John Hodgkin, Susanna Hodgkin and Mary Hodgkin of the first part, William Horniblow and George Horniblow of the second part, Charles Mills of the third part, and William Mills of the fourth part - 31 Oct 1816
230 - Letters of administration with will annexed, granted to James Ward in the estate of John Smith, deceased - 11 Nov 1816
231 - Assignment of term to attend the inheritance, between James Ward of the first part, William Horniblow and George Horniblow of the second part, Charles Mills of the third part, and William Mills of the fourth part - 18 Nov 1816
232 - Assignment of term between Ann Cattell of the first part, Charles Mills of the second part, and William Mills of the third part - 31 Dec 1816
233 - Lease and release between Anthony Allibone of the first part, Charles Mills of the second part, and Reverend Francis Mills of the third part - 26/27 Nov 1817
234 - Lease and release (reconveyance) between Edward Edden of the first part and Anthony Allibone of the second part - 16/17 Dec 1817
235 - Mortgage between Anthony Allibone of the first part and Thomas Lidsey of the second part - 20 Jun 1818
236 - Lease and release (mortgage) between Anthony Allibone of the first part and Charles Mills of the second part - 4/5 Jun 1819
237 - Lease and release between Elizabeth Ann Proctor of the first part and James Kemp and John Prior Ward of the second part - 1/2 Nov 1820
238 - Assignment of mortgage between Joseph Abbey of the first part, Thomas Hudson and Sarah his wife of the second part, Rebecca Lamley of the third part, and John Morris of the fourth part - 16 Dec 1820
239 - Lease and release between John Kemp and John Prior Ward of the first part, Charles Mills of the second part and Thomas Cattell of the third part - 8/9 Mar 1821
240 - Bargain and sale between John Gamaliel Lloyd, Thomas Tidmas and William Tibbits the younger of the first part, and Richard Knight of the second part - 31 Dec 1822
241 - Lease, release and assignment of term to attend the inheritance, between Richard Knight of the first part, Thomas Hudson and Sarah his wife of the second part, Rebecca Lamley of the third part, and John Hobley of the fourth part - 27/28 Nov 1823
242 - Lease release and assignment of term to attend the inheritance between Richard Knight of the first part, Thomas Hudson and Sarah his wife of the second part, Rebecca Lamley of the third part, John Hobley of the fourth part William Hemmings of the fifth part, John Walton of the sixth part, Robert Maunton of the seventh part, John Green Flint of the eighth part and Charles Mills of the ninth part - 27/28 Dec 1823
243 - Discharge from Elizabeth Harbidge to Charles Mills, Thomas Harbidge and five others - 31 Jan 1824
244 - Release (quitclaim) between Thomas Harbidge (1) Thomas Woods Weston, Edward Welchman, William Whateley (2) and Charles Mills (3) - 11 Jun 1825
245 - Discharge by Joseph Cattell to Charles Mills for a legacy of £300 - 28 Jul 1825
246 - Probate of the will of Anthony Allibon the elder - 12 Oct 1826
247 - Lease release and surrender of term between John Smith (1) John Miles (2) William Lowe (3) and William Eden (4) - 27/28 Nov 1827
248 - Discharge for a legacy by Harriett Scott to Reverend Francis Mills, Charles Mills and Henry Hugh Holbech - 6 Dec 1827
249 - Lease and release between John Allibon and Mark Allibon (1) Charles Mills (2) Reverend Francis Mills, Charles Mills and Henry Hugh Holbech (3) William Allibon, David Allibon, James Allibon, and Anthony Allibon (4) William Parker (5) and Joseph Shipton (6) - 24/25 Dec 1829
250 - Discharge of legacy by Edmund Molony to Reverend Francis Mills, Charles Mills and Henry Hugh Holbech - 1 Aug 1828
251 - Assignment of mortgage between Thomas Lidsey (1) William Allibon (2) and William Sheperd (3) - 4 Dec 1830
252 - Letters patent granted by William IV to Reverend Francis Mills - 6 Jul [1831]
253 - Lease and release between Edward Welchman (1-3) Philemon Williams, William Gardner, Thomas Gardner and John Gardner (4) William Eden (5) and John Gillett (6) - 25/26 Aug 1831
254 - Assignment of term to attend the inheritance between John Milward (1) Edward Welchman, Philemon Williams and William Gardner (2) William Eden (3) and Mark Marshall (4) - 26 Aug 1831
255 - Declaration of trust between Reverend Francis Mill (1) Charles Holte Bracebridge, William Mills and Edward Wheler Mills (2) - 3 Jan 1832
256 - Discharge between Charlotte Moore the younger, Elizabeth Jane Moore, Reverend Thomas Bevan and Mary Catherine, his wife (1) Reverend Francis Mills and Reverend John Moore Stevens (2) and Charlotte Moore the elder (3) - 24 Oct 1833
257 - Discharge by Reverend Butler, Anne, his wife and James Molony to Reverend Francis Mills, Charles Mills and Henry Hugh Holbech - 7 Mar 1835
258 - Lease appointment release and assignment of terms to attend the inheritance between Anthony Lampett (1) Daniel Lampett (2) Samuel Taylor (3) William Bryan Margetts (4) John Henry Clark (5) and William badger (6) - 11/12 Jun 1835
259 - Appointment (mortgage) between Samuel Taylor (1) Mary Ann Purden (2) and William Badger (3) - 13 Jul 1835
260 - Discharge by James Molony to Reverend Francis Mills, Charles Mills and Henry Hugh Holbech - 15 Jun 1838
261 - Transfer of mortgage between Mary Ann Purden (1) Samuel Taylor the younger (2) William Badger (3) and John Margetts (4) - 13 Jan 1838
262 - Mortgage between William Lowe (1) and Thomas Goffe (2) - 12 Apr 1838
263 - Lease between Reverend Francis Mills (1) William Lowe (2) - 30 May 1839
264 - Lease between Reverend Francis Mills (1) and Thomas Walton (2) - 30 May 1839
265 - Lease between Reverend Francis Mills (1) and Richard Walton (2) - 1 Jun 1839
266 - Letters of administration with will annexed granted to John Gilkes - 26 Jul 1839
267 - Lease between Reverend Francis Mills (1) and Mary Astley (2) - 27 Jul 1839
268 - Lease between Reverend Francis Mills (1) and John Newland (2) - 27 Jul 1839
269 - Lease between Reverend Francis Mills (1) and William Eden (2) - 16 Sep 1839
270 - Lease between Reverend John Mills (1) and John Gardner (2) - 7 May 1840
271 - Lease between Reverend Francis Mills (1) and John Walton (2) - 7 May 1840
272 - Discharge between Reverend Francis Mills and Charles Mills (1) Selina Molony (2) and Joseph Moberley (3) - 30 Nov 1841
273 - Transfer of Mortgage between Thomas Horton and Joseph Hinde (1) Jane Margetts and 2 others (2) William Badger (3) John Tasker (4) and John Tomes (5) - 17 Jun 1843
274 - Covenant to produce title deeds between Governor's of Queen Anne's Bounty (1) and Reverend Francis Mills (2) - 2 May 1844
275 - Receipt for legacy by Selina Molony to Reverend Francis Mills - 21 Oct 1844
276 - Assignment of mortgage between Thomas Goffe (1) and Elizabeth Garrett (2) - 12 Apr 1846
277 - Conveyance between the Guardians of the Poor of the Shipston-on-Stour Union, Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of Pillerton Hersey (1) and William Eden (2) - 10 Oct 1846
278 - Mortgage between Reverend Francis Mills (1) Arthur Mills (2) Agnes Lucy Acland (3) and Reverend Charles Holbech and 3 others (4) - 1 Aug 1848
279 - Conveyance between John Tasker (1-2), John Tasker and John Tomes (3), Samuel Taylor (4), John Tomes (5), Reverend Henry Mills (6) George Cattell Greenway (7) and Thomas Hutchings (8) - 31 Mar 1849
280 - Mortgage between Richard Hemings and Hannah, his wife (1) and William Hill Jorden (2) - 5 Jan 1850
281 - Conveyance between James Flint and Hannah, his wife (1) Samuel Shepherd the elder and Samuel Shepherd the younger (2) - 25 May 1850
282 - Certificate of acknowledgement of married woman of a release dated 23 May 1850 - 23 May 1850
283 - Probate of the will of William Allibone - 16 Apr 1852
284 - Conveyance between Robert Shepard (1) John Smith (2) James Hunt (3) Reverend Henry Mills (4) and William Smith (5) - 17 Apr 1852
285 - Conveyance between William Hemings (1) William Hill Jorden and Ann Jorden (2) and Reverend Henry Mills (3) - 30 Aug 1866
286 - Conveyance between John Gilkes (1) and Reverend Henry Mills (2) - 30 Sep 1867
287 - Conveyance between Abraham Burman (1) and Reverend Henry Mills (2) - 23 Dec 1868
288 - Conveyance between John Walton (1) and Henry Walter Newton (2) - 11 Mar 1870
289 - Conveyance between William Gibbs Eden (1) and Henry Walter Newton (2) - 18 Mar 1870
290 - Conveyance between Henry Walter Newton (1) and Richard Whiteley (2) - 5 Aug 1874
291 - Mortgage between Richard Whiteley (1) and Henry Walter Newton (2) - 6 Aug 1874
292 - Agreement for sale between Richard Whiteley (1) and Reverend Henry Mills (2) - 10 Jul 1876
293 - Conveyance between Henry Walter Newton (1) Richard Whiteley (2) and Reverend Henry Mills (3) and Thomas Eden Hiron (4) - 28 Sep 1876
294 - Mortgage between Reverend Henry Mills (1) Richard Whiteley (2) - 29 Sep 1876
295 - Appointment of trustee between William Parker (1) Reverend Henry Mills (2) - 2 Nov 1881
296 - Conveyance between Alfed Allen (1) and Reverend Henry Mills (2) - 7 May 1840
297 - Terrier - n.d.
298 - Terrier - n.d.
Expand 2 - Deeds (copies) - 1713-18482 - Deeds (copies) - 1713-1848
Expand 3 - Wills (copies) - 1732-18623 - Wills (copies) - 1732-1862
Expand 4 - Abstracts of title - 1812-18764 - Abstracts of title - 1812-1876
Expand 5 - Acquisition of the Mills estate at Pillerton and Oxhill - 1776-18355 - Acquisition of the Mills estate at Pillerton and Oxhill - 1776-1835
Expand 6 - Land Tax - 1814-18196 - Land Tax - 1814-1819
Expand 7 - Estate of Mary Hippesley - 1841-18567 - Estate of Mary Hippesley - 1841-1856
Expand 8 - East and West Junction Railway - 1864-18728 - East and West Junction Railway - 1864-1872
Expand 9 - Accounts - 1812-18499 - Accounts - 1812-1849
Expand 10 - Surveys - 1808-181710 - Surveys - 1808-1817
Expand 2 - Manorial Records - 1799-19072 - Manorial Records - 1799-1907
Expand 3 - Parish Records - 1698-19093 - Parish Records - 1698-1909

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