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1 - Copy of the Order in Council for the separation of the Ancient Parochial Chapelries of Priors Marston and Lower Shuckburgh from the Vicarage and Parish Church of Priors Hardwick and their respective constitution as separate ecclesiastical parishes and perpetual curacies and benefices of which the Church or Chapel in each Chapelry shall be the Parish Church, 1 Aug 1860. - 1860
2 - Parsonage House: copies of contractual specifications of works to be done and materials to be used in the erection and completion of the parsonage house (as in DR0475/19) detailing the individual work for craftsmen (Excavator, Bricklayer, Stone Mason, Carpenter, Plasterer, Slater, Glazier, Plumber, Ironmonger, Painter and Paper Hanger) room by room and outlining the general contractual conditions, 30 Apr 1862 - 1862
3 - Parsonage House: memorandum of an agreement between the Rev. Charles Reading Bucknill of Nethercote and Mr. William Watson of Napton, Coventry, builder, re the proposed erection of a parsonage house and other works in the parish of Lower Shuckburgh in accordance with plans, sections, specifications and conditions prepared by and to be superintended by John Croft of 26 Wellington St., Islington, London, architect, and a contractual agreement of £1400, 5 May 1862. - 1862
4 - Correspondence from Queen Anne's Bounty re the mortgages in DR0475/18 and DR0475/21 including a printed copy of `Instructions for Surveyors, Papers and Plans required for loans from Queen Anne's Bounty', 27 Jan 1862 - 6 Mar 1897. - 1862-1897
5 - Mortgage of the glebe, tithes, rents, rentcharges and other profits and emoluments of the living of Lower Shuckburgh. - 1862
6 - Mortgage (and Counterpart) of the glebe etc. (as in DR0475/18) for securing the payment of £200 between the Rev. John Worthington, incumbent of the vicarage or perpetual curacy of Nether (or Lower) Shuckburgh, and John Burder of Parliament St., Westminster, gent. (trustee for Queen Anne's Bounty etc. as in DR0475/18) - 1872
7 - Copy of grant of Episcopal Procurations at Visitations, 30 Aug 1877. - 1877
8 - Benefice: statement from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners showing the amount of Metropolitan Consolidated £3 p.c. stock held in trust for the benefice, 29 Apr 1886. - 1886
9 - Vicarage: fire insurance policy for the vicarage at Lower Shuckburgh and its adjoining Stable and Coach House, 3 Mar 1896. - 1896
10 - Glebe: correspondence from the Ecclesiastical Commission re the sale of glebe to the trustees of the late Sir G.J.F. Shuckburgh, baronet, enclosing an attested copy of the conveyance (not found). - 1909
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