Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse 01969 - CENTRAL HOSPITAL, HATTON - 1846-199501969 - CENTRAL HOSPITAL, HATTON - 1846-1995
Collapse 1 - Administration1 - Administration
Expand 2 - Board of Management (from the 1948 Management committee)2 - Board of Management (from the 1948 Management committee)
Collapse 3 - Other committees3 - Other committees
Expand 1 - Buildings sub-committee1 - Buildings sub-committee
Expand 2 - Central Hospital Rehabilitation committee2 - Central Hospital Rehabilitation committee
Expand 3 - Coventry Drugs Liaison committee3 - Coventry Drugs Liaison committee
Expand 4 - Developments sub-committee4 - Developments sub-committee
Expand 5 - Division of Psychiatry committee5 - Division of Psychiatry committee
Expand 6 - Emergency sub-committee6 - Emergency sub-committee
Expand 7 - Farm sub-committee7 - Farm sub-committee
Expand 8 - Finance sub-committee8 - Finance sub-committee
Expand 9 - Group Medical committee9 - Group Medical committee
Expand 10 - Health and Safety committee10 - Health and Safety committee
Expand 11 - House sub-committee11 - House sub-committee
Expand 13 - Inter-departmental committee13 - Inter-departmental committee
Expand 14 - Internal Planning committee14 - Internal Planning committee
Expand 15 - Medical advisory committee15 - Medical advisory committee
Expand 16 - Medical executive committee16 - Medical executive committee
Expand 17 - Medical staff sub-committee17 - Medical staff sub-committee
Expand 18 - Mental Health Nursing Process committee18 - Mental Health Nursing Process committee
Expand 19 - Regional Advisory committee19 - Regional Advisory committee
Expand 20 - Reorganisation sub-committee20 - Reorganisation sub-committee
Collapse 21 - Committee of Visitors21 - Committee of Visitors
Collapse 1 - Minutes1 - Minutes
1 - Committee of Visitors' minute book - 1846-1857
2 - Committee of Visitors' minute book - 1858-1865
3 - Committee of Visitors' minute book - 1865-1871
4 - Committee of Visitors' minute book - 1871-1883
5 - Committee of Visitors' minute book but with annual reports only from 1886. After the formation of the County Council, annual reports were submitted to this body, rather than to Quarter Sessions - 1883-1896
6 - Committee of Visitors' minute book - 1896-1902
7 - Committee of Visitors' minute book - 1902-1908
8 - Committee of Visitors' minute book, with annual reports - 1908-1914
9 - Committee of Visitors' minute book with annual reports - 1914-1918
10 - Committee of Visitors' minute book with annual reports. - 1918-1922
11 - Committee of Visitors' minute book with annual reports, reports from Sub-Committees, etc. - 1922-1926
12 - Committee of Visitors' minute book with annual reports, etc. - 1926-1929
13 - Committee of Visitors' minute book with annual reports, etc. - 1929-1931
14 - Committee of Visitors' minute book with annual report, etc. - 1932-1933
15 - Committee of Visitors' minute book with annual report, etc. - 1934-1935
16 - Committee of Visitors' minute book with annual report, etc - 1935-1936
17 - Committee of Visitors' minute book with annual report, etc. - 1936-1937
18 - Committee of Visitors' minute book, with annual report, etc. - 1937-1938
19 - Committee of Visitors' minute book with annual report, etc - 1938-1939
20 - Committee of Visitors' minute book with annual report, etc. - 1939-1940
21 - Committee of Visitors' minute book with annual report, etc. - 1940-1941
22 - Committee of Visitors' minute book with annual report, etc - 1941-1942
23 - Committee of Visitors' minute book with annual report, etc. - 1942-1943
24 - Committee of Visitors' minute book, with annual report, etc. - 1943-1944
25 - Committee of Visitors' minute book, with annual report, etc. - 1944-1945
26 - Committee of Visitors' minute book, with annual report, etc. - 1945-1946
27 - Committee of Visitors' minute book, with annual report, etc. - 1945-1947
28 - Committee of Visitors' minutes - 1947-1948
29 - Visiting Panel: signed reports and quarterly meeting minutes - 1974-1981
Expand 2 - Reports2 - Reports
Expand 3 - Visitors books3 - Visitors books
Expand 4 - Files and other records4 - Files and other records
Expand 22 - WCLA drainage sub-committee22 - WCLA drainage sub-committee
Expand 23 - Miscellaneous committee records23 - Miscellaneous committee records
Expand 4 - Finance4 - Finance
Expand 5 - Staff records5 - Staff records
Expand 6 - Property6 - Property
Expand 7 - General Administration files7 - General Administration files
Expand 2 - Clinical Records2 - Clinical Records
Expand 3 - The Chapel3 - The Chapel
Expand 4 - Printed4 - Printed
Expand 5 - Photographic5 - Photographic
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous6 - Miscellaneous
Expand D12 - Twelfth deposit (CR2782)D12 - Twelfth deposit (CR2782)

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