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Collapse 01969 - CENTRAL HOSPITAL, HATTON - 1846-199501969 - CENTRAL HOSPITAL, HATTON - 1846-1995
Expand 1 - Administration1 - Administration
Collapse 2 - Clinical Records2 - Clinical Records
Collapse 1 - In-Patient files1 - In-Patient files
Collapse 1 - Admission registers1 - Admission registers
Expand 1 - Male Patients1 - Male Patients
Expand 2 - Female patients2 - Female patients
Collapse 3 - Mixed registers3 - Mixed registers
1 - Register of admissions, male and female, Nos. 2500-5389. - Jan 1876-Jul 1894
2 - Register of admissions, Nos. 1-2499 - 1852-1875
3 - "Register of Patients" marked F, male and female, Nos.5390-6144. - 1894-1897
4 - "Register of Patients" marked G, male and female, Nos. 6145-6783. - 1897-1900
5 - "Register of Patients" marked H, male and female, Nos. 6784-7456. - 1900-1902
6 - "Register of Patients" marked I, male and female, Nos. 7457-8129. - 1902-1905
7 - "Register of Patients" marked J, male and female, Nos. 8130-8425. - 1905-1906
8 - Civil register marked K of male and female pauper patients, Nos. 8426-9098. - 1907-1909
9 - Civil register marked L of male and female pauper patients, Nos. 9099-9772. - 1909-1912
10 - Civil registers marked M of male and female pauper patients, Nos. 9773-10,447. - 1912-1915
11 - Civil registers marked M of male and female pauper patients, Nos. 9773-10,447. - 1915-1918
12 - Civil register marked O of male and female pauper patients, Nos. 11,122-11,796. - 1918-1921
13 - Civil register marked P of male and female pauper patients, Nos. 11,797-12,470. - 1921-1923
14 - Civil register marked Q of male and female pauper patients, Nos. 12,471-13,105. - 1923-1926
15 - Civil register of male and female pauper patients, Nos. 13,106-14,168 - 1927-1930
16 - Civil register of certified patients, Nos. 14,170-15648. - 1931-1935
17 - Civil register of certified patients, Nos. 15,652-18,146 - 1935-1941
18 - Civil register of certified patients, Nos. 18,149-23,532 - 1941-1948
19 - Register of patients admitted - 1948-1954
20 - Register of patients admitted - 1954-1957
21 - Register of patients admitted - 1957-1958
22 - Register of patients admitted - 1958-1959
23 - Register of patients admitted - 1959-1960
24 - Register of patients received from the asylum at Rubery Hill, Birmingham, 1915; from Berrywood, Northants. 1915-1918; from Littlemore, Oxon., 1918-1920. - 1915-1920
25 - "Admission Book" - 1955-1958
26 - Admission book - 1958-1960
27 - Admission book - 1960-1962
28 - "Admissions, discharges deaths" - 1962
29 - Admission book - 1963-1965
30 - Admission book - 1965-1967
31 - Admission book - 1967-1970
32 - Admission book - 1970-1972
33 - Admission book - 1973-1974
34 - Admission book - 1975-1977
35 - Index to register of admissions, covering patients, Nos.1-4942. - c.1852-1892
36 - Index to register of patients, covering patients at the asylum from c.1896-c.1924, entries having been said to have been made up to No. 12,656. - c.1896-c.1924
37 - Criminal patients: admission and discharge register. - 1897-1906
38 - Volume entitled "Admissions", giving names of patients, age, sex, religion, etc. and classifying mental ilness. Compare CR 1664/495 and CR 1664/512. - 1899-1906
39 - Volume entitled "Admissions" giving lists of patients of both sexes, their date of admission, their union and reference to the clothing and cash they had brought with them - 1914-1924
40 - ".W.C.L.A. Numerical List 1920": numerical list of admissions, discharges and deaths (male and female). - 1920-1939
41 - "Register of admission 1931", containing lists of patients numbered from 1 throughout, dates of admission, class, record of visits made [by members of the Visiting Committee] to patients and any subsequent action taken. Visits were invariably made to temporary patients. - 1931-1948
42 - Four orders for admission: male and female - 1935
43 - "Daily Number [B]ook": daily list of numbers and of admissions, discharges and deaths. - 1940-1948
44 - Original bundle of provisions issue sheets, April-June. - 1944
45 - "General Register" - 1948-1950
46 - Admissions register from 1st February to 31st July 1952, male and female, numbers 27195-27693. - 1952
47 - Alphabetical register of male and female patients at Leigh House (for private patients?) - 1957-1962
49 - "General Register" - 1961-1962
50 - "Patients' Movements" book - 4 Apr 1961-24 May 1972
Expand 4 - Private patients (Leigh House)4 - Private patients (Leigh House)
Expand 5 - Voluntary and temporary patients5 - Voluntary and temporary patients
Expand 6 - Other files relating to admissions6 - Other files relating to admissions
Expand 2 - Patient reports and certificates2 - Patient reports and certificates
Expand 3 - Patients on leave3 - Patients on leave
Expand 4 - Other files relating to in-patients4 - Other files relating to in-patients
Expand 2 - Out-Patient files2 - Out-Patient files
Expand 3 - Treatment Records3 - Treatment Records
Expand 4 - Case Papers4 - Case Papers
Expand 5 - Ward Records5 - Ward Records
Expand 6 - Patient Departure Records6 - Patient Departure Records
Expand 7 - Other records relating to patients7 - Other records relating to patients
Expand 3 - The Chapel3 - The Chapel
Expand 4 - Printed4 - Printed
Expand 5 - Photographic5 - Photographic
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous6 - Miscellaneous
Expand D12 - Twelfth deposit (CR2782)D12 - Twelfth deposit (CR2782)

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