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Collapse 01969 - CENTRAL HOSPITAL, HATTON - 1846-199501969 - CENTRAL HOSPITAL, HATTON - 1846-1995
Expand 1 - Administration1 - Administration
Collapse 2 - Clinical Records2 - Clinical Records
Expand 1 - In-Patient files1 - In-Patient files
Expand 2 - Out-Patient files2 - Out-Patient files
Expand 3 - Treatment Records3 - Treatment Records
Expand 4 - Case Papers4 - Case Papers
Expand 5 - Ward Records5 - Ward Records
Collapse 6 - Patient Departure Records6 - Patient Departure Records
Expand 1 - Composite departure, removals & death registers1 - Composite departure, removals & death registers
Collapse 2 - Transfer registers2 - Transfer registers
1 - Transfer of patients: original bundle of papers regarding the transfer of patients from the London County Asylums at Cane Hill Purley, Surrey, Hanwell, Claybury Essex and Wandsworth Asylum, Surrey to Warwick County Asylum, sometimes via other asylums, 1895-1898 (1863-1897). - 1863-1898
2 - Transfer of patients: bundle of patients' papers (1871-1910) on the transfer of patients from Hatton chargeable to Birmingham Union to the North Riding Asylum, Clifton, York., January 1914. See also CR 1664/555 - 1871-1914
3 - Transfer of patients between Birmingham and Warwick, 1891-1922: patients' papers including orders of admission (1873-1921). Many of the transfers took place in 1922. - 1873-1922
4 - Transfer of patients: order for the removal of fourteen pauper lunatics to Hatton from the asylum at Rubery Hill, Birmingham, with certificate stating that they are fit to travel. - 1889
5 - Transfer of patients: file of patients' papers respecting transfers between Birmingham and Hatton, 1914, 1920-1921, including orders of admission etc., dating from 1889. - 1889-1921
6 - Transfer of patients: original bundle containing orders for the admission of eight Sussex patients received in 1895; papers concerning the removal of two criminal patients to Hatton, 1927-1929; admission orders for temporary patients, some of them transferred from other asylums, 1931-1936; correspondence, 1927-1930. - 1895-1936
7 - Transfer of patients: papers originally found in a box file entitled "City of Birmingham Male Patients now resident": patients' papers dating back to 1899 concerning transfers of 1910-1912, 1920, 1922, 1930-1933. Agreement between the Visiting Committees of Hatton Asylum and Birmingham City Asylum regarding contracted out patients, 1911. Report of inspection of service patients, 1934. Correspondence with the City Asylums office, London, about accommodation at Hatton for patients from London 1911, correspondence about maintenance of Birmingham patients, 1911. - 1899-1933
8 - Transfer of patients: lists of female patients detained under contract, early 20th century, with orders for admission of six of them (1906-1915). Order for the removal of patients from Rubery Hill, Birmingham, 1912, and memoranda concerning this. - c.1906-1920
9 - Transfer of patients: correspondence concerning the boarding out by Birmingham Asylum of Aston Patients at Hatton under contract. - 1911
10 - Transfer of patients: envelope which probably once contained CR 1664/557, containing a list of patients, their ages, employment and whether they were epileptic etc. or not. The envelope is endorsed as follows: "Letter from Clerk to Asylums Committee, Birmingham re - Aston Cases & other Communications on the subject. For Committee June 1911". - c.1911
11 - Transfer of patients: file of papers in connection with transfers of patients between Hatton, Hollymoor and Rubery Hill, Birmingham. - 1915,1920
12 - Transfer of patients: file of orders for admission of patients transferred elsewhere on 28th Oct. 1919 (1916-1919), with some correspondence, etc. - 1916-1919
13 - Transfer of patients: list of Northampton patients transferred to Hatton, 1915-1919 - c.1919
14 - Transfer of patients: medical certificates on discharge from Coventry Union to Hatton. - 1920
15 - Transfer of patients: case notes of a private patient transferred to Hatton. Origin of case notes not known. - 1923
Expand 3 - Discharge registers3 - Discharge registers
Expand 4 - Registers of patients on trial absence, leave or transfer4 - Registers of patients on trial absence, leave or transfer
Expand 5 - Death registers5 - Death registers
Expand 6 - Notice of Death6 - Notice of Death
Expand 7 - Post mortem files7 - Post mortem files
Expand 8 - Burial records8 - Burial records
Expand 9 - Mortuary files9 - Mortuary files
Expand 10 - Other files relating to patient departure10 - Other files relating to patient departure
Expand 7 - Other records relating to patients7 - Other records relating to patients
Expand 3 - The Chapel3 - The Chapel
Expand 4 - Printed4 - Printed
Expand 5 - Photographic5 - Photographic
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous6 - Miscellaneous
Expand D12 - Twelfth deposit (CR2782)D12 - Twelfth deposit (CR2782)

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