Description | Minutes of the Town Council, 1973-2005; 2 maps of the borough of Warwick, 1920s; 3 engravings of Warwick Priory, c mid 19th cent; Allotment rent book; photograph albums (8); Warwick races spring meeting photographs, 1949; insurance photographs; visitors' book re HMS Herald, 1985; general notices/disclosures; court leet agendas and minutes, 2004-2008 & summons, 1982-2002; annual parish meetings, 1974; minutes of the Town Council, 1957 & 1958; correspondence re funds, St Mary's Commonable lands; annual accounts, 2007; Warwick Castle Clock Tower Greeting Card; Charities Act, 1960; Borough of Warwick standing orders, 20 May 1970. |