Description | Compiled by the Rev. C. Heaton comprising copies of out-letters alongside their replies (pasted in and affixed with paper fasteners) to and from the Secretary of the National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church, Canon Thorn of Stoneleigh (Hon. Sec. of The Church Extension Society), the large property owners and colliery proprietors in Ansley and Messrs. R. Scrivener & Sons of Hanley (Staffs.), architects, re the financial condition of the school (inadequate annual income and the need to raise additional sums of money by voluntary rate to fulfil the Education Department's requirement of enlarging the school), the proposed enlargement of the school (School Extension Fund) and averting the formation of a School Board etc. with references to the grant of land by trust deed on which the school is built, Managers' appointments and powers etc., the distribution of wealth, population, and social structure of the parish (land ownership and occupancy etc). Also includes correspondence from G.A. Heaton of Endon (nr. Stoke-on-Trent), the vicar's brother, re school fees, attendance, voluntary rating, and management etc. at Endon C.E. School (as compared with Ansley). The book also contained a memorandum re salaries and numbers of pupils (1894/7), a MS Statement of Accounts (1893/4), a detailed list of property owners in Ansley (includes names, descriptions of property, respective values, occupiers' names etc.) and sundry cuttings collected by Heaton (see also Enclosures) from national and local correspondence re, inter alia, voluntary rating of Church Schools (as opposed to Board Schools), the new Educational code, Examinations in Drawing and related subjects. Enclosed: related correspondence inserted into the book in the appropriate sequential/chronological places (DR0298/150/1-5); related corres. (pr. and MS) from the National Society, 1894-1896(DR0298/150/6-16), R. Scrivener & Sons of Hanley, architects and valuers (enclosing detailed plan, sections and elevations of the proposed additions. Coloured. Cloth 8ft. = 1". 1895), 1894-1895(17-21), Ansley Hall Coal and Iron Co. Ltd. of Atherstone re rates (includes a reference to the "laying down of a brick-making plant" in Ansley), 1894-1895(DR0298/150/22-24), Peace & Norquoy of Manchester, makers of folding partitions, and Hodkinson & Co. Ltd. of Birmingham (enclosing illustrated advertising circulars re folding and revolving shutter partitions), 1895(DR0298/150/25-33); bundle of estimates and tenders for building work/alterations at the school, 1895(DR0298/150/34-38), correspondence from The Midland Educational Co. Ltd. of Birmingham re furnishings (includes a richly illustrated letterhead, 1896(DR0298/150/39-41); sundry correspondence re subscriptions towards the enlargement fund (includes draft out-letters), 1895-1896(DR0298/150/42-50); letter from J.T. Thorn (U.S.) of Broseley (Salop) thanking the vicar for sending him the balance sheets, 14 Sep. 1897(DR0298/150/51); MS pencilled jottings re monies (fee grant, subscriptions etc.) et al (DR0298/150/52-56); printed material related to the correspondence book comprising Managers' circular correspondence inviting annual subscriptions from parishioners, 29 Sep. 1874(DR0298/150/57); Statements of account, 1895-1896(DR0298/150/58-62); circular Notices of Quarterly Meetings of the Church Extension Society (Coventry Archdeaconry), 26 Aug. 1895(DR0298/150/63-65); printed constitution of the Church Schools' Association for the Diocese of Worcester (Voluntary Schools Act, 1897), (DR0298/150/66-67); Collecting Card for The Church Defence Institution (DR0298/150/68); statements of account for Endon Parochial School, 1895/7 (DR0298/150/69-70); cuttings from Lichfield Diocesan Magazine, Worcester Diocesan Magazine, The Nuneaton Chronicle (newspaper) and Church Bells relating to the Voluntary Schools Bill, raising money for voluntary rates (financing Voluntary Schools etc.) and the subject of Voluntary Schools v. Board Schools, 1894-1897(DR0298/150/71-85); sundry newspaper cuttings (national and local), collected by Heaton, relating to maintenance of voluntary schools, the Voluntary School controversy (1895), religious teaching in Day Schools (1897), miscellaneous related cuttings (dated, 1894-1899, and then undated) re the Elementary Education question, enlargement/extension of schools, Church School Improvement Funds etc. (DR0298/150/86-112). |