
TitleWhalley and others to Craklowe.
Date21 May 1491
DescriptionThom. Whalley and others as DR142/15 all of Sowtham of one part; John Craklowe son and heir of Thom. Craklowe of the other part. Shows that Whalley and the others by unanimous consent demise to John Craklowe one messuage and 14 acres of land and appurtenances in the town and fields of Sowtham. Which property formerly belonged to said John Craklowe and which Whalley and the others formerly held in fee simple by concession of Henry Osbarne, then sole feoffee of the said John Craklowe who fully renounced all claim against Whalley and the others. Property now released by Whalley and the others to said John Craklowe and his assigns for the life of the said John with service to the chief lords, rendering annually to Whalley and the others one red rose on the Nativity of St. John Baptist if demanded. And the said John during the said term shall repair and maintain the messuage and the hedges and fences of the said land (pdtm mesuagiu necnon omiodas cepes & clausur' t're pdte spectan sive ptinen during the said term and at the end of it shall demise to the claimants for a sufficient redemption a fine appropriate and agreed (ac ea sufficient' repat' in fine eiusdem t'mini dimitted sumptibz ppriis & expensis). Sealed in turn (five unmarked lumps of wax). Dated at Southam 21 May 6 Henry VII.
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