
TitleHeywood, Emson and Goldman to Spencer.
Date15 Sep 1392
DescriptionJoh. Heiwod, Joh. Emsone and Will. Goldman, all of Southam, give and confirm to Will. Spencer bailiff of the same 3 acres of arable land in the fields of Southam:
Quarum una dicta acra iacet subtus Le Waldwey iux. terr. Joh. Emsone sen.
Alia dicta acra iacet apud Volquabbe iux. terr. Will. Goldman
Alia dicta acria iacet apud Hassokuspol iux. terr. Will. Northfolk
Alia apud Foulterne iux. terr. Ric. Trewman
Alia dicta acra iacet apud Middulforlongt iux. terr. Joh. Bedell
Alia apud Dyngelet iux. terr. Will. Spencer
With appurtenances, Will to pay annually for the chief lords' fee "unū &gmacron;nū frument'" (? one measure of corn) at the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist for all services and trespasses against the king's health. Givers will warrant and defend him imperpetuum. Sealed (one indecipherable, one marked "I" and one marked "W"). Witnesses: Ric. Jones, Thom. Catesone, Joh. Emsone jun., Ric. Landeslaw, Ric. Smyth and others. Dated at Southam Sunday after Exaltation of the Cross 16 Richard II.
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