Description | Bond of Dorothy Enyon of Bishops Itchington, widow, in £3000 to Sir Thomas Puckering of the Priory near the borough of Warwick, knight and baronet, to carry out the terms of an agreement by James Enyon, husband of Dorothy, esquire, deceased, made before his death, to convey lands, tenements and hereditaments in Warwickshire and Northamptonshire to Jane, wife of James Enyon, esquire, son of James and Dorothy, to the clear annual value of £200 for the term of her life as her jointure, the conveyance to be made before 1 Aug 1634 or, in default of that, Sir Thomas to receive £2000 on 2 Aug 1634: if the conveyance is not made or £2000 not delivered, Dorothy will pay £500 to Sir Thomas. 16 June 8 Chas 1632. Seal: red, of Dorothy Enyon, damaged and now in two parts,attached by tongue. Preamble in Latin, conditions in English. |