
TitleAppointment by King James I to Sir Thomas Puckering, as Steward and Warden of the Demesne of Warwick
Date10 Mar 1613
DescriptionLetters Patent of King James granting Thomas Puckeringe, knight and baronet, the office of steward and warden of the court leet and view of frankpledge of the demesne of Warwick, once belonging to John, Duke of Northumberland, after the death of Ambrose, Earl of Warwick, who died without heir, and granted to Henry, late Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall and Cheshire, being a fee worth £20 a year.
Dated at Westminster, 10 March 10 Jas.
Seal: of Court of Exchequer, brown, partially damaged but repaired with yellow wax, attached by tag.
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