
TitleAgreement between John Wightwicke and Sir Thomas Puckering, relating to trusts of the Wightwicke family
Date17 Jul 1617
DescriptionDeed of agreement between John Wightwicke of Inner Temple, London, and Sir Thomas Puckeringe of Warwick, knight and baronet, for Sir Thomas to hold £200 in trust, to be used to provide an annuity of £20 to Bridgett, wife of John Wightwicke, should John die, or to be delivered back to John Wightwicke should Bridget die first, contingent upon John Wightwicke carrying out his covenant with James Kirton by indenture of 20 May last past to convey to him all his messuages, lands, tenements, rents and hereditaments before next Easter, to the use of John or Bridget for their lives and those of Sir Thomas, James Kirton and Humfrey Selwood for the term of 80 years.
17 July 15 Jas.
Seal (for Thomas Puckering) and tag missing.
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