Description | Deed of grant by John Weale, woollen draper, and John Welton, baker, both of the borough of Warwick and churchwardens of the church of St Mary, Warwick, to Sir Henry Puckeringe alias Newton, baronet, of the great pew then divided into two parts in the body of parish church of St Mary in the borough of Warwick, between the north and middle aisles, with two adjacent outseats, previously held by Sir Thomas Puckeringe, to be held for the lives of Sir Henry, Dame Elizabeth and their son Henry for their use and that of servants and family, in consideration of £3. Seals: two remnants attached by tags, with signatures John Weale and John Welton. Endorsed with memorandum that Sir Henry had been placed in the pew and seats in accordance with the terms of the grant during divine service on Easter Day [10 April] 1653. |