
TitleVolume of copies of charters relating to the Earls of Warwick
Datemid 18th century
DescriptionManuscript book containing copies of grants and charters, mostly in Latin, with English catalogue descriptions, with "Hen. Wise 1741" written on back of front cover.
From front, the following are copied:
Charter of Roger, Earl of Warwick, to his canons of Warwick, of the church of St Mary, Warwick, early 12th cent:
Letter of Thomas, Archhbishop of Canterbury, against encroachment on the burial ground of the Priory of St Sepulchre, c1162-1170:
Mandate of the Bishop of Hereford to compel the canons of Warwick to stand by agreements with Prior Ralph, mid-late 12th cent:
Grant by Thomas Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, to the town and merchants of Warwick, of freedom from tolls, feast of Circumcision of the Lord [1 Jan] 1358:
Grant by Thomas, Duke of Surrey and Earl of Warwick, to the Collegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick, of the advowsons of the churches of St Nicholas and Laurence in Warwick, 24 Jul 22 Ric II [1398]:
Inspeximus of articles between the King and Richard Beauchamp on the governorship of France and Normandy (in English), 11 May 15 Hen VI [1437]:
Grant by Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, to George Hertill, of land called Christians land at Woodcote, 30 June 15 Hen VI [1437]:
Grant by Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, to the Collegiate Church of Warwick, of a piece of waste ground to enlarge its churchyard and garden, 12 April 33 Hen VI [1455]:
Grant by the Prior and Convent of St Sepulchre to Amice Marelyne, of 5 shillings rent and food in consideration of her estate at Claverdon, made c25 Hen III [1240-1241]:
Part of the letters patent confirming the ancient rights and privileges of the Borough of Warwick, 5 Will & Mary [1693-1694].
Extracts from page 46 [of the Gesta Regum Anglorum] by William of Malmesbury:
From the back (upside down), the following deeds are copied:
Notes on references to Mills Street of the Lepers, 1309, and Dog Lane, later "Oilmil Lane" and Prory Gate, time of Edw II:
Grant by William, Earl of Warwick, to Alan, of the office of the kitchen of his household and lands,land in Woodloes, late 12th century:
Grant by William, Earl of Warwick, to Alan, of the office of the kitchen of his household and lands, late 12th century (numbered W2, original deed now at CR 26/1/1/38):
Grant by William, Earl of Warwick, to Godwin merchant of Warwick, of a grange [or grove] between the two Woodcotes, late 12th century (original deed now at CR 26/1/1/1):
Quitclaim by Walerand, Earl of Warwick to his cook Alan, of of the office of the kitchen of his household and lands, late12th century (numbered W3, original now at CR 26/1/1/39).
Marbled, limp card covers.
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