Description | Letter (341/142) written from BP [Bagshot Park]: thanks for his obliging letter: the comfort of being assured Sophia is well in terms of health and that Mr Alexander found her looks and appearance of the eye improved: no expectation of a better report on her eyes, having watched her for the last 10 days: hopes for the success of her nephew's operation: her delight at receiving Sir Wathen at Bagshot Park, and hopes of doing so often, being aware of the family obligations to him and having a sincere regard for him: supposition of his having had good reports of his son, and trusts he has had no return of a headache on leaving Bagshot Park. Dated 9 September, year not given, paper watermarked 1828, but details in the letter suggest 1833. Sheet, with 4 pages of text. Envelope (341/143), addressed to Sir Wathen Waller, New Cavendish Street |