
TitleLetter from Ernest, Duke of Cumberland, to Sir Jonathan Wathen Waller
Date3 Apr 1826
DescriptionWritten from Berlin, addressed to Phippy.
Being perplexed to hear of Waller complaining at being forgotten by him: his not having been forgotten, but no receipt of any correspondence from Waller since he last saw him in England in 1823: his great regard and friendship for him, with hope of hearing from him: his anxiety on his brother's dangerous attack of ill health, but relief to find he is convalescent: all his brothers having been ill during the winter, with thanks to Providence for the regular life he leads: his son thankfully enjoying perfect health: hope of Waller being well, asking whether he is a grandfather yet and whether Mrs Jarrett and his other daughter are well.
Sheet, with 3½ pages of text.
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