
TitleLetter from Ernest, Duke of Cumberland, to Sir Jonathan Wathen Waller
Date11 Jun 1827
DescriptionWritten from Berlin, addressedto Phippy.
Waller's likely pleasure at receiving a few lines to prove how perfectly he has recovered his sight: his ability to see at distance, now being long rather than short-sighted: suffering pains in his head after first going out, but not effecting his eye in any way: the unanimity of the profession in their opinion about his perfect and wonderful cure, something he thought would interest JWW: hope of improvement of Waller's health and being able to enjoy himself: satisfaction at the appointment of his own brother William as Lord High Admiral, with no doubts of him fulfilingl the confidence placed in him: being sure the King will have born the worry created by an attack of gout and be quite well again.
Sheet, with 3ΒΌ pages of text.
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