
TitleAssignment of a mortgage on several closes of land and a messuage and outbuildings in Austrey
Date14 June 1836
DescriptionBetween John Minion of Atherstone, carpenter; John Smith of Austrey, farmer; and Joseph Thompson of Attleborough, farmer. In a mortgage dated 25 Apr 1825, between John Smith mortgaged to John Minion [by demise for 1000 years], several closes of arable, meadow and pasture ground in Austrey being the Top Field, containing 2 acres 3 rods 4 perches; the Little Field of Shoulder of Mutton Close, containing 1 acre 3 roods 18 perches; the second Little Field, containing 1 acre 2 roods 11 perches; the Red Meadow, containing 2 acres 2 roods 7 perches; all of which contain together 8 acres 3 roods and were previously occupied by Edward Slater, and then by John Smith. The value of the mortgage was £300. John Smith subsequently erected a messuage, stable, cowhouse and other outbuildings on the piece of ground called the second Little Field (containing 1 acre 2 roods 11 perches) 'at a very considerable expense' and required further accommodation to be built on the land. He thus applied to Joseph Thompson to advance the sum of £500 to him to pay for the new buildings and also to settle his debt of £300 to John Minion. In this present indenture, the mortgage of £300 is assigned to Joseph Thompson and extended by a further £200. The mortgage is secured on the several closes of arable, meadow and pasture ground, as well as the messuage with a stable, cowhouse and other outbuildings, garden and orchard lately built by John Smith. John Smith agrees to insure the messuage and other premises from fire damage for the sum of £200
Consideration: £500
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