Description | Minutes of the committees and sub-committees of Warwickshire County Council dating from its creation in 1888 until local government reorganisation in 1974.
Warwickshire County Council was established following the Local Government Act in 1888 and the first full meeting of the Council was held in April 1889. It took over many of the administrative duties that had previously been dealt with at the Quarter Sessions, including maintenance of the highways, bridges and county buildings, licensing, control of animal diseases, appointment of county officers and rating and valuation. The county police force was administered jointly between the County Council and the Quarter Sessions through the Standing Joint Committee until 1964.
Records from the Quarter Sessions can be found in the QS series.
Access to the papers of Warwickshire County Council is governed by the rules applied by The National Archives (formerly the Public Record Office). Minutes of Warwickshire County Council and its committees are generally open for public inspection, but there are some exceptions. Sub-committee papers, especially those which contain details of named individuals, are usually unavailable for general access. The catalogue description of each item has been marked either available or unavailable for general access accordingly. Requests for information from those that are unavailable for general access should be made in writing to Warwickshire County Record Office. |