Description | 1. To Mother [Mary Townsend] from Nagasaki, regarding journey from Woosing; the weather; Nagasaki; trip to Takeo by train during his leave and staying at a Japanese hotel; seeing the Gushu dancers, temples and the brick pottery works; and bathing in hot sulphur baths [26 Jul 1901]. 2. To Mother [Mary Townsend] from Wei Hai Wei [Weihai], referring to his Father's death and the difficulties of returning home [10 Aug 1901]. 3. To Mother [Mary Townsend] from Wei Hai Wei, regarding future movements to Taku; question of returning home; and Rugby papers from Aunt Jue [Julia Worth Townsend] [7 Sep 1901]. 4. To Mother [Mary Townsend] from Taku, referring to receipt of letters and papers; the death of his father; next steps; the papers; Taku; leave; Te[nitsen?] and Peking 'where all the fighting was last year' [during the Boxer Rebellion]; the Greaghs; and Maude's birthday [24 Sep 1901]. 5. To Uncle John [Hands Townsend] from Taku, regarding his Father's last illness and death; the difficulty of returning to England; their present anchorage and leave in Te[nitsen?]; and Peking [27 Sep 1901]. 6. To Mother [Mary Townsend] from Taku, referring to taking the house in Rugby; money matters; a man to look after various property; finding a lawyer for the legacy duty; and journey to Hong Kong [21 Oct 1901]. |