
TitleDiary ('No. IX')
Date25 Dec 1900-24 Apr 1905
DescriptionWith frequent references to weather, health, cycling, playing golf, attending religious services and visiting family. Entries increasingly less detailed and consistent and more sporadic. Note: Speight marks 1 Jan 1901 as 'The New Centuary' [sic].

Includes references to: returning to Lichfield [31 Dec 1900]; flooding for Clare, Gulliver and Nuneaton Market Square [31 Dec, 7 Jan 1901]; having typhoid fever and the health of the Queen [no entries 9-17 Jan]; the death of Queen Victoria [22 Jan]; terminating engagement with Varney [30 Jan]; blood test from ear for typhoid [5 Feb]; treatment of typhoid by diet [7 Feb]; leaving Lichfield [27 Feb]; Speight and brother Clare advertising for a business [9 Mar]; Rugby Hunt Steeplechase [14 Mar]; Clare's thoughts about Nuneaton and looking for a new business, looking after his brother's business in Nuneaton [23 Mar-1 Apr]; photographing machine at Stanley's works [28 Mar]; return from Africa of 'Charley Clare's old boy' [30 Mar]; visit to St Albans with view to setting up business there [3 Apr]; visiting Charley [3-4 Apr]; Great Central trip to Aylesbury Races and being 'caught by sharpers' [11 Apr]; Coventry volunteers back from South Africa [30 Apr]; looking round Tamworth with view to business [23 May]; looking round Banbury and having photograph taken at Beale's [studio], returning with father the next day [29-30 May]; looking round Stafford, Uttoxeter, Burton [upon Trent] and Leicester [4 Jun], Coalville [5 Jun] and Banbury again [5 Jun]; Lottie's marriage [15 Jun, 8 Jul]; looking round Wellington and Shrewsbury [18 Jun]; looking after Gull's business [25-26 Jun]; re-visiting Shrewsbury [3-5 Jul]; Clare's new motor tricycle [4 Aug]; James buying business in Sutton Coldfield [31 Aug]; death of Harry Turner of Lichfield in a train accident [9 Sep]; assassination of the US president [William McKinley] [14 Sep]; looking round Stratford with a view to business [9 Oct]; death of Mr Whitlock the photographer at West Bromwich [18 Oct, see CR4453/1]; setting up a studio at the Mount, Victoria Road, Sutton Coldfield [4 Jan 1902 onwards]; buying equipment in London [18 Jan]; buying lenses [23 Jan]; visiting Clare for equipment and 'a large silk factory' [29 Jan]; leaving home 'for good' [25 Feb]; the building of the studio [27 Mar]; first sitter [29 Mar]; progress of business [24 Apr]; peace in South Africa [1 Jun]; King Edward VII's coronation and its postponement [23 Jun, 22 Jul, 9 Aug]; Wolverhampton exhibition [27 Jun 1902]; father's health [25 Dec 1903]; opening of 'the Club House Ltd' ('a middle class social Club') [28 Jan 1904]; Henry's financial situation [7 Mar]; cycling to Leamington and visiting Warwick castle [2 Apr]; death of fellow lodger Mr Robertson [16 Apr]; having lunch at 'the Bungalow' at Kings Bromley [23 May]; visiting Stratford, dining at the 'George in the Tree' at Berkswell on the way [31 Jul]; and his father's illness ('Bright's Disease') [25 Dec 1905].

Cover loose. Continued in No.X [CR4453/10].
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