
TitleW.C.C. Education Committee: artificial bundle of correspondence and papers from the Education Committee (and Atherstone R.D.C.) found as enclosures and loose etc. (see below)
DescriptionComprising circular letter drawing attention to s.13 of the 1902 Education Act re Endowments (and related corres.), 1903-1904(DR0298/153/1-2); cutting from The Nuneaton Chronicle re a Committee meeting re children's attendance at Church on Saints' Days, 1905(DR0298/153/3); corres. re proposed Day School Garden, 1919 (DR0298/153/4-5, ?6); pr. circular How a Boy or Girl can become a Teacher, 1919(DR0298/153/7); corres. re School Painting Account, 1921(DR0298/153/8); pr. circular re Scale of Charges for Heating and Lighting, 1922(DR0298/153/9); TS flimsy H.M. Inspector's report, 1923(DR0298/153/10); form corres. to the School Correspondent covering enclosure of Committee's Rules and Regulations (not found), 1924(DR0298/153/11); Education Committee Quarterly Circular, Nov. 1926, May and Nov. 1927(DR0298/153/12-14); corres. re increase in caretaker's salary, 1927(DR0298/153/15); corres. enclosing Board of Education's formal approval to the transfer to the Council of land required for the improvement of the Birmingham to Nuneaton County Road and Counterpart engrossment of the Agreement for Dedication of the land with plans (cloth (affixed to deed) and paper (loose)) of the proposed improvements at Church End (showing the junction of the A47 with the B4112, and the school playground as affected by the same. Scale, 1:500), 1936(DR0298/153/16-20); corres. re the reorganisation of the school (from 10 Oct. 1945) as a primary school for junior, mixed and infant children (senior pupils to attend the "Herbert Fowler" C. School at Arley), 1945(DR0298/153/21-22); corres. from Atherstone R.D.C. re examination of the school well water, 1946(DR0298/153/23); duplicate receipt of monies payable by the Education Committee, ?1948(DR0298/153/24); corres. from W.C.C. re staffing at the school (with copies of testimonials)', 1948(DR0298/153/25-27); re the water supply to the school, 1948(DR0298/153/28-30); W.C.C. pr. Specification of Internal Decorations to the School Buildings with attached plan of School Buildings (showing all rooms), playground and gardens (surveyed July 1945). Scale, 1:500 1948(DR0298/153/31-32); corres. re Ansley playing field and delivery access to the School, 1948-1949(DR0298/153/33-37); corres. re the provision of wire netting for the playground and white-washing the lavatories, 1949(DR0298/153/38); corres. re application for immediate controlled status (see also DR0298/154), 1949(DR0298/15339-42); re list of managers, 1949(DR0298/153/43-44); re inspection of electric wiring, 1949(DR0298/153/45-47); re conversion of pail closets to water closets, 1950(DR0298/153/48); re Application for immediate Controlled Status (includes a report by the County Architect on the condition of the school premises and a statement summarizing results of the Application), 1950(DR0298/153/49-57); re staffing, 1950(DR0298/153/58-59); re Insurance of Controlled Schools, 1950(DR0298/153/60).
N.B. DR0298/153/1-3, 28-37 and DR0298/153/43-59 were found within DR0298/148; DR0298/153/4-9 and DR0298/153/10-15 as enclosures in DR0298/110 and DR0298/153/16-27, 38-42 and DR0298/153/60 loose in the deposit.
AccessConditionsDR0298/153/25-27, 33-37 and 58-59 are unavailable for general access. Please contact us for guidance.
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