Description | Note concerning the family of Wm. Holtam, 1771-1783; agreement between Wm. Hill and the parishioners of Aston Cantlow to maintain the two youngest children of Widow Hill, 1749; inventories of the goods of Richard Oakly, 1768 and John Coal, 1775; receipt for payment in lieu of the provision of 2 militia men, 1771; petition from Wm. King, John Hunt and John Cole in the House of Correction in Warwick for leaving their families chargeable to the parish: they seek remission of their sentence and promise future good behaviour, 1783; appointment form for surveyors of the highways including instructions as to their responsibilities, 1807; notice of bailiff of Stratford upon Avon of a fine of £200 to be imposed on Aston for the non-repair of its highways, 1812; printed abstract of the account for the amendment and preservation of the highways of 1814; papers relative to the sale of parish property including the order (1837) of the Poor Law Commissioners charging the overseers to sell the property, 1836-1837; declaration in the Exchequer of Pleas regarding property in the parish, 1839. Churchwardens' receipt, 1919. |