
TitleInvasion preparations (Napoleonic scare)
Daten.d. & 1804
DescriptionRequest on behalf of the Commissary of the District to the Superintendent of the Parish for a return of number of corn mills in the parish, and of amount of bread and spirits available at short notice [on dorse: note of quantities available]; returns of number of persons willing to serve with arms, of persons willing to act as pioneers or labourers, of yeomanry who promise to furnish waggons, etc. [the sheet of newspaper in which these returns were wrapped bears the following MS note: "The enclosed papers were given me by the Rev. [?E]. W. Holbech, having been found by him at Farnborough among his father's papers. C.A. Heurtley Sep&supr;. 1858"].
NA509/Fenny Compton/Warwickshire
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