
TitleCounterparts of leases for 99 years (from 1 Aug 1908) from the vicar and churchwardens of Meriden (trustees of the charity known as "Keresleys Fields or Leighton's Land") to the Warwickshire Coal Co. Ltd. of coal, ironstone and fireclay etc
Descriptionlying under an area of 16 a. 3r. 2p. in Keresley and an area of 8 a. 2r. 16p. in the same (with plans showing the areas. Coloured. Scale 1:2,500) with certain liberties attendant on mining operations. Subject to detailed provisions, covenants and conditions etc. (re, for instance, powers of working and getting the mines and minerals and determination of the lease, establishment and supervision of a machine house and weighing machine, the lessors' access and power of entry etc.). Rent: fixed minimum of £8 5s. 5d. and £4 4s. p.a. respectively with a footage rent royalty on the coal and cannel of £15 for every acre in extent being 1 ft. in thickness worked and gotten by the lessees and a royalty on the ironstone and fireclay of 4d. for every 2,240 lbs. mined. 5 Feb 1909(DR0261/109/1-2); counterparts of leases, between the same, of the surface of the Charity lands as above (with plans as in DR0261/109/1-2) "for the more convenient working of the said demised mines ... "with the buildings and erections thereon, liberty for the lessees to sink pits etc., erect engine houses with machinery and other necessary works and make roads and railways etc. and to erect buildings, including dwellinghouses, upon the lands demised. To be held from 1 Aug 1908 for 99 years subject to the existing tenancy of [] Harrison of the premises and to the powers conferred on the lessees to abandon and determine the lease in the manner provided. Rents: £30 p.a. and an additional payment of £5 annually for each acre of the lands used by the lessees for any other than agricultural purposes (with conditions re the restoration of the soil to a state fit for cultivation). With detailed provisoes and covenants etc. 7 Apr 1910(DR0261/109/3-4). All endorsed with Authorisations by the Charity Commissioners (sealed 15 Mar 1900). Sealed Charity Commission Orders giving authority to execute the mining leases on the Charity lands above, 15 Jan 1909(DR0261/109/5-6).
NA697/St Michael/Coventry/Coventry
NA700/Keresley (St Thomas)/Coventry/Coventry
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