
Title"Record of Chief Events": a bound volume of MS memoranda and notes of Church events
Description(especially those relating to ministry functions and the fabric of the Church) with newspaper cuttings etc., pasted in, including notes of, and references to, special services (1897-1918); rites and numbers of confirmations with lists of confirmees (1898-1937); numbers of Easter Day communicants (1903-1925); the resignation, institution and induction of incumbents; dedications of altar linen, stained glass windows, mural and memorial tablets etc. (1909-1919); perambulation of the boundaries (1882, 1894 and 1897); repairs and restoration etc. to the fabric including entries re the tower roof being struck by lightning (1882), the 1883 restoration (removal of galleries, re-seating etc.), moving the organ (1894), rebuilding of the tower battlements (1894), installation of heating apparatus (1895), replacing the church stove, and its renovation (1922); restoration (rehanging) of the bells (1893) and notes of peals, ringings and the first meetings of the Meriden Ringers Guild (1897-1898), refacing the church clock (1909), the 1924 restoration (specifying the work undertaken), installation of electric lighting. at the Church and a new heating chamber at the W end of the W aisle (1932) and the removal of the old weather cock (1933); election of churchwardens, vergers and sextons, overseers etc. (for some years); the Golden Jubilee celebrations of 1897 including references to the Old Meriden Friendly Society who presented 18 staves to the vicar (placed on the inside walls of the tower by the churchwardens); inauguration of a branch of the Mothers Union (1910); constitution of a new body of trustees of the Meriden Charities known as `Meriden United Charities' (1912); list of church workers including Sunday school and Day school teachers, choir and bellringers (1913); formation of the P.C.C. Finance Committee (1935); and references to "events" such as the discovery in a stable of the lid of an old oak chest, dated 1627, later attached to the present chest (1895), the 14th C. holy water stoup found (and broken) when digging a grave near the S porch, put together again and placed in the church (1895) and the restoration of the old font "which for many years had been used as a trough for a pump at the vicarage" (1932).
Enclosed: printed form of `Memorial Service for those fallen in the war', 27 Oct 1918(DR261/114/1); MS jottings re form of service, 11 Nov 1918(DR261/114/2); postcard addressed to the Rev. C.R. Digby re ?a lunch appointment, 29/?/?1918(DR261/114/3); newspaper cuttings re the dedication services for the war memorial tablet, 1919, and the Memorial Cross, 9 Aug 1920(DR261/114/4-5).
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