
TitleNote (on a small piece of paper) as follows:- Evidence of Barrs land and Cookes also Shurlocks close in Lapworth. And Prestons close' [Preston Close and Cooks or Shurlocks Croft belonged to Hill's Charity in Rowington
Datec.16th cent.
DescriptionSee Reports of the Commissioners to enquire concerning Charities (Warwickshire) 1819-1837, 1890, p. 135]
On the reverse is a note in Latin of a charter relating to a croft in Rowington called Moreland, two charters relating to land in Rowington called `hervies' and another charter relating to an acre of meadow in `le tyengs' [land called Harvey's given by Christian Cely, Moreland in Lapworth and presumably Tineings Acre by unknown donors for the poor of Rowington - see Reports of the Commissioners to enquire concerning Charities ..., p.138]. [Previous reference N5/121]
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