
TitleJohn & Alice Tinker to John the Bailiff.
Date10 May 1360
1 Hac indentura fta int' Johem Tynkere de Warrewyk & Alicia uxorem sua ex pte una & Johem le Baillif de Southam & Thom filiu
2 eiusdem Johis le Baillif ex pte altera testat qd pdti Johes Tynkere & Alicia tradiderut & dimiserut pfatis Johi le
3 Baillif & Thom unu mesuagiu & quatuordecim acras terr' & dimid' in Southam Que quidem mesuagiu & terr' descendebant
4 dta Alicie iure hereditar' post morte Robi Taillo' de Southam p'ris sui hend' & tenend' pdta mesuagiu & quatuordecim acr'
5 terr' & dimid' cu suis ptin pdtis Johi le Baillif & Thom ad totam usam eor; de pdtis Johe Tynker' & Alicia & hered' suis
6 reddend' inde annuatim eisdem Johi Tynker' & Alicie & hered' suis p quinaqginta annos pxm sequentes post dat' psentm aqtuor
7 solid' argenti ad t'mios sti michis Arch & Annuciatois bte marie equis portoibz Et faciend' Capitalibz dms feodi illius s'vitia
8 inde debita & de iure consueta Et si contingat dtm redditu p sex septiman post alique t'nu pnoiatu in pte
9 vel in toto aretro esse no solutu extuc bn liceat pfatis Johi Tynker' & Alicie & hered' suis pdta mesuagiu et
10 quatuordecim acr' t're & dimid' cu suis ptin ingredi & retinere quousqz de dto redditu simil cu arreragiis eis fu'it satisftm
11 Et si contingat qd pdti Johes le Bailliff & Thom infa pdtos quaqginta annos obierint hered' vel assignati dtor; Johis
12 le Bailliff & Thom heant & teneant dta mesuagiu & quatuordecim acr' t're & dimid cu suis ptin p redditu et
13 s'vitiis suapdtis quousqz dtus t'min9 ququaginta annor fu it completus. Et si pdti Johes le Bailliff & Thom ultra
14 pfatos quqginta annos vix'int & ipi vel heredes sui pdta mesuagiu & terra diutius tenere voluerint extuc
15 reddant inde annuatim pdtis Johi Tynkere & Alicie & heredibz suis viginta libras argenti ad t'mios suapdtos p
16 equales portoes Et pdti Johes Tynkere & Alicia concedut qd si ipi reu'sionem dtor mesuagiu & quatuordecim
17 acrar t're & dimid alicui vendere vel alienare voluerint infuturu suapdti Johes le Baillif & Thom & hered'
18 sui omibz aliis erut inde ppinquiores tantu donantes quantu alii sine fraude inde dare voluerint Et pdti Johes
19 Tynkere & Alicia & heredes sui pdta mesuagiu & quatuordecim acras t're & dimid' cu suis pti pfatis Johi le
20 Bailliff & Thom & heredibz suis vel assignat9; usqz ad finem pdti t'mi quinaqginta annor conta omes gentes
21 warantizabut & deffendent In cui9 rei testimoniu psentibz indenturis ptes pdte sigilla sua alt'natim apposuerut
22 Hiis testibz Hugon Togod Rado Baxt' Johe Emmesone Nicho Wodeward Willo le clerk de Offechirche & aliis.
23 Dat apud Southam die dmca px post festu sti Johis an Porta latina Anno regni Regis Edwardi ttii post
24 conquestu Tricesimo quarto
Ties for 2 seals, but seals gone.
Indenture between John Tynkere of Warwick and Alice his wife to convey one messuage and 14½ acres of land in Southam to John the bailiff of Southam and his son Thomas: the property having descended to Alice from her father Robert Taillour of Southam on his death. Conveyance is for 50 years for a rent of four shillings at Michaelmas and Lady Day in equal parts. Service to chief lords. The Tinkers may resume possession if rent is in arrear for 6 weeks until paid. If John the bailiff and his son die within the 50 years their heirs or assigns shall complete the term. If they outlive the 50 years and wish to retain the property they shall pay from that time 20 pounds of silver at the same terms in equal parts. If the Tinkers wish to dispose of the reversion they shall give John and Thomas priority above all others if the latter pay as much as anyone else offers without fraud. Tinkers will defend John and Thomas against all men. Both parties seal the indenture. Witnesses: Hugh Togod, Radulfus Baxter, John Emmesone, Nicholas Wodeward, William the Clerk of Offchurch (surnames as in original) and others. Dated at Southam the Sunday after the feast of St. John before the Latin Gate in the year 34 Edward III. (10 May 1360).
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