
TitleOsbarne to Whalley and others.
Date28 Apr 1491
DescriptionHenry Osbarne formerly of Southam, sole feoffee of John Craklowe son and heir of Thomas Craklowe with the consent of the said John demises to Thom. Whalley, Will. Perkyns, Ric. Cole, Thom. Wagstaffe, Ric. Whalley, Will. Cole, Joh. Langley jun., Ed. Collys, Joh. Prossell and Henry Gen' all of Sowtham one messuage and 14 acres with appurtenances in town and fields of Sowtham. Which said Henry had as Hen. Huykyns and Joh. Dusse formerly of Sowtham had ex dono et feoffamento aforesaid John Craklowe as appears in a deed dated at Sowtham 8 July 11 Edw ard IV (1471). Service to chief lords. Henry Osbarne appoints Robt. Charyer of Southam his attorney to deliver seisin to Whalley and the others. Sealed (unmarked wax). Witnesses: Gerard Odyngsell, knight, Joh. Spencer de Hoddenhull, Rob. Hoorre de Stonythorp, Joh. Base de Sowtham, Will. Prossell of the same, Joh. Langley sen. of the same, Hen. Wagstaffe of the same and others. Dated Thursday after St. Mark Evangelist 6 Henry VII.
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