
TitleCraklowe to Whalley and others.
Date19 May 1491
DescriptionJohn Craklowe son and heir of Thomas Craklowe recites that Henry Osbarne formerly of Sowtham and once his sole feoffee had with his consent demised one messuage and 14 acres in the town and fields of Sowtham to the persons named in DR142/15 as Henry Hukyns and Joh. Dusse of Sowtham now deceased had held it of the said John Craklowe as in deed dated at Sowtham Thursday after St. Mark Evangelist last. Now John Craklowe ratifies and confirms possession to Whalley and the others in full possession to them their heirs and assigns and renounces for himself and his heirs all claim or action in law for any part of it imperpetuum. Sealed (unmarked wax). Witnesses: Joh. Spencer de Hoddenhull, Joh. Borse, Will. Parkyns, Ric. Collys, Ric. Gen' all of Sowtham and others. Dated at Sowtham on feast of St. Dunstan Arch. 6 Henry VII.
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