
TitleFarmer to Burges and others.
DescriptionNo 21. Indenture in English - 12 Jan 1540.
DR0142/21. Made between Richard ffarmer of the Citie of London esquyer of one part and Antony Byrges, Wyllm. Powell, Thoms. Jelyans, Wyllm. Worrehall, Thoms. Clarke and Wyllm. Bette of Sowtham of the other part. Consideration to Farmer x.s stlyng. Four tenements and appurtenances in the towne and ffylde of Sowtham of the yearly value of xxiij.s. and all evidence, charters, and wrytyngs concerning the same. Covenants to make before the next Easter a sufficient and lawful estate in fee simple. Tenements to be discharged of all "former bargens, gyfts called Statute parchment Statute Staple executions Joynters Dowars and all other encomberlaunces the rent dewe to the chieff lorde onely except". For performance stands bound in 40 marks by obligation of even date. Said parties seal (only one tie and seal - shows crescent moon between plain crosses above 3 anchors above a cross crosslet). Endorsed: in banco Rotlo quarto de carta' script' ptec' Uz cogn' alloc' termno' sti hillar' anno regni regis Henrici octavi xxxjo
DR0142/22. In Latin - 12 Jan. 1540
Richard Farmer esquire of the City of London bound to those named in DR0142/21 in 40 marks sterling to be paid before the next Easter. Sealed (gone). Dated 22 Jan. 31 Henry VIII. Signed - p me Rychard' ffarmer.
DR0142/23. In English. Richard Farmer and heirs to perform agreements specified in a bond of indenture of even date to those named DR0142/21.
DR142/24. Conveyance in Latin. 14 Jan. 1540
Richard Farmer of the city of London esquire gives to Antonio Byrges, Will. Powel, Thom. Jelyans, Will. Worrehall, Thom. Clarke, Will. Bett, Thom. Edmonds, Joh. Salmon, Joh. Collys, Thom. Byrges, Hen. Clarke, Thom. Bett, Ric. Edmonds, Geo. Worrehall and Hen. Worrehall of Sowtham 4 tenements in Sowtham of annual value of twenty-three shillings with all lands, tenements, meadows, pastures and pasture-grounds thereto belonging in the town and field of Sowtham. Service to chief lord. Warrant and defend. Attorneys to deliver seisin Villimo Parson and Villmo Rodford. Sealed (gone). Dated 14 Jan. 31 Henry VIII. p me Rychard ffermer J.
DR0142/25. Sir John Farmer to Robert Worrall. 19 April 1567
Bond in Latin - John Farmer of Euston in Com. North. (?Duston in Northants) kt. under obligation to Rob. Wyrrall of Sowtham yoman in 100 marks of good and legal English money. Farmer's seal ("Thinck and Thang God" round cock's head). Dated 19 April 9 Elizabeth.
In English on same paper - Condition of bond is that where Richard Farmer late of the city of London esquire and father to John did sell to Anthony Brydges, Wyllm. Powell, Thoms. Jelyans, Wyllm. Wyrrall, Thoms. Clarke and Wyllm. Bette of Southam 4 tenements with appurtenances in the towne and fylde of Southam; if John Farmer delivers a good and incontestable estate in fee simple as shall be requested during the space of whole three years after this date "and anie tyme after as shalbe devysed by the learned counsell of the said Robert Wyrrall" "to the use and uses of the whole Inhabytantes of Southam" and peaceably to hold to the said uses, then the obligation to be void.
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