
TitleJohn Smyth to Richard Southam.
Date4 Aug 1415
DescriptionJohn, son and heir of Richard Smyth of Southam and Joanna his wife parts altogether for self and heirs to Richard Southam sen. of Coventry, mercer, with all those lands, tenements, meadows, pastures and pasture-grounds in town and fields of Southam which his parents held ex dono et feoffamento Will. Lalleford and which came to him as inheritance. Denies to self and heirs any claim, right of sale or action at law for any part thereof. Will warrant and defend Richard and heirs imperpetuum. Sealed (letter "A"). Dated at Southam 4 August 3 Henry V Witnesses: Will. Munmowthe vicar of the church of Sowtham, Thom. Crakkelawe, Ric. Baylly, Will.Baylly de Southam, Joh. Esturton, Rob. Byfelde, Will. Byfelde and many others.
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