
TitleSmall bundle marked "Odd Papers" in an early 19th Century hand
Date17th century-19th century
DescriptionIncluding copy of Probate of Will of John Hall, Apothecary, of Warwick, mentioning a messuage in High Street, and one in West Street called Wilson's House 1749. Lease from the Churchwardens and Overseers to Christopher Wareing of Warwick, Innholder, of the `Black Boy' in Sheep St. 3 bonds to perform condition of indentures, 1663, 1692, 1756. Justices Order to Churchwardens and Overseers to show evidence at the next Quarter Sessions, 1768. Pauper's petition for a weekly allowance, 1758. Copy of the Will of John Brandis of Alcester founding a charity for apprenticing Poor Boys 1724, and list of apprentices put out 1801-4. Petition on behalf of paupers for relief 1832. Estimates of rateable value, No Date Mid 19th cent. Fine 16 Car. II of a messuage and other property in Warwick.
NA715/St Mary/Warwick/Warwickshire
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