
TitleAssignment of mortgage by Sir Henry Puckering to Fulke, Lord Brooke, of a close at Woodcote
Date20 Nov 1681
DescriptionIndenture of assignment of mortgage by demise by Sir Henry Puckering alias Newton of the Priory in or near Warwick, baronet, of the 1st part, with the assent of Robert Davis of Leek Wootton, husbandman, of the 2nd part, to Fulke, Lord Brooke, Baron Brooke of Beauchamps Court, of the 3rd part, of a close or pasture ground at Woodcote, formerly granted to William Broome of Woodlowe, esquire, deceased, and late in the tenure of Robert, Lord Brooke, late of Warwick Castle, deceased, of the residue of a term of 1000 years, at the annual rent of 6 pence, with provision for payment of £63 12 shillings (£1 16 shillings on 20 May next and £61 16 shillings on 20 Nov next), reciting original mortgage of 30 Oct 1649 by the Bailiff and Burgesses of the Borough of Warwick to John Hartlett alias Hartley, the assignment of 6 Nov 1649 by John Hartlett alias Hartley to Robert Davis and the assignment of 12 Nov 13 Chas II [1661] by Robert Davis to Sir Henry Puckeringe: in consideration of £60.
20 November 33 Chas II 1681.
Endorsed with the date, including the wrong month Dec.
Seal: for Fulke Brooke, remnant attached by tag.
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