Description | Inspeximus of Star Chamber proceedings of 8 & 13 Nov 25 Eliz [1582] brought against Edward Fisher and Anselm Langton by George Chewne and others, for forgery of a deed of Edward's father,Thomas Hawkins alias Fysher, by razing out his father's name and substituting his own name (thus concealing the charges of certain rents at Tachbrook payable to the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, denying Thomas second wife, Suzanne, her proper entitlement, and the entails encumbent on properties), also causing the deed to be confirmed as genuine in Chancery, then fraudulently selling the site of the Priory and estates in Warwick and Tachbrook twice for the gain of £300, and finally by forging a pair of indentures appearing to settle property on himself and his son John. The case was found in favour of Chewne and others and against Edward Fisher, who was not only to pay a fine of £200 and lose the profits of his land to the Crown but also to be put in the pillory and have his ears cut off and his nostils slit, cut and seared with a hot iron, all before serving perpetual imprisonment. Exemplification made at the bequest of George Chewne, Giles Fluyde and Christopher Puckering and sealed, dated 30 Jan 26 Eliz [1584]. Great Seal: cream-coloured, partially damaged, attached by tag. Five membranes, document in English, with some Latin in opening and closing lines, including memoranda in margins about forgery.. Endorsed with brief title descriptions, date and number "8" in ink. |