Description | Relating to an indenture of appointment and conveyance dated 12 Sep 1851 between Thomas George Skipwith of Newbold Revel, esquire, and Glynne Earle Welby of Denton Hall, Lincolnshire, esquire, of the 1st part, Henry Christopher Wise of Woodcote in the parish of Leek Wootton, esquire, of the 2nd part, his son Henry Christopher Wise the younger, esquire, of the 3rd part, and Henry Eyres Landor of Tachbrook, gentleman, of the 4th part,of several pieces of land in the parishes of St George Hanover Square and St John the Evangelist, Westminster containing 24 acres 1 rood 25 perches, as delineated on a plan annexed to an indenture of 23 Dec 1830. |