Description | Counterpart indenture of lease by Dame Jane Bowyer of the Priory in or near Warwick, widow, Vincent Grantham of Goltho, Lincolnshire, esquire, and his son and heir Richard Grantham, to Henry Hunt of the Middle Temple, London, esquire, of the west part of the Great New House (built on the site where 4 houses previously stood) in the borough of Warwick at the upper end of a street called Saltisford, containing 4 ground rooms and a great passage to the east of them, the rooms, chambers and cellars above and below the ground rooms and passage, the proportionate part of backbuildings, yard and gardens, and a little close adjoining the premises called the Burnt Garden, with rights of common for horses and cows, to be held from 24 June next for a term of 21 years, at the annual rent of £18, including provisions for Hunt to give one year's notice, for repairs to be done by Hunt, including those outlined in a schedule at the bottom (the costs of the latter being deducted from the rents), for tiling and brick walls to be put in to divide the premises from the rest of the new house, and for the Granthams to permit the executors and assigns of Dame Jane, should she die within 4 years of the lease, to receive the rents subject to any deductions by Hunt. 16 April 1702 1 Anne. Seal: for Henry Hunt, applied to tag. |