Description | Counterpart indenture of lease by James Mollett of the parish of St Margaret, Westminster, Middlesex, surveyor of gardens, to Charles Picout of the parish of St Martin in the Fields, Middlesex, gent, of a parcel of ground lying near the Gore between Knightsbridge and Kensington in the parish of St Margaret, Westminster, and all buildings to be erected on it, containing 30 feet in front and 300 feet in depth (abutting the high road from Knightsbridge to Kensington to the north, a passageway to the ground of Mathew Child to the east, a ditch or canal to the south, and a piece of ground of Martin Buckingham to the west), to be held from Christmas Day for a term of 29ΒΌ years, at the annual rent of 45 shillings, with a covenant by Picout to build a brick wall and a gravel walk and plant a row of trees and put up posts and rails in front of the premises before 25 March next. 30 October 1685 1 Jas II. Endorsed with the number "10". Seal: for Charles Picaut, applied to tag. |