
TitleCopy of Exchequer court proceedings relating to embezzlement by Thomas Fisher
Date27 Jun 1595
DescriptionLetters Patent of Inspeximus of Exchequer court case involving the embezzlement of funds, for the total sum of £3170 15s 2d, by Thomas Fisher late of the town of Warwick, esquire, deceased, lately a Receiver of Revenues of the Crown for Warwickshire and Leicestershire, who wrongly received, by deception and fraud, allowances over a period of 14 years from the feast of St Michael 5&6 Phil & Mary [29 Sep 1558] up to the feast of St Michael 14 Eli [29 Sep 1572]. The allowances relate to several pensions and annuities of people formerly in religious houses and various fees [over 60 instances cited, giving details of names, institution, values and time period]. Details of the court proceedings are recorded, including adjournments.
The inspeximus was made at the request of John Puckering, knight, Keeper of the Great Seal, witnessed 27 June 37 Eliz.
Endorsed as being Edward Fisher's confession for the escheat of allowances by his father, with the wrong date [1596] given in a later hand.
Seal: of the Court of Exchequer, dark green, only part remaining on tag
Three parchment sheets.
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