
TitleLetters Patent setting up commission of inquiry about road from London to Edgeware, Middlesex
Date24 Jul 1577
DescriptionLetters Patent of Elizabeth appointing Henry, Earl of Kent, Francis, Earl of Bedford, Arthur, Lord Grey, Gilbert Gerrard, Attorney General, Charles Morysyn, Henry Conyngsbye, John Puckering, William Wightman, Francis Heydon, Thomas Marche, Robert Stenethe, William Gerrard, Richard Alexander, John Cade and Robert Losse, esquires, as commissioners to inquire into the non-use or possible abuses of charitable funds set up to repair and maintain the road leading from the city of London to Edgeware, Middlesex, which had fallen into decay.
Dated at Gorambury, 24 Jul 19 Eliz.
Great Seal: double-sided, with designs of the queen on the throne and on horseback, yellow, repaired, attached by tongue.
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