
TitleMortgage from Sir Edward Boughton to Sir Henry Puckering, of lands in Lutterworth, Leicestershire
Date13 Jul 1664
DescriptionIndenture of mortgage by bargain and sale from Sir Edward Boughton of Little Lawford, baronet, of the 1st part, to Sir Henry Puckeringe alias Newton of the Priory near Warwick, baronet, of the 2nd part, and Sir Robert Holt of Aston near Birmingham, baronet, and Francis Fisher of Radford Semele, esquire, of the 3rd part, of lands called Moor Barn Fields, a tenement called the Keepers House and several pastures and meadows, containing at least 338 acres [further described] in Lutterworth, Leicestershire, to be held for a term of 99 years to secure £5000 (in consideration of £5000 paid to Sir Edward by Sir Thomas and 5 shillings by Sir Robert and Francis).
13 July 16 Chas II 1664.
Endorsed as being Sir Edward Boughton's counterpart of a lease or demise of "Morebarnes".
Seals: two, red, round, one in paper wrapping, the other worn, attached by tag, with another for H Puckering and its tag cut off and missing.
Indenture has been slit.
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