Description | Not in any order, dealing mainly with disputed appointments of Brethren and the interpretation of the statutes for the management of the Hospital, including:
Petition of the Master and Brethren to Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Chancellor, for hearing and determination of their lawsuit against Ognell over the Cryfield rent-charge. Annotated by Sir Thomas Egerton with a direction for Mr. Lambarde to consult concerning this, and by W. Lambarde, dated 21 June 1599, arranging to meet the counsel of the parties in the suit the following night. c.21 Jun 1599. [/1]
Petition of the Master and Brethren to the Countess of Warwick, asking her to move the Chancellor to be informed of the state of the lawsuit against Ognell over the Cryfield rent-charge, and take action to determine it. Endorsed by the Chancellor, Sir Thomas Egerton: 'I never denyed to hear theyr cousell, when they offered to move, and therefore these ydle petitions are nedeles, and serve to no purpose, but to consume the money of the Hospital.' n.d. [c.1599] [/2]
Warrant of Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick, to Edward Bowghton, esq., his receiver-general in the county of Warwick, authorising payment to the Hospital of £20 yearly, pending a lawsuit over the Cryfield rent-charge of the same amount, which the tenant, Ugnall, refuses to pay. 19 Jul 1589. [/3]
Letter of William Emott to Tymothy White, mainly about tithes. 1648. [/5]
Copy of letter of Timothy White to the patron about the woman servant kept by the Hospital. n.d. [/6]
A letter of Rice Jem to John Hunt of Warwick, about the difficulties in collecting Hospital revenues. 1644. [/7]
Copy of an opinion of William Lambarde, to the effect that Ognell should be made to answer for the arrears of the rent-charge up to the time of his alienation to Robert Lee, alderman of London. 9 Nov 1599. [/32A]
Copy of a Chancery decree in the suit between the Master and Brethren, plaintiffs, and Robert Lee, Alderman of London, and George Ognell, defendents, requiring Lee to pay the rent-charge while the land is in his possession, and Ognell to pay arrears. Signed by Laurence Washington. 31 Jan 1601. [/33]
Copy of a petition of the 12 Brethren to the visitors, containing complaints about financial matters and the behaviour of Mr. Kendall. n.d., c.1840 [/111]
Petition signed by 11 Brethren to William Bromley, esq., recorder of Warwick [1727-31], about division of income between the Master and Brethren, and 2 copies of the statutes, annotated with respect to their case. n.d., c.1727. [/112, /40, /41]
Copy of a petition to the Parliamentary Committee for Removing Obstructions for the Sale of the late King's Lands, about rights of getting fire-wood at Kenilworth. 1650. [/113]
Copy of the statutes, fragmentary and much used. n.d., 18th century. [115]
Letters and memoranda concerning Samuel Burton and his differences with John Kendall the Master, with copies of orders issued by Burton and 6 other Brethren to the steward and to the builder at work on the chapel, in opposition to the Master, with a bill of Thomas Tidmas, solicitor, for £32 for legal expenses incurred by these Brethren. 1807-1809. [/116, /117, /119, /34, and passim].
Copy of a prayer used by the Master, probably that forbidden by the injunctions in 1809. n.d. [/118]
Copy of a letter about the Hospital privy, and access from the adjoining property for the purpose of emptying it, with plan. c.1820. [/120, /121]
[Other papers in this bundle are listed in CR1600/LH115-118 in the series of Legal Papers forming part of the Section The Cryfield Annuity]. |